• I thought it would ease my life a bit, but now I see it’s just garbage. Some months ago, this plugin suddenly began to show an INCOGNITO NAG DIALOG to all wp-admin backend pages, advertising other plugins of the author and offering to install them with one click. It’s not possible to dismiss that dialog, it comes again all the time even when closing it.

    I’ll remove this nonsense plugin, because it’s easy to substitute it with an ordinary HTML block.

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  • Plugin Author A WP Life


    Hi @schnipsel13,

    It’s only for the recommendation, if you will use the “Dismiss this notice” button it will not appear again.


    Thread Starter Shnipsel


    if you will use the “Dismiss this notice” button it will not appear again

    Negative, it appears again on every page. Button doesn’t work.

    Plugin Author A WP Life


    Our 2 developers have just checked it and it’s working perfectly.


    Thread Starter Shnipsel


    Not here. And since the dialog conceals its origin, I assume intent.

    Plugin Author A WP Life


    Maybe any other plugin was conflicting.

    But Thanks for sharing your thought.

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