Support » Plugin: MailPoet - Newsletters, Email Marketing, and Automation » Able to view subscribers despite not granting “Manage subscribers” capability

  • I’m using the Members plugin to try and create a role that only has the “Admin menu item” and “Manage emails” capabilities. But when viewing the “Emails” page (as this limited role) I am also able to view a list of email subscribers that received the email by clicking what is in the “Status” column of an email.

    I’m wondering if this is intentional or an oversight. Thanks.

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  • Thread Starter Aldis Ruiz


    I will also mention, that giving the “Manage emails” capability allows the user to see the Automations page (page=mailpoet-automation) in the WordPress admin, but thankfully doesn’t allow him to move forward to creating one (page=mailpoet-automation-templates).

    Plugin Support Thu P. a11n


    Hi there,

    If I understand correctly, you’re using the Members plugin to manage user roles and created a new role that can manage emails but can’t manage subscribers. Is that correct?

    If so, I’m not certain if our plugin works with the Members plugin this way to restrict subscriber access. Can you confirm if the role can access the MailPoet > Subscribers tab?

    Plugin Support Chris Moreira – a11n



    The best option would be to contact the support team of the Members plugin and inquire about additional options to restrict your desired archive.

    Thread Starter Aldis Ruiz


    If I understand correctly, you’re using the Members plugin to manage user roles and created a new role that can manage emails but can’t manage subscribers. Is that correct?

    That is correct.

    Can you confirm if the role can access the MailPoet > Subscribers tab?

    Here are some screenshots:

    The best option would be to contact the support team of the Members plugin and inquire about additional options to restrict your desired archive.

    I think that this is a mailpoet issue, since it’s the mailpoet plugin that creates capabilities and restricts portions of the plugin according to those capabilities.

    Plugin Support Paulo P – a11n



    Thanks for writing back and sharing the additional details.

    I can confirm that, by default, users with the “Editor” role can access the MailPoet > Emails section freely. But let me clarify with the team if having access to the “Status” (and thus the email addresses) is intended as well.


    Plugin Support Paulo P – a11n


    Hello @aldisruiz,

    The team has confirmed that it’s expected behavior that a user with the “Manage emails” capability can view subscribers in the Status column. The “Manage subscribers” capability would allow them to also create, edit, and delete subscribers.

    Hopefully this clarified the topic.


    Thread Starter Aldis Ruiz


    Alright, thanks.

    Plugin Support Daniyal Ahmed (a11n)


    Hi there,

    I’ll go ahead and mark this thread as solved now. If you have any questions, please open a new support request at

    Have a wonderful day.


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