• Resolved Anticosti



    Just wondering… is there any update coming soon covering some fixed from GitHub issues? It’s been 2 months already since the last update.

    Thank you.

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  • Hi @anticosti I wanted to release this week, but we wanted to do some more tests to check if there any issue remains that causes for WP 5.5 version. So, we’ve decided to release next week.

    Thank you very much.

    Thread Starter Anticosti


    Thank you @ediamin for your reply.
    Indeed, I understand your point for the WP 5.5 version. That could be a tricky update. No problems to wait some more. You guys are the best! Thanks and take good care!

    Hello @anticosti,

    Our development team released WPUF 3.4.0 yesterday. Thank you and stay safe.


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