• skeeterseatery


    Dear Mustafauysal,

    I wanted to express my sincere gratitude for your incredible contribution. Your TINY caching plugin has been an absolute game-changer for my website. After struggling with compatibility issues between FlyingPress and WP Rocket with Sucuri WAF, your plugin emerged as the perfect solution.

    Previously, I encountered significant challenges as other caching plugins caused my CPU to spike to 99%, leading to site breakdowns. However, perfmatters helped to alleviate some of these issues. Still, I required a lightweight page cache plugin to prevent server overload during peak traffic periods.

    Enter your Wonder Cache plugin.

    Not only has it seamlessly integrated with my site, but it has also significantly improved its speed and performance. I can now rest assured that even during high-traffic times, my site remains stable and responsive.

    Once again, thank you immensely for developing such a remarkable tool. Your dedication to creating solutions that truly enhance website functionality is greatly appreciated.

    Warm regards,

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  • Plugin Author Mustafa Uysal


    Hey Greg – @skeeterseatery,

    You’ve truly made my day! Thank you for your kind words and for taking the time to share your experience. Creating a straightforward and effective caching solution to alleviate the stress and complications you described was exactly my goal, and I’m thrilled to see it hit the mark for you.

    Should you find yourself in need of more advanced features in the future, please consider checking out Powered Cache, another plugin I’ve developed, which offers a broader range of optimization options.

    Thank you once again for your support and for recognizing the effort behind Wonder Cache.


    Thread Starter skeeterseatery


    Wonder Cache is now on BOTH of my websites. CPU usage is 0% and Physical Memory Usage stays low. I now can sleep at night and not worry about getting messages saying my sites are down. All the speed requirements are being taken care of by perfmatters. This little plugin is appreciated and works without any bells and whistles.

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