• After updating to 6.5.4 the list of installed plugins is mostly empty, even though as far as I can tell they still all work. The counts at the top of the page (All, Active,Inactive, etc.) are also correct.
    The only plugin showing in the list is “AddFunc Header & Footer Code”

    Any advice?

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  • Hi there,

    I can’t seem to replicate this issue from my site with the same WordPress version. Here’s a screenshot of what I seeL: https://d.pr/i/uzkMmz

    It seems that there might be a conflict issue on your site which might be caused by a plugin or the theme.

    Can you try disabling the “AddFunc Header & Footer Code” plugin and see if that helps bringing the plugins back?

    If that doesn’t work, you could try installing the Check Conflicts plugin to disable all plugins and enable a default Twenty Twenty theme to see if that brings the plugin list back.

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