• The last 2 versions, 3.08 and 3.09, are incredibly bugged, the menus don’t work, I change my settings and the builder doesn’t save the changes, I select new global colors from my typography menu and Elementor says they’re saved when they actually AREN’T, I refresh the page after saving changes in my color settings and they DISAPPEAR…

    They said those issues were solved with the 3.09 version, they are not only NOT SOLVED WHATSOEVER but worse tan before. Please do yourself a favor and use OXYGEN or any other builder, I started my site with this one and am now regretting it immensely…

    • This topic was modified 3 years, 9 months ago by ibshans.
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  • Thread Starter ibshans


    Tried restoring previous versions but still doesn’t work, the whole plugin is bugged as f***.

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