• Resolved dashed-slug.net



    I’ve noticed that when I have wp-console active on my dev machine, together with the query-monitor plugin, I cannot get any output back from the console.

    The POST XHR request to /wp-json/wp-console/v1/console?_locale=user, as seen in the browser’s “Network” tab, shows a response status of “502 Bad Gateway”.

    When I deactivate the query-monitor plugin, the console works fine.

    I have confirmed that the problem occurs on PHP 8.2.3 but not on PHP 7.2.

    This is not a big problem for me right now, because I don’t necessarily need both plugins active at the same time. But I thought I’d report it anyway. Both of these plugins are very useful when doing dev work, and it would be cool if I could have them both active at the same time.

    Please let me know if I can provide any additional info.

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  • Plugin Author Edi Amin


    @dashedslug Thank you for reporting this issue. WP Console does not support PHP 8.2. But I think it is good time to upgrade the plugin and add PHP 8.2 support. I’ve started to working on this. I will post a comment here once I release the new version.

    Plugin Author Edi Amin


    @dashedslug My apologies for the delay. I’ve now implemented PHP 8.0+ support in WP Console. Please report any bugs you come across. I will try to fix them as soon as possible. Thank you very much.

    Thread Starter dashed-slug.net


    I’ve tested the two plugins together on PHP 8.2.10 and they work now!

    Issue is resolved. Thank you so much!

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