• naomispirit


    I’m using Mailpoet in conjunction with Formidable Forms to test things on a local site. I have a signup form created in formidable forms When I am creating user signups up they are going straight to the trash folder of the list, which weirdly wasn’t happening at the start.

    I’ve turned off the spam protection and captcha in case that was the problem.

    Also is there any wat to turn off double optin at this testing stage?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Thu P. a11n


    Hi there,

    I understand you’re testing Formidable Forms with MailPoet but subscribers are going to trash.

    Are your new subscribers perhaps signing up to your WordPress site as users too? And if so, do you perhaps have the WordPress Users list disabled? If it is disabled, you will find it under MailPoet > Lists > Trash.

    The reason I ask is that if the WordPress Users list is disabled, the users in that list are automatically moved to Trash. However, their data is not lost and can be restored as soon as the WordPress Users list is re-enabled.

    Please check on your WordPress Users list, and let us know whether what I described is applicable in your case.

    Regarding disabling double opt-in, there’s not an option to do so with the MailPoet Sending Service, however, if you select Other under MailPoet > Settings > Send With… tab, you’ll be able to disable Sign-up Confirmation under MailPoet > Settings > Signup Confirmation tab.

    Feel free to get back to us in case you have any additional questions!

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