• Resolved abletec


    Your website contains an accessibility statement. It made me hopeful that perhaps the plugin would be accessible as well. I’m very disappointed. Thus far:
    1) Form fields in the ‘Create Item” form are totally unlabeled;
    2) Docs contain screen shots which are unreadable by those using screen readers. & that’s just in the 1st hour of looking at this plugin.

    I may well be requesting a refund. I’d rather be able to use the plugin instead.

    WordPress has committed to WCAG 2.0 AA conformance at its core. It’d be wonderful if you folks would do likewise. Failure to do so means you’re leaving money on the table, &, at least from my viewpoint, that’s never a good thing. That doesn’t even address the point that it’s simply the right thing to do. Disabled individuals, often more than any others, can benefit by entrepreneurship. But so often we’re excluded by accessibility obstacles like the ones previously mentioned.


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  • Plugin Contributor Elana Davis


    Hello @abletec,

    ​Thank you for reaching out to support! Thank you for the concern we are taking accessibility very seriously. We have been working on getting updates out that are more accessible for anyone. We have made changes to our website and are working on removing our old support documents. Getting them converted over to the Sprout Invoices site and updated.

    We also released, 20.0 as a start for better accessibility in the settings and configuration area. We are continuing to make sure that all of our suite of products meet the same standards.

    Also, I will gladly refund your purchase if you like. Or if you wanted to get premium support if you have purchased a license I will gladly help with anything I can. You can access support with the below link


    or emailing helpdesk@sproutinvoices.com

    Elana D.

    Plugin Contributor Elana Davis


    Hello @abletec,

    Also, wanted to say if you reach out to the premium support I can gladly update those labels in the pre-defined line items, until we can get them in a future release.

    Elana D.

    Plugin Contributor Elana Davis


    Hello @abletec,

    Per our support policies, I’m going to mark this as resolved. Please don’t hesitate to reach out in the future if you run into anything.

    Elana D.

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