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  • Plugin Author Mateusz Gbiorczyk


    Hi @rvscc,

    Thank you for your review. I am sorry you have encountered a problem with our plugin. Do not worry, I will try to explain you everything below.

    In our notification you have a “Hide and do not show again” button. When you click it, the notification will disappear forever. Please tell me, have you tried clicking this button?

    We never intended to spam people in the WordPress dashboard. Currently, our plugin is used by over 400,000 users and we do not receive reports similar to yours. Therefore, I will be grateful if you help us diagnose this matter better.


    Thread Starter rvscc


    Its the build up of all plugin devs and asking for reviews, promotions etc.
    It needs to stop, important notices are almost invisible.

    Why a store wide notice? just add it minimalistic on your admin plugin page.

    Why should i dismiss all those promo’s, ps they are always coming back after a while.

    Like your plugin, but hope you and other devs will look into this.

    Plugin Author Mateusz Gbiorczyk


    Thank you for your answer @rvscc!

    Below I am sending you information about all notifications that were available in our plugin:

    • webpc_notice_thanks – is a notification asking for a review
    • webpc_notice_upgrade – is a notification with information about the possibility of upgrading the plan to the PRO version
    • webpc_notice_bf2022 – is a notification with information about the Black Friday promotion, which was displayed from November 24, 2022 to November 28, 2022 (the notification was only visible for 5 days, but it could be closed at any time)
    • webpc_notice_bf2023 – is a notification with information about the Black Friday promotion, which was displayed from November 20, 2023 to November 27, 2023 (the notification was only visible for 8 days, but it could be closed at any time)
    • In every notification you have a “Hide and do not show again” button. When you click it, the notification will disappear forever. Do not close this notification with the X button, just click this button. Then the notification will disappear forever.

      Please see how many people use the plugin and how many people add reviews. Most people, when they are satisfied with using a plugin, do not add reviews. For us, feedback is very important because it allows us to develop the plugin.

      Please tell me what do you think about it now? Do you think the plugin deserves 1 star even though you like and use it?

    Thread Starter rvscc


    Remove the notices global and i give you 5.
    That is my feedback.

    Plugin Author Mateusz Gbiorczyk


    @rvscc, are you looking at my perspective that I described to you above?

    You receive the plugin from us for free. Additionally, we devote a lot of time to technical support. In total, these are thousands of hours. Of course, you have the right to such a review, but on a human level I’m sad. Because it shows that all our efforts are worthless.

    Thread Starter rvscc


    No not at all, if i need you plugin for a pro feature, i will buy it.
    Like i said, i like your plugin. Your effort is not worthless.

    But you can add review request, sales etc. on the plugin page.
    Don’t shout it al around in my admin or dashboard.
    That’s what i don’t like.

    It’s not a circus, it s a professional site.
    Each time i open client sites, i need to dismiss dozens of promotional notices from plugin devs.
    Looks like a Wallmart store with all the promo’s.

    Change it and i will change my review.

    Plugin Author Mateusz Gbiorczyk


    @rvscc I think now you are trying to penalize all plugins that add notifications. Then please tell me why you use such plugins?

    In my opinion, using plugins means you save a lot of time. You don’t have to write thousands of lines of code or pay a developer to do it.

    For you, the problem is clicking one button and closing the notification, and you don’t look at everything that the plugin gives you.

    Please tell me, do you think this is fair?

    Thread Starter rvscc


    We need plugins in this ecosystem.
    Its the choice of the developer or UX specialist how to promote.
    I think you have better options.

    Its not clicking one button, its clicking dozens of buttons on al admins.
    And again, most of the time they are coming back after a while.
    Im not the only one complaining, it’s on the net for years.

    I think i made my point about a professional looking admin.

    Cheers 😉

    Plugin Author Mateusz Gbiorczyk


    @rvscc It’s not my fault that notifications come back in other plugins. I wrote to you about our notification and told you that they were coming back. Please don’t penalize all plugins for something the selected ones do in a bad way.

    If you see better options than notifications, please let me know. I’ll be happy to use them.

    Thread Starter rvscc


    In WordPress on the Converter for Media pages that would be the place to promote and ask for reviews. Keep notifications only for important info.

    If you product is good, admins will place reviews.
    And your product is good.

    You can make a sub feature that users only can get when they opt-in with there e-mail.
    Promote this feature and you can do your email marketing to place a review or up-sell the whole app.

    Plugin Author Mateusz Gbiorczyk


    Thank you for your answer @rvscc!

    In WordPress on the Converter for Media pages that would be the place to promote and ask for reviews. Keep notifications only for important info.

    This is not a good place because it would not be effective. No notification appears immediately after installing the plugin. And you only need to enter the plugin settings once – after installing the plugin, to perform the collective optimization process. After that, no one enters the plugin settings anymore, because there is no need for it.

    You can make a sub feature that users only can get when they opt-in with there e-mail.

    I don’t want to collect the email addresses of thousands of users. I don’t need this because I would have to protect this data. I shouldn’t ask for data from plugin users.

    Moreover, the newsletter is even less effective in this matter. How can I ask for a review from someone if I don’t know if they still use the plugin? The newsletter will not help in this matter.

    Thread Starter rvscc


    Ok thats why i give you 1 star.



    I totally support @rvscc here. it’s full of bloat and spammy notifications.



    and another spammy notification added “webpc_notice_pro_version”

    we’re removing your product from our standard client install and advising our 200+ customers to stop paying and change to one of many alternatives.

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