• Resolved originalconcept


    Hello! I’m trying for now the free version but I would like to upgrade to the paid version to unlock all the features.

    Question 1
    Any chance you can add ACF integration? I would need to add some fields only for the agent, and some shared. I also have custom ACF fields which brins me very specific functionalities that let me integrate with other CTP.

    Question 2
    Is there a way to see the tickets in WP backend as CPT?

    Thank you!

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  • Plugin Author Nazmul Huda



    Thank you for your interest in upgrading to the paid version of Support Genix.

    ACF Integration: The agent backend does not support ACF fields. However, there is no need to use ACF for custom fields. Support Genix includes its own custom field feature, allowing you to add as many fields as you need.

    Viewing Tickets as CPT: Currently, there is no way to view the tickets in the WP backend as CPT (Custom Post Type).

    If you have any further questions or need assistance, please feel free to ask.

    Best regards,

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