• Resolved devformtesting


    The admin bar is not appearing on the pages (frontend). I’ve enabled the toolbar option in the user settings and added the following hook in the functions file: add_filter( 'show_admin_bar', '__return_true' );. But its still not working. I’m using the Divi Builder, and both the header and footer are built within it.

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  • Without a URL we are just guessing but there are several things to look at:

    1) If it happens only with your user, check your profile options to make sure it’s not turned off.

    2) Could be caching so try disabling all caching plugins temporarily to see if it helps

    3) Make sure your URLs match in WP Admin > Settings > General (meaning, you don’t have one URL using the www in the URL and one not, you don’t have one URL set to use https and the other http).

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