• Resolved infoal



    We have this error in all of webpages stored in one of ours servers when we try to connect with the quic.cloud CDN.

    The problem is that this server were working without any trouble with quic.cloud, but suddenly it started to fail.

    I tried everything. I put all the ips to the whitelist csf and imunify but nothing works.
    I tried with totally disable the csf firewall + imunify360 + mod_security and still no working.
    Even I tried to uninstall completly imunify360, but nothing works.

    We have several others hosting servers with the same exact configuration and are perfectly working.

    I installed a fresh wordpress only with the lscache plugin, and still the same:

    “The CDN setup for the domain http://lupi.es has been paused due to an error. Please resolve the error and try again.

    Error: ‘Please verify that your other plugins are not blocking REST API calls, allowlist our server IPs, or contact your server admin for assistance.’.”

    Report number: QEPUSNNO

    Thanks a lot!

    • This topic was modified 10 months ago by infoal.
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  • Plugin Support qtwrk


    you were having something that blocked WP REST API , please make sure that is not blocked and try again.

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