• Resolved hatisenang


    Hi, suddenly after about a day of everything working just fine on both the front & back-end. Now images are not showing up anymore in the back-end. When I inspect any of the image tags they are all the same where the src is pointing to what seems to be a 1x1px base64 image. Here is an example of an image tag from my /wp-admin/upload.php :

    <img width="60" height="60" src="" class="attachment-60x60 size-60x60" alt="" sizes="(max-width: 60px) 100vw, 60px" data-loading="lazy" data-src="https://hatisenang.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/79198315_1541830485992524_769739315356306079_n-1-200x200.jpg" data-srcset="https://hatisenang.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/79198315_1541830485992524_769739315356306079_n-1-200x200.jpg 200w, https://hatisenang.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/03/79198315_1541830485992524_769739315356306079_n-1.jpg 999w">

    Since everything is working just fine on the front-end. I’m thinking maybe just disable the plugin’s functionality in the back-end only but I’m sure we would really want to find and fix whatever is causing the problem. Any help would be much appreciated. Thanks.

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  • Plugin Author Gijo Varghese


    @hatisenang those base64 images are the placeholders. It’s expected. We rewrite src via JavaScript after load.

    If this happened after some time, it shouldn’t be due to Flying Images. Here are some possible causes:
    – Some other plugin or theme is adding their own lazy loading
    – JavaScript of Flying Images got combined with other JS files and there is an error thrown by one of the scripts (check console).

    Without URL and further details, I can’t debug it further.

    Thread Starter hatisenang


    Thank you for such a quick reply. I’m doing lots of script modification on the front end but none for the back end and nothing is showing up in the console either. I just sent you access to wp-admin via https://wpspeedmatters.com/contact-me/ Thank you.

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