• Resolved analema



    Thanks for this plugin, however I need some help today. After updating to version 1.3.1

    The prompt that tells about the update and the new Almond flavorshows, upon hitting the The checkbox, “Got it, Thanks!. Please don’t show this again.” closes the message one time only to pop up again the next time I open any WordPress admin link

    it means that now everytime I open a link within my wp admin I am shown the notification abot wp smartcontract almond and everytime I need to close it or scroll down to work with my site. It s a huge annoyance

    Thanks in advance and best regards

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  • Noticed this too
    Also almond not showing for token 2 adress

    Anyway thank you for this fantastic plugin

    Plugin Author WPSmartContracts


    Thanks @analema and @fraresc for your comments and feedback,

    I think both problems should be solved just by clearing cache or doing a hard reload of the page after updating the plugin.

    Could you please verify?

    Cache did not remove the popup from not going away and neither does clearing it.

    Thread Starter analema


    Yes, same here, cleared cache both locally and at cloudflare to no avail

    thanks in advance and best regards

    Thread Starter analema


    Hello, just to let you know this issue was resolved deactivating (turning off) and activating (on) again the plugin at the plugin section (plugins>installed plugins)

    Thank you

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