• Resolved julie2009


    I find that since the recent update to Photo Gallery (Version 1.5.86), adding tags to photos within a photo gallery using Bulk Actions is not working correctly. I must add tags to each individual photo rather than in bulk. This is time consuming. I also notice that when uploading photos to a new gallery, they are not listed in the order in which I uploaded them. Also, in one of the galleries, the final photo is not appearing in the slide show on the front end although it does appear in the preview. Can you help with these problems please?

    • This topic was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by julie2009.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support Kima Baghdasaryan



    We are sorry for the inconveniences you have faced.

    1. We will fix this issue with next update.
    2. Please note that it is working with that way.
    3. To find a reason of this issue, please contact our support team using the following form


    Thread Starter julie2009


    Thank you for your reply. I tried adding tags again today to a new gallery using Bulk Action (the way I’ve always done and following the instructions), and it still did not work. I have submitted the contact form in the link in your above message.

    I can confirm point 2 and currently need this function. May I ask when the update (bug fix) will come?

    Many thanks

    Hi !

    I got the same issue as @julie2009 mention it

    I can bulk change / add title on photos but can add / remove tags
    When i select multiple pictures, choose this action and apply, when the tag windows open you can see the checked boxes become uncheck

    I can record a video if necessary

    I test with php 7 and now pho 8, last wordpress and same issue


    (also now when my pictures are add with tag, the space in the tag is replace by an underscore. This issue didn’t exist in prior version)

    Plugin Support Kima Baghdasaryan



    Please kindly update the plugin and the issue with adding tags to photos within a photo gallery using Bulk Actions will be resolved.


    Thread Starter julie2009


    Thanks very much for fixing this bug. This will be a big help!

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