• Resolved ignitebd


    Hi this is a fabulous plugin and I am able to add to the new menu items on the main page, is it possible to get the new links added to the profile that shows up at the top right hand side of the screen too?



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  • Plugin Author Nahid Ferdous Mohit


    Hey there @ignitebd !
    Hope you are doing well today!

    Thank you for your kind words!

    By default and out of the box, BuddyPress doesn’t have a profile display on the top right hand side of the screen. If you see something of that sort on your site, that is most likely a custom BuddyPress extension set up in the theme by your theme authors.

    However, could you still possibly send me a link to your website in your next response so that I can take a closer look?

    I’ll be looking forward to hearing back from you. Thanks!

    Kind regards,

    Plugin Author Nahid Ferdous Mohit


    Hey there @ignitebd !
    Hope you are doing well today!

    Since it has been over a week and I haven’t heard back from you, I’m going to mark this topic as resolved for now. Please feel free to re-open this if you’d like to continue the investigation.


    Kind regards,

    Please how can i add an external link to the menu

    Plugin Author Nahid Ferdous Mohit


    Hi there, @omo9jatoja !
    I hope you are doing well today!

    Thank you very much for your query. I’m very sorry to say this but unfortunately, it is not possible to add an external link to a menu item, at this moment.

    However, this feature sounds very interesting and I’ve added it as a feature request. I hope I can come up with this soon in an update.


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