• Hello to all

    After updating to the latest WordPress version, “abnormal” text appeared on the header;
    “Continua a leggere” /> Continua a leggere”> Continua a leggere”>”

    How can I fix it?

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Hey Gianluca,
    I’ve only taken a quick look at your site and the source code, but it looks like it may be a weak social media plugin or something that is causing this code to show up at the top. Take a look at your source code and you’ll see extra meta tags and other stuff that may be clues as to where your issues lie. I’m fairly confident that the issue is not with the theme or wordpress itself.

    If it were one of one of my sites, it would probably be some weak code that I wrote myself that caused the error.


    Brent is probably right about the plugin. The best way to test for a plugin issue is to go through all of your active plugins, and deactivate them one by one, seeing if the issue goes away when a certain plugin is OFF.

    Be sure you’re clearing you’re cache, and let me know if you find anything.


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