• Since this plugin seems to be abandoned by the author, it is only a matter of time before it creates a security issue or stops functioning with a future wordpress update. Has anyone found a suitable replacement?

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  • I’m freezing my version of wordpress, so I really don’t give a darn.
    Maybe the compliment will encourage the plugin author to come back.

    I’d like to see a replacement for this as well. The “next” button has not been working for some time, but at least it was still somewhat random. But unfortunately I’ve been getting this email for a few days now:


    Since WordPress 5.2 there is a built-in feature that detects when a plugin or theme causes a fatal error on your site, and notifies you with this automated email.

    In this case, WordPress caught an error with one of your plugins, Quotes Collection.`

    It’s now been removed from WordPress.org pending review. I’ve searched high and low for a suitable replacement, but I’m afraid this is the best one out there. Developer site is down as well, so it doesn’t look good.

    Plugin Author Srini G


    Hello users of the plugin! I have not been able to pay attention to the plugin due to personal issues and other commitments.

    Now, the plugin has been removed from here because my site is down and also there was a particular issue with the plugin. I’ve already fixed the issue and updated the plugin at GitHub https://github.com/sriniguna/quotes-collection

    I will check for other issues, update the plugin, get back my site online and get the updated version published here as soon as possible.

    And by the way, the plugin is completely open source, anyone is more than welcome to fork it, make the changes they want and publish it with a new name under the same License.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Srini G.
    • This reply was modified 2 years, 9 months ago by Srini G.

    It’s a great plugin – thank you for updating it on Github. Hope you sort everything out on WordPress.org.

    Thank you Srini! This is a great plugin, and I am glad to hear its removal is only temporary.

    Thanks for the update. Good luck with your personal commitments. Set up a donate link when you get your site up and running again!


    Really glad to hear the plugin will be back up on WordPress soon. Thanks for fixing the issue and updating it. It is a great plugin and I was not looking forward to having to find a replacement. Hope all is well with you and hope things are resolving for you!


    Glad to hear it, @srinig! When I got the abandoned notification, I went and searched for alternatives, but there doesn’t seem to be another plugin that works quite as perfectly for what I need.

    (Now if only the plugin would hyperlink the Author using the Source field, if the source field contains a URL, the plugin would be perfect. I’ve worked around that one by creating a A HREF in the Author field, but that’s not ideal…)

    And 2nding @davebach on the donation link!

    3rd on the donation link

    I too had been unable to find a like-for-like alternative, so it’s good to hear that it’s not been abandoned! Look forward to its reappearance on WordPress. Thanks @srinig.

    Can anyone tell me how to download the Github version to install? I’ve not done it from there before.
    I hope it’s updated here soon. I really like this plugin!

    To @starhorsepax2

    Go to https://github.com/sriniguna/quotes-collection

    Click green “Code” button and select “Download Zip”.

    Go to your WordPress Dashboard and under PLUGINS click “Add New”.

    Click “Upload Plugin”, select the ZIP you downloaded and click the “Install Now” button and you should be all set.

    Alternately you can unzip the file and manually upload it to your WordPress installation via FTP and activate through the Dashboard, but I the above should work fine.

    • This reply was modified 2 years, 8 months ago by Lectrichead.

    Thanks @lectrichead

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