• Resolved aleahl213



    Is there any way to do A/B testing with the standard version or the pro version? I want to test different messaging and pictures in the popups. I would like to create 2 different popups, and then show one of them 50% of the time and the other 50% of the time, to compare which one works the best

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  • Plugin Support Kris – WPMU DEV Support


    Hi @aleahl213

    I’m afraid we do not have such a feature.

    You could try this as a test. Create 2 popups and use Use Visibility Rules and Visitor’s Browser. 1st popup for Firefox and 2nd one Chrome.

    With that, you will calculate that from 85 total visitors from Firefox 24 triggered some action (for example if pop up contains a form that end-user needs to fill). In the end you have like 28% positive results from Firefox.
    Later on, you will calculate that from 114 total visitors from Firefox only 12 triggered some action. In the end you have like 10,5% positive results from Chrome.

    Kind Regards,

    I am using it first A/B testing so just..
    Thank you.

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