• Resolved alexg9



    Although Elementor has excellent features, I’ve noticed that the performance doesn’t seem to update as it should. Currently, Elementor is taking up 91% or even 96% of the load time, which is 9 times more than the rest of all the plugins combined. One page in particular is running at 35.6 just because of Elementor:


    I have noticed that especially files like controls-stack.php generate a really excessive load on the whole werb platform. I would like to know if the team has any proposed solution for this problem, as this does not seem to be normal.

    Thank you for your attention and I look forward to your reply,


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  • Plugin Support Denny Paul


    Hello @alexg9 ,

    Can you please share the link to the page with the issue?

    Also, please note that using 3rd party Elementor addons will also make execution time for Elementor to be longer.

    Please try deactivating all the add-ons and check the performance again and check if there is any difference.

    Also, try changing the theme to a default one like the Hello Theme and run the test again.

    Try and let us know the updates.

    Thread Starter alexg9



    I’ve abled a test page excluding cache so you can check it:


    Password: elementortest

    ✅ No Elementor addons are running

    ✅ Theme in use: Generatepress, which is one of the minimalist and fastest themes profesioanally designed for performance along with Kadence. I’ve also tested Hello Theme, but the performance was lower. I’ve checked that this is not the problem, not by a long shot, but I can reinstall it in a new test environment if you really think it’s necessary.

    ✅ Gutenberg disabled to avoid useless scripts and stylesheets.

    ✅ Other assets were manually optimized and limited by use and pages. Their load is ms, as shown in the capture.

    ✅ Db manually optimised, deleting useless tables, transients, etc.

    ✅ Object cache enabled and running.

    ✅ Memory_limit: 2G with an optimised 400$ dollars hosting. I can share with you all the PHP Info report for private.

    As you probably know, this is only a summary of the optimisations.

    Thank you,


    • This reply was modified 11 months, 4 weeks ago by alexg9.
    Thread Starter alexg9


    Is anyone there?

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