• Resolved linkjet


    I have been creating a technology news website for a month, until now it occurred to me to see the score that pagespeed gives me and it was very low, doing tests, plugin by plugin I came to the conclusion that what takes away almost 50% of my score it’s google’s adsense and tag manager, adsense hasn’t even approved it yet, so the ads don’t appear on the web

    I leave screenshots with the tag manager and adsense codes and without them

    and without them

    What were my tests?

    • Add asyn in tag manager and Adsense code (without any changes)
    • enable DNS URL prefetch (without any changes)
    • activate in JavaScript settings: minify, merge and merge external and embedded JS (without any changes)

    I activated the Guest Optimization mode and there it went up almost to the maximum, everything in green, but the web images in the pagespeed look white, as if nothing was loading, although I see them fine directly in the browser. I don’t know if this option is a good idea.

    What else could I do?

    Report number: QQDCLHUL

    • This topic was modified 10 months ago by linkjet.

    The page I need help with: [log in to see the link]

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  • Plugin Support qtwrk


    well , probably nothing we can do about it , if we manipulate the gtag/ads javascript , it may breaks , that’s why by default we excluded them

    it’s white because you have a page loader

    Thread Starter linkjet


    I have tested other pages on pagespeed that also have adsense and tag manager and I don’t see that they have this problem.

    So what you’re telling me is that I can’t use this plugin along with the most important thing on a website, adsense and tag manager?

    and the page is blank in the photo because what you see is the preloader, apparently it does not finish loading the page in the pagespeed with that option activated

    • This reply was modified 10 months ago by linkjet.
    Plugin Support qtwrk


    please check and compare the other pages compare with home page , see if they loaded in any difference

    yes, because the javascript is delayed and CSS will be stripped to the necessary ones to address remove unused css but your preload will make UCSS generator thinks the page is like that kind of blank

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