Import CSV or XML Datafeed With Ease


Tired of manually copying and pasting your content into WordPress? Migrating content is no more difficult now

Introducing our revolutionary import-export solution for WordPress. Your WordPress migration process can become seamless with our comprehensive import-export solution. It’s like magic, Effortlessly import all your content – posts, pages, images, the whole shebang – from CSV and XML files with lightning speed and pinpoint accuracy.

Whether you’re a seasoned developer or a beginner, our plugin offers advanced features to simplify the transfer of your content.

Here’s how we make your life easier:

  • User-friendly Interface: Enjoy the convenience of drag-and-drop functionality for effortless content uploads.
  • Multiple Upload Options: Easily import content from CSV and XML files via zip uploads from your PC, URL, or FTP/SFTP sources.
  • Notification System: Stay informed during the import process with notifications, ensuring smooth operation even during maintenance mode.
  • Bulk Post Import: Save time by uploading hundreds or thousands of blog posts in minutes using a single CSV or XML file.
  • Image Import: Our plugin automatically handles image imports, eliminating the need for manual uploads and keeping your website visually appealing.
  • Taxonomy Terms Import: Maintain a well-organized website by effortlessly importing categories, tags, and custom taxonomies during the migration process.
  • WordPress Attributes Migration: Migrate crucial post attributes such as custom fields efficiently in one go.

With our WordPress importer plugin, say goodbye to manual content migration and hello to a stress-free process. Focus your efforts on creating captivating content for your audience while we handle the technical aspects. Let’s kickstart your migration journey today!

WordPress CSV Import: Why?

Simplify your WordPress content migration with WordPress CSV Import. Instead of dealing with complicated processes, you can use the familiar CSV (Comma-Separated Values) format to import your data smoothly.

Here’s why you’ll love it:

  • Bulk Post Import: Say goodbye to hours of manual work! Import hundreds or thousands of blog posts from just one CSV file.
  • Easy File Prep: Create or edit your content using simple spreadsheet programs like Microsoft Excel or Google Sheets. Save it as a CSV file, and you’re good to go!
  • Simple File Management: Make edits directly within your CSV file using any spreadsheet software. It gives you full control over your content before import.
  • Smooth Import Process: The plugin effortlessly maps your CSV data to the right WordPress fields, saving you from tedious manual data entry.
  • ACF Field Support (For Premium Versions): Premium plugins often support Advanced Custom Fields (ACF), ensuring a seamless import of your custom data.

Note WordPress CSV import keeps things straightforward, offering a user-friendly format and seamless integration with popular plugins.

WordPress XML Import

If you prefer a more structured approach, this is for you. XML (Extensible Markup Language) files offer a standardized way to store and exchange information, making your migration process a breeze.

Here’s why it’s a game-changer:

  • Direct Import: If your previous platform exports data in XML format, you can import it directly into WordPress.
  • Structured Data Transfer: XML files maintain the data structure, ensuring accurate import and minimizing errors.
  • Complete Blog Archives: Import your entire blog archive with titles, content, and comments from one XML file.
  • Custom Content Types: Easily bring over custom post types for products, events, or any other content.
  • Organized Taxonomies: Keep your website’s structure intact by importing categories, tags, and other taxonomies during migration.

Note WordPress XML import offers an efficient, structured solution for migrating your website content. Whether you prefer WordPress CSV Import or WordPress XML Import, both options significantly reduce the time and effort needed to migrate your content.

WordPress Import & Export Plugins as Addon

Now, let’s streamline your export workflow by installing our WordPress all export for csv and XML Addon

Managing your WordPress content doesn’t have to be one-way traffic. These plugins let you move your content in and out of your website effortlessly, saving time and simplifying maintenance.

Here’s what they bring to the table:

  • Effortless Backups: Export your WordPress content, including posts, pages, custom post types, and comments, with just one click.
  • Simplified Migrations: Move your website to a new host or domain seamlessly by exporting your entire website and importing it elsewhere.
  • Efficient Content Sharing: Share specific content with colleagues or another website by exporting the desired posts, pages, or custom content types.

These plugins often offer more goodies like exporting posts with images or importing content from other platforms.

WordPress User Import & Export

Again, install our WordPress Users & Members Import from CSV addon along with export addon to use the User Import & Export feature. Building a thriving online community involves managing user accounts, and these plugins make it a breeze.

Here’s how they help:

  • Bulk User Import: Add hundreds or thousands of users to your website by uploading a CSV file containing user information, such as usernames, email addresses, and hashed passwords.
  • Import Users from Various Sources: Migrate users from other platforms or databases easily with plugins that handle various formats.
  • Effortless User Export: Create a complete record of all your users, including their profiles and roles, for backups.

Additional Features to Consider:

  • Import Users with Passwords: Some plugins offer secure methods to import users along with their passwords, stored using a one-way hashing function.

WordPress user import and export plugins are valuable for efficiently managing your user base, streamlining onboarding processes, and ensuring data security.

WooCommerce Product Import Plugins

Adding products to your WooCommerce store shouldn’t be a time-consuming chore.

By installing our WooCommerce Products & Bundle Import Addon plugin, you can streamline this process by importing your product data from various sources, saving you hours and ensuring accuracy.

This makes adding products a breeze by importing product data from various sources.

Transform your product management experience:

  • Effortless Product Uploads: Import hundreds or thousands of products at once using CSV or XML files.
  • Seamless Image Integration: Import products along with their images to ensure they are visually appealing from the start.
  • Import Products with Attributes: Handle attributes like size, color, or material, eliminating the need to configure these details manually.
  • Organized Categorization: Import products with categories to maintain a well-structured store.
  • Import from Various Sources: Handle product data in CSV, Excel, or XML formats, providing flexibility in data management.

Additional Features to Explore:

  • WooCommerce Import Export Plugin: These plugins often offer two-way functionality, allowing you to import and export your WooCommerce products for backups or data transfer.

By leveraging product import with our addon plugin, you can save time, ensure data accuracy, streamline product management, and boost store efficiency.

WordPress Multilingual Content Import Export

Do you have a multilingual website or plan to expand your reach to new audiences? Look no further! Powerful new features allow you to import and export your content in multiple languages using popular plugins like Polylang and WPML. This means you can:

  • Effortlessly migrate existing multilingual content: Moving your website or bringing content from another platform? Import your content in all languages with a few clicks.
  • Maintain a seamless workflow: Easily create and manage your multilingual content in one place.
  • Save time and resources: Ditch the manual translation copy-pasting and focus on creating stellar content for your global audience.

Premium Features

The Pro Imports offers powerful premium features to meet our user’s requirements. A few features are listed below:

  • ACF (Advanced custom fields) Free & Pro plugin.
  • JetEngine
  • CMB2 fields
  • Toolset Types (Custom fields, Post Relation, Intermediate post, Repeatable Field & Repeater Field Group)
  • E-commerce data such as WooCommerce(Variations, Attributes), and WPeCommerce.
  • Multi-Languages by WPML, qTranslate X, and Polylang plugins.
  • Yoast SEO Free & Pro plugin.
  • Events Manager Free & Pro plugin.
  • NextGEN Gallery plugin.
  • Schedule as many background imports and make it recursive.
  • Update old data by Post ID or Title or slug Match.
  • Export with advanced filter set and in different file format output.

Explore our Premium Plugin

Wanna try


  • Dashboard view of the WordPress Ultimate CSV & XML Import plugin.
  • Upload an XML or CSV file.
  • Simple Drag and Drop mapping in CSV & XML Import plugin.
  • Mapping view of the uploaded XML or CSV. All import fields are set up against WordPress fields.
  • Detailed real-time log in WordPress.
  • Settings with php.ini details.
  • Downloadable log manager for all imported events.
  • WordPress XML All Import Option.


It is as simple as installing any other WordPress plugin. There are two general methods:

From Admin Page

  • Go to Plugins -> Add New
  • Search for WP Ultimate CSV Importer
  • Click Install Now -> Activate


How to import files in WordPress

The most straightforward method for file import is through direct upload to WordPress. Alternatively, use import tools located under Tools > Import/Export or a plugin. If the plugin is installed, access the CSV importer menu for seamless WordPress import and export. Support for various file formats, including XML and CSV.

Why CSV and XML Format for WordPress Importer

  • The CSV method empowers users with basic Excel or spreadsheet knowledge to visually audit, change, edit, or update bulk data before importing. This offline approach minimizes manual work and saves time.

  • Editing XML demands a basic understanding of the structure. Otherwise, users are restricted to importing without making changes to the source file.

Choose between CSV and XML with the WordPress CSV Importer plugin. Import and export Posts, Pages, Custom Posts, WooCommerce, and various post types to and from WordPress.

How to use this CSV and XML WordPress Importer

  • Utilize the export option to export existing content records from WordPress. Create a base sample CSV or XML file, or use it as a template for building your import file.
  • Seamlessly edit and update the export file for reimporting.
  • Add new fields with values to existing posts using the import file.
  • Or add more posts according to your needs.
  • Opt for the update option by selecting existing items during import. This updates/replaces values based on mapping setups.

How to import WordPress site from localhost

For users of XAMPP or WAMP, exporting from the export tab after development and customization is feasible. Use advanced filters to trim content, excluding unwanted or unfinished items, before importing to a remote host.

You can also use this method when building new sites, developing them in localhost, and needing access to existing content on the old server.

This is also useful if you have moved your site to another server or hosting and want to move it back.

How to validate a CSV file for issues?

Importing your CSV may fail if you miss escaping characters or misplace/skip characters. Any CSV file should be checked for errors or warnings before being imported into WordPress. You can validate a CSV file using a free tool CSV Lint to identify issues and where to fix them exactly.

What is an XML file?

An XML document is a basic unit of XML information, consisting of elements and other markups in an orderly package. An XML document contains a wide variety of data.

Can I get any demo data or sample files for testing the import?

Get example CSV files from here to start testing import with CSV Import.

WordPress posts not showing after import, Why and how to fix this?

This could rarely happen for reasons like,
1. Mandatory fields have no values.
2. wp_debug value is set to True.

You could avoid this error by providing values to the mandatory fields and setting False to wp_debug in the wp_config file.

Why does the media library fail to import using the Export-Import WordPress plugin? That is not importing all images to WordPress media, no files found?

The failure may be due to,
1. Unsupported image formats.
2. The image is not publicly downloadable (permission issue).
3. The domain or URL doesn’t exist or isn’t secured (SSL issues).

How to import WordPress posts with images?

To do this, add a separate column for featured images in your import file and mention the image URL as a value. Or declare the inline images inside the post_content and provide the image URL using the HTML tag inside the post_content.

How to import all external images in WordPress?

In the Media Handling section of the WordPress Importer plugin, just enable the Download Post-Content External Images to Media option. This will import all the images from Google Images, Pexels, Pixabay, Dropbox, etc., directly to your WordPress media library. Check Media Handling in WordPress Importer documentation for more information.

How to Import WordPress with already existing post content without duplicating it?

You can import the same post content without duplicating using the update method using the wordpress csv import tool. After uploading the file, select the Existing items option. Followed by other steps, in the Import Configuration Section click on Update to update the newly imported data inside your existing WordPress Posts.

How long does WordPress import take?

Typically, the speed and performance are influenced by your server speed, memory capacity, and file size. You can track the completion time of import in the Import Configuration section screen.

For more detailed FAQ answers, please visit the FAQ article for CSV Import.

How to import and export WordPress posts?

  1. To export posts, go to the Export tab and select Posts. Provide a file name and select one file type. Click Export and download the file to your local device. This exported file can serve as a sample for creating a new file or for importing the data to another WordPress site using CSV Importer.

  2. To import posts, go to the import/update section and upload your prepared CSV or XML file.

How to import a Word document into WordPress

If you have a Word document to import into WordPress, follow these steps:

There are no viable solutions or plugins available to directly import the docx or docs file to WordPress. Instead, you can use a tool or plugin to convert them into a post. Note that this applies only to a single post.

Alternatively, there are three possible ways to do this manually by copying and pasting content from docs,
1. The first possibility to do that using Classic editor, go to Pages > Add New. Simply copy and paste the content as one post at a time.
2. For the Gutenberg editor, copy and paste the content to create blocks one at a time.
3. Else you can embed a Word document using a plugin.

How to export WP Users?

Make sure the export addon is installed and activated in WordPress. Then, navigate to the plugin export tab to export WP Users.


July 9, 2024 1 reply
So far, everything worked like a charm even where other import plugins failed miserably. The free version is limited, yes. However, for most of our tasks it was absolutely sufficient. We had to import events to the VS Event List plugin. This is a custom post type, not super easy and not super complicated. I can’t comment on more complicated import scenarios. Keep in mind that importing data into WordPress is not a standard routine when it comes to custom post types created by plugins or themes. Furthermore, the built-in import/export feature of WordPress creates XML files that are a nightmare to edit. Both methods can’t be compared properly.
June 12, 2024 1 reply
This is an excellent plugin and the customer service is fantastic. Just used the chat function on the smackcoders website for instant solution to my problem.
June 7, 2024 1 reply
I love it. We are managing very large CSVs with complex Jet Engine Relations and it works perfect. Easy to use, no learning curve. Proactive support. I definitely recommend it. Thanks!
June 4, 2024 3 replies
Luego de instalarlo me di cuenta que no dejaba exportar los productos de mi tienda. Como no funcionaba decidi eliminarlo y entonces sucedio lo inesperado, mi sitio web se rompio por completo.
May 26, 2024 2 replies
These guys were so fast, so helpful, so accurate and solved my issue in less that 5 minutes. I’m importing a large number ot categories and tags from a legacy site and to do it by hand would have been a nightmare. They have been incredible.
Read all 504 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Import CSV or XML Datafeed With Ease” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Import CSV or XML Datafeed With Ease” has been translated into 5 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

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Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



Release date: 2024-06-25

  • Fixed: PHP Custom function imports getting 500 error issue.
  • Fixed: Resolved issue with one column csv file import.
  • Fixed: JetEngine relation post not assign issue.
  • Fixed: ACF taxonomy field and Relationship field value stores db issue.


Release date: 2024-05-28


  • Introducing the Elementor templates bulk export (addon) and import feature in a single CSV file format. This allows you to back up your Elementor templates as an easily portable single CSV file.

  • Introducing content import support for Posts, Pages, Custom Post Types (CPTs), and WooCommerce Products designed with Elementor, simplifying the content migration process for Elementor websites.


Release date: 2024-05-21


  • Introducing a new WPML import feature, enabling users to import multilingual content as posts and pages using the WordPress CSV Importer plugin for both CSV and XML files.


  • Added: Implemented one-to-one relationship for JetEngine meta fields
  • Fixed: Resolved issue with exporting data using authors’ advanced filter.
  • Fixed: Resolved issue with the specific authors select box.


  • Fixed: Security vulnerability issue.
  • Fixed: PHP Deprecated issue with optional parameters $unikey_value, $unikey_name, $line_number.
  • Fixed: Import back button from mapping section skips previous stage.
  • Fixed: Plugin language loads from the site language not admin language


  • Fixed: undefined variable: $import_type.
  • Fixed: issue with XML file upload error in PHP 7.4 & PHP 8.1
  • Fixed: deprecated function warnings (auto_detect_line_endings, Specific_Status, Specific_Author, & Specific_Period).
  • Fixed: import issues for draft pages.
  • Fixed: prefix value empty notice on the settings page.
  • Fixed: array conversion error
  • Fixed: null array access error.
  • Fixed: import issues for math functions & custom functions.
  • Fixed: post content formatting.
  • Fixed: import of tab-separated CSV files.


  • Fixed: term import with same slug name different taxonomy issue


  • Fixed: category hierarchical import issue
  • Fixed: Undefined variable $nextnotice issue warning
  • Fixed: addon section and title alignment post-install view
  • Added: translation for upgrade notice message
  • Added: popup box for all pro button
  • Added: header and back button to main page addon section for Plugin active functionality
  • Updated: background color to light and professional across all areas


  • Fixed: unwanted widget showing the issue
  • Fixed: LifterLMS course multiple instructor import issue
  • Fixed: Mapping section popup


Fixed: Resolved Lifter LMS issue related to courses import.
Fixed: bug with Lifter LMS instructor field import
Fixed: activation conflict when Meta Box plugin is active.


  • Fixed: XML import issue and error.
  • Updated: Event Manager (Events) Import support.
  • Fixed: Polylang issue resolved.


  • Fixed: minor bug with import process
  • Fixed: UI & cosmetic issues


  • Fixed: FIFU support for custom_post_type.
  • Fixed: PHP deprecated error.
  • Removed: Additional carriage returns.
  • Fixed: WooCommerce post_date import & product count issue.
  • Fixed: Custom Post Type (CPT) product count display showing ‘0’ issue.
  • Fixed: Email Subscription issue


  • Fixed: minor bug related to the evaluation function
  • Fixed: an issue where image URLs containing spaces were not imported correctly.
  • Fixed: the problem causing the admin-view to malfunction after image import.


  • Removed: Unwanted Upgrade Notice Removed


  • Added: Polylang multilingual support
  • Fixed: Elementor Style Import Issue
  • Fixed: Custom taxonomy import issue Created by CptUI plugin
  • Fixed: Metabox custom field import issue which is assigned to taxonomy
  • Added: support for image, tag, category
  • Added: export support for tag, category


  • Fixed: Addon vulnerability fix


  • Fixed: RankMath SEO Import Issue
  • Fixed: All-in-one SEO Import Issue
  • Fixed: Yoast SEO Import Issue
  • Added: Language support for New Zealand, Australia, Pirate, Polish


  • Added: WP Version 6.4.2 compatibility
  • Modified: Minor UI changes
  • Fixed: Support for all postdate formats


  • Resolved: post_title mandatory bug in advanced mode


  • Added: ChatGPT integration for content and featured image


  • Fixed: WP Error when import empty post title.


  • Added: Bulk Import & Export Support for Elementor Templates


  • Added: WP Version 6.4.1 compatibility


  • Added: Support for ACF Bidirectional Relationship Import (User, Post Object, Relationship, Taxonomy)

  • Added: Restriction added for Masterstudy LMS Import & Export

  • Added: WP Version 6.3.2 compatibility
  • Added: Exmage image import support

  • Added: Import support for WPComplete plugin

  • Fixed: Minor bugs in the meta box checkbox list
  • Updated: admin notice

  • Fixed: Minor bugs in totalpress import
  • Updated: Banner image

  • Added: Support for TotalPress Custom Post Types and Fields Import & Export

  • Fixed: Minor bugs
  • Removed: Unwanted code

  • Added: Support for CFS loop fields import

  • Added: WP Version 6.3 compatibility
  • Fixed: CFS Import issue


  • Fixed: Delete from WordPress – XML limit issue
  • Fixed: 500 issues


  • Added: Yoast SEO Free import and export support
  • Updated: Security fix – Restriction in import folder indexing
  • Removed: Author/Editor import option from settings for security reasons


  • Fixed: Restricted advanced manipulation options for author role
  • Updated: Security fix – Restriction in export folder indexing


  • Fixed: JetEngine default time import


  • Added: ACF Basic Fields under Taxonomies


  • Resolved: ACF Fields Missing under Users Module


  • Resolved: Issue with Upload txt file via FTP, SFTP sections


  • Modified: Media table image url data type
  • Fixed: WooCommerce Stock Status issue


  • Modified: Displays plugin menu based on the selected user roles


  • Fixed: WooCommerce bundle product sort order issue
  • Added: MetaBox plugin’s video field import support


  • Added: Support for BuddyPress Users Import


  • Fixed: PHP 7.4 Warnings & Notices & Deprecated Errors
  • Fixed: Minor bugs in MasterStudy LMS Import


  • Added: Support for FIFU (Featured Image From Url) import and export
  • Cleared: PHP 7.4 Warnings & Notices


  • Added: Support for MasterStudy LMS plugin: Courses, Lessons, Quizzes, Questions, Orders
  • Checked: 6.2 version compatibility
  • Fixed: Minor bugs


  • Added: Support for Lifter-LMS plugin: Courses, Coupons, Reviews, Lessons
  • Fixed: Missing language translations
  • Fixed: XML Zip file upload


  • Fixed: Turkish & Chinese language translations
  • Added: WooCommerce Orders, Coupons & Refunds export support


  • Added: SEOPress import integration with complete support
  • Fixed: UI/UX issues and minor bugs
  • Fixed: Now install and manage add-ons directly from the plugin interface


  • Added: options for WooCommerce Orders exporter addon
  • Added: options for WooCommerce Coupon exporter addon
  • Added: options for WooCommerce Refund exporter addon
  • Added: Usability and UI Improvements
  • Added: Translation added for missing strings for 4 languages
  • Checked: 6.1.1 version compatibility


  • Resolved: PHP Version 8.0 check array values
  • Checked: Compatibility for WordPress 6.1
  • Changed: XML limits for files with fewer than 10 records to three


  • Added: Arabic language
  • Added: Persian language
  • Added: Language support for Chinese(Simplified)
  • Added: Language support for Tamil


  • Added: Support for Advanced Custom Fields * Basic, Choices, and JQuery Fields
  • Checked: Compatibility for WordPress 6.0.2


  • Security Fix * Reported by Sanjay Das Payatu


  • Added: Support for Jet Engine Basic Fields


  • Checked: Compatibility for WordPress 6.0.1
  • Modified: Minor UI changes


  • Added: support for the Pods plugin


  • Added: support for the MetaBox plugin


  • Fixed: Added Support for default Categories and Tags


  • Fixed: Restricted the internal URL upload process


  • Updated: Documentation section links
  • Updated: Module name from export section


  • Checked: Compatibility for WordPress 5.9.3
  • Added: Support for WP Job Manager.


  • Checked: Compatibility for WordPress 5.9
  • Fixed: Comment content import.


  • Updated: All CSS and JS libraries to the latest version.
  • Added: Proper sanitizing and escaping.
  • Fixed: Calling files remotely
  • Removed: wp-load.php and replaced with WordPress Ajax call.
  • Fixed: Combining and/or Renaming Javascript Files


  • Added: CSRF Protection
  • Fixed: Security Issues (Removed curl, bitly urls, and file_get_contents for remote URL instead of using HTTP API)
  • Updated: Bootstrap CSS and JS libraries to the latest.
  • Verified: Nonce Check.


  • Fixed: Vulnerability Issue in Zip File Upload
  • Updated: Exporter Pro Buy Now and Upgrade to Pro price changes


  • Added: Support for latest LearnPress-LMS plugin-V4.1.4.1: Courses, Lessons, Quizzes, Orders, and Questions.


  • Checked: Compatibility for WordPress 5.8.2
  • Updated: Third-party CSS and JS libraries


  • Added: Support for latest WooCommerce product bundle plugin-v6.12.4
  • Fixed: Dropbox link image issue
  • Fixed: Language * English(South Africa) issue


  • Added: support for an image through a Dropbox link
  • Checked: Compatibility for WordPress 5.8.1


  • Added: Upgrade now for the latest updates.
  • Added: Delete records not present in XML, CSV files * settings option
  • Added: Separate widget for WooCommerce product attributes
  • Added: List WooCommerce Product Variations in the dropdown, on clicking display update to pro alert (toastify)
  • Fixed: Support page mail issue
  • Fixed: Post content image issue


  • Added: Support for URL and FTP file upload
  • Added: WordPress 5.8 Compatibility
  • Fixed: JQuery droppable issue


  • Added: Compatibility for WordPress 5.7.2
  • Added: Support for Polylang Free & Polylang for WooCommerce plugin.
  • Added: WP Custom field widget in advanced mode
  • Fixed: Default custom field case-sensitive issue in creating wp custom field widget


  • Added: Compatibility for WordPress 5.7
  • Added: Compatibility for All in One SEO latest version


  • Added: Compatibility for WordPress 5.7
  • Added: Support for Rank Math SEO PRO Plugin.


  • Added: support for Rank Math SEO Plugin.


  • Added: Compatibility for WordPress 5.6
  • Added: PHP 8 compatibility
  • Added: Delete items not present in the XML, and CSV files while importing.


  • Added: Simple Mode Method.
  • Added: Support for WooCommerce Product Bundle Fields.


  • Added: Language Compatibility for French, Italian, German, Spanish, Japanese, Russian, Dutch, Turkish, English(Canadian), English(British), and English(South African).


  • Added: Compatibility for WordPress 5.5.1
  • Added: Support for Variation Swatcher for WooCommerce Plugin.


  • Added: Support for WC Product Bundle Meta Fields.


  • Added: Mandatory fields for posts, pages, custom posts, and categories.
  • Added: Recommended addon setup page.
  • Fixed: single row WordPress XML import.
  • Fixed: Page template import.


  • Added: Support for Multi-Language plugin(Posts, Pages, and Custom Posts).
  • Added: Post Expirator Support for Posts, Pages, and Custom Posts.


  • Added: Support for Widgets import(Posts, Pages, Comments, Categories, and Archives).
  • Added: Separate Media Handling Section.
  • Fixed: CSV Headers with whitespace issue.


  • Fixed: BBPress issues.
  • Added: Support for navigation menus.


  • Added: Support for BBPress Plugin(Topic, Reply, Forum)
  • Fixed: is_plugin_active check condition.


  • Added: Post Parent and Menu Order field support for Custom Posts
  • Added: CSRF Protection


  • Added: support for LearnPress-LMS plugin: Courses, Lessons, Quizzes, Orders, and Questions.


  • Fixed: image extension issue.
  • Added: Comment reply support.


  • Added: XML supports more than one header mapping.
  • Added: post_trash and delete status import.


  • Added: Imports the post-content image into the media library.
  • Added: featured image based on ID.


  • Added: Existing media image with URL and image name.
  • Fixed: WordPress XML import post_status publish issue.


  • Added: XML Support for posts, pages, custom posts, and users.
  • Fixed: post-format issue.
  • Fixed: Deprecated: Non-static method.


  • Renamed: assets/admin.js to admin-v6.0.4.js (To avoid browser cache problem).
  • Fixed: Email validation in support form(
  • Added: Language support for the Spanish language.
  • Fixed: Resume/pause timer issue.


  • Added: post_content image without downloading into media option.
  • Added: post_content editor in drag and drop mode.
  • Fixed: Bulk import problem.
  • Fixed: CSV and text file support with accepted delimiters are, , \t , | , ; , :
  • Fixed: plugin home page UI issue with PHP version 5.5


  • Fixed: Post imports struck in the first record.
  • Added: support for images through Google Drive.
  • Fixed: CPT-UI with product category issue.
  • Fixed: minor issues & warnings.


  • Added: Upload support for the Txt file.
  • Improved: UI Improvements * process image for in send button on the support page.
  • Improved: UI * Show export tab by default. If the user has not installed the exporter plugin, It contains the download link.
  • Improved: UI * In the plugins page inside CSV importer. If a plugin is installed, show it as already installed.
  • Fixed: Timer not stopping after import.
  • Modified: Changed video URL in the documentation. In settings changed file_uploads and allow_url_fopen to on instead of 1.


  • Improved: User interface and performance.
  • Added: Header Manipulation fields can now hold static text content along with any CSV header content.
  • Added: Media upload section to import Images from the computer.
  • Added: Progress bar for desktop upload.
  • Fixed: WordPress core custom fields issue.


  • Added: Support for remote URLs without extensions.


  • Added: WP CSRF Protection.


  • Added: Compatibility for WordPress 5.0


  • Removed: Registering custom field in mapping section.


  • Added: Compatibility for WordPress 4.9.8
  • Added: Post parent imports with Post Title
  • Fixed: Post-export redirection issue.
  • Fixed: Post slug import in drag and drop method.


  • Added: Support for serialized data import.
  • Added: Compatibility for WordPress 4.9.6
  • Improved: Usability and user interface.
  • Fixed: Insertion of hyperlinks in WYSIWYG editor in drag and drop mapping.


  • Improved: Notifications in mapping.
  • Fixed: Export menu issue.


  • Added: Compatibility for WordPress 4.9
  • Moved: User import as an add-on.
  • Removed: Export


  • Added: Add-ons support
  • Moved: User import as an add-on.
  • Removed: Export


  • Modified: Hide the filter based on Condition.
  • Fixed: Data loss when page refresh (export).
  • Fixed: Warning during Upload.
  • Fixed: WP user export above 1000 records.
  • Fixed: Custom Field Suite issue.
  • Fixed: Forced quotes issue.


  • Added: Prevent the loss of mapping data
  • Added: Custom field group plugin support
  • Added: Maintenance mode
  • Added: Inclusion feature
  • Updated: Exclude selection as included selection in the export module
  • Fixed: User import
  • Fixed: Delimiter issue
  • Fixed: Advance mapping issues
  • Fixed: Post status in Mapping
  • Fixed: Featured image in Mapping
  • Fixed: Post comment in Mapping
  • Fixed: Export page radio button based on plugin activation
  • Fixed: Comment Export
  • Fixed: Text changes


  • Added: Advanced mapping view with Drag and Drop support.
  • Added: Ultimate member plugin support for user import.
  • Fixed: Issue with Post format.
  • Fixed: Month order in dashboard charts.
  • Added: Latest version support on All in One SEO
  • Added: Compatibility for WordPress 4.7.3


  • Fixed: Broken when SCRIPT_DEBUG is true. Solved.
  • Fixed: Issue in duplicate handling to skip the duplicate records.
  • Added: Missing font “glyphicons-halflings-regular.woff2”.
  • Removed: Unwanted console warnings.
  • Added: Compatibility for WordPress 4.7.2


  • Added: Language Support for German, French, Italian, Spanish, and Dutch & Russian.
  • Added: Restriction to show Admin dashboard widget only for users with Admin role. Solved
  • Added: Notice to enable wp-cron to populate the feature images. Solved.
  • Added: Warning messages to notify when the uploads directory is missing, insufficient permission to access, and the uploaded file size exceeds your server limits.
  • Added: Duplicate handling feature to skip duplicate records.
  • Added: Canonical URL support in All in One SEO data import.
  • Improved: CSV export performance.
  • Fixed: All custom fields in WP installation added to a Post. Solved.
  • Fixed: Mixing up of Custom taxonomies while assigning a term to Post. Solved.
  • Fixed: Adding unwanted data before and after post content. Solved.
  • Fixed: Issue with Post Category & Tags export.
  • Fixed: Missing up on SEO fields in the mapping section.
  • Fixed: Issue in exporting All in one SEO field.
  • Fixed: Issue in assigning page template (wp_page_template).
  • Removed: Warnings in migration script.



  • Added: Compatibility from PHP 5.3.


  • Fixed: WP Customer Reviews import feature.


  • Added: Compatibility for WordPress 4.7 and PHP 7
  • Added: Option to replace imported CSV file value with static and dynamic value.
  • Added: Image imports from external URL.
  • Added: Send email to newly imported User with Password Information
  • Added: Any Custom Post Type import.
  • Added: Post Type imports with terms & and taxonomies with any depth of the parent-child hierarchy.
  • Improved: High-speed import with enhanced UI.
  • Improved: User role import with capability value or role name in CSV.


  • Fixed: Browse button disappears in 3.11.0


  • Added: Compatibility for WordPress 4.5.3
  • Added: menu_order field Import for Custom Post Type.
  • Added: Support for comma and pipeline separation in multi-category & taxonomies import.
  • Added: Compatibility to export WooCommerce fields with WooCommerce version 2.6.1
  • Updated: Help links of Product page and live Demo.
  • Fixed: Issues in Taxonomies, Categories & Tags export.
  • Fixed: Issue in export by the status filter.


  • Improvements: Can export any number of records from the WordPress site.
  • Fixed: Issue in ACF relationship field export.


  • Improvements: Duplicate image handling. Option to skip or rename image as image_name-number if image name is same as existing media image name.


  • Added: Compatibility for WordPress 4.5
  • Fixed: Environment issue with custom port ID in MAMP.


  • Modified: CSV Parser Engine with Smack CSV Parser, a high-speed robust parser.


  • Added: Post parent now supports post title and post name.
  • Fixed: jQuery conflicts.


  • Added: PHP 7 compatibility.
  • Added: Support for all postdate formats.
  • Fixed: Featured image and Inline image naming issues.
  • Fixed: Auto mapping issues in Custom Fields and SEO Fields.


  • Added: Localize script for multi-language support.
  • Added: WordPress 4.4.1 compatibility.
  • Improved: Code cleanups with WordPress standards.
  • Fixed: Vulnerability security issue.
  • Fixed: Export issue.
  • Fixed: Custom Taxonomy import issue.
  • Fixed: User mail notification on new user imports.
  • Fixed: Category & Tag issue in the eShop module.
  • Removed: Mod security check.


  • Added: Compatibility for WordPress 4.4
  • Modified: Support page UI.
  • Fixed: Postdate issue.
  • Fixed: Custom Post Type listing issue.


  • Added: Restriction to view the image without a password for protected status content.
  • Modified: Settings page UI.
  • Fixed: post_status mandatory validation issue.
  • Fixed: SEO Fields mapping issue.
  • Fixed: Known issues in export.
  • Fixed: Mandatory validation issues.
  • Fixed: Console Type Error issue.


  • Modified: Changed the Dashboard view.


  • Added: Text domain for the language translation system.
  • Fixed: Detected duplicate issue.


  • Added: Compatibility for WordPress 4.3.1
  • Added: Grouped core custom field in mapping section.
  • Added: Image import with spaces in the image name.
  • Fixed: Module entry counts in dashboard issue.
  • Fixed: Duplication of the image in the media gallery.


  • Added: Compatibility for WordPress 4.2.3 and 4.2.4
  • Added: Export by a specific date and author option in comments.
  • Fixed: Warnings triggered in the console.
  • Fixed: XSS vulnerability.
  • Removed : ../../../../../../wp-load.php and replaced with WordPress Ajax call.
  • Removed: Direct usage of wp-content.


  • Added: Multi language support(fr_FR,es_ES,nl_NL).
  • Added: Inline image handling with short code along with image attributes.
  • Added: Any delimiter support for CSV export.
  • Fixed: Warnings and bug fixes.


  • Added: WordPress 4.2.2 compatibility.
  • Fixed: Allow Editor/Author to import(Multisite also).


  • Fixed: Vulnerability security issue.


  • Added: WordPress 4.2 and 4.2.1 compatibility.
  • Fixed: Blank page issue conflicts.


  • Added: Security fix for curl.
  • Added: Security fix for session status.


  • Fixed: Featured image hotlink issue.


  • Added: Hot security fix in readfile.php.


  • Added: WordPress 4.1.1 compatibility.
  • Improved: Inline image feature.
  • Added a recursive method to assign the image.
  • Fixed: Featured image naming issue. Solved
  • Removed: Warnings.


  • Improved: Post Format.
  • Fixed: Export eShop content issue.
  • Fixed: Import with image name issue.
  • Fixed: Groups plugin conflict.


  • Added: Terminate & Continue option in import.
  • Improved: Log section.
  • Fixed: Web View & Admin View issue.
  • Fixed: Security issue in the export module.


  • Fixed: Security issue.


  • Added: WordPress 4.0 compatibility.
  • Added: HTTPS format support for all WP instances.
  • Added: Warning to guide the user to create an uploads directory with writable permissions.
  • Improved: Security and performance tab under settings module.
  • Fixed: Featured image-handling issues.
  • Fixed: Multisite compatibility issue.
  • Fixed: All console warnings.
  • Removed: Post Content field mandatory option.


  • Added: Debug mode enable/disable options.
  • Modified: Menu order changes.


  • Fixed: Minor bugs.


  • Added: Export features for all missing modules.
  • Fixed: All console warnings and reported logs.


  • Fixed: Dashboard chart issue in multisite.
  • Modified: UI to improve usability.
  • Fixed: Groups plugin conflicts.


  • Added: Inline image support with advanced media handling.
  • Added: PDO check.


  • Added: WordPress 4.0 compatibility.
  • Added: Advanced export features with filter options.
  • Improved: Advanced log section.
  • Fixed: jQuery issues.


  • Added: eShop support.
  • Added: WordPress 3.9.2 compatibility.
  • Fixed: Conflicts with other plugins.


  • Fixed: Hot security issue.


  • Fixed: Multi-site support issue.
  • Fixed: Duplicate issue.
  • Fixed: Security issue.


  • Added: Interactive graphs and charts in the plugin dashboard.
  • Added: Admin dashboard widgets.
  • Added: Users and comments export feature.
  • Added: Auto delimiter handling.
  • Added: Auto mapping feature.
  • Added: Allow authors to access import features.


  • Added: post_format attribute support.
  • Added: page_template attribute.
  • Added: update_post_meta for duplicate meta issue
  • Fixed: Type Error issue in jQuery.


  • Added: All-in-One SEO Pack support.
  • Added: WordPress 3.9.1 compatibility.


  • Added: Compatibility for WordPress 3.9
  • Added: Export feature for Posts, Page, Custom Post.
  • Fixed: Reported bugs
  • Removed: All warnings.


  • Posts with author names as numerical apart from the User ID.
  • Added: menu_order attribute import.
  • Added: Auto image rename option.
  • Option to cancel any partial import in the middle.
  • Improved image handling even special characters in URL.
  • can handle image URLs without any extensions.
  • User-reported Bugs Fixed.


  • User-reported issue fixes.
  • Activation and other plugin conflict issues solved like Jetpack.
  • Admin UI freezing issues * screen option, help links issues fixed.
  • Fixed: WYSIWYG editor UI issue.


  • Combined major release versions of 3.5 and 3.4
  • Improved MVC structure.
  • Improved User interface with drag and drop feature.
  • Improved: WordPress 3.8.1 compatibility added.
  • Module-based systems allow simplifying UI.
  • Added: Detailed log feature added.
  • Added: Support and Useful links added.
  • Added: Support is made easy now from the plugin.


  • Added: Multisite compatibility except for User import.
  • Added: Comments, Users modules mandatory fields validation added.
  • Improved: Removed unwanted warnings.


  • Added: WordPress 3.8 compatibility.
  • Added: Bulk users with a role import feature.
  • Added: Comments import feature with relevant post IDs.


  • Added: WordPress 3.7.1 compatibility added.
  • Added: Different media path support added.
  • Added: Subfolder installations support added.
  • Improved: Updated plugin directory path.
  • Improved: Removed unwanted warnings.
  • Improved: Performance check.


  • Added: WordPress 3.6.1 compatibility added.
  • Added: Mapping UI improved with on select dynamic update feature.
  • Added: Help content added.
  • Fixed: Post slug issue Fixed and tested for 3.6 and 3.6.1


  • Improved: Performance improvements on SQL and CSV parsing.
  • Fixed: Plugin deactivation issue and updated the code.
  • Fixed: Links in the cells make problems with the “quote”.
  • Fixed: Loading content from more than one column.
  • Fixed: Custom Post type issues Fixed:


  • Improved: User interface improvements.
  • Improved: WordPress 3.6 compatibility added, Much Improved UI.
  • Fixed: Featured image issues fixed for WordPress-3.6


  • Improved: Much Improved Featured Image feature.
  • Fixed: Image URL for featured image issues.
  • Fixed: PHP 5.4 upgrade fix


  • Added: Category in numeric are restricted and skipped to Uncategorized
  • Added: Protected status password inclusion as {password}.
  • Added: Post authors can be User ID or name
  • Improved: Much improved workflow
  • Improved: Add a custom field option.
  • Improved: Date format handling improved
  • Improved: Any Date format supported now
  • Improved: Future scheduling and status improved
  • Improved: Can apply post status for the individual post via CSV itself
  • Improved: Featured image handling improved and Fixed. More improvements are scheduled.
  • Improved: Duplicate check options improved for both title and content options.
  • Improved: Post author issue Fixed and improved
  • Improved: Wrong userIDd or name is automatically assigned under admin
  • Improved: Multi-category and tags improved
  • Fixed: Custom Field mapping and import
  • Fixed: Overall Status option improved and issue fixed.
  • Fixed: Password field Fixed: for Protected
  • Fixed: Status as in CSV option improved and fixed.


  • Added: Added more post-status options
  • Added: Publish, Sticky, Private, Draft, and Pending Status for the whole import
  • Added: Protected status with a common password option added
  • Added: “Status as in CSV” to assign a status for the individual post through CSV as ID or Field Tag
  • Added: User ID and User Name support for Post author feature added
  • Added: In case of missing or false IDs post assigned to admin as draft
  • Added: Add Custom Field Text box auto-filled with CSV header tag.
  • Added: Duplicate detection for post content and post title added as options.
  • Added: The user can choose either one or both to avoid duplicate issues.
  • Improved: 6 Standard date format added as drop-down to choose.
  • Improved: Renamed post_name as post_slug to avoid confusion
  • Improved: Mapping Fields
  • Improved: Field tags are formatted to support the auto-mapping option (next milestone)
  • Improved: Listed custom fields with the prefix CF: Name for easy identification.
  • Fixed: Date format conflict


  • Fixed: Major Bug fixed.
  • Fixed: Added UTF-8 support.
  • Fixed: HTML tag conflicts.


  • Major issues fixed and updated to WordPress-3.5.1 compatibility.


  • Update to WordPress-3.5 compatibility.


  • WPDEBUG errors
  • Fixed: The CSV import folder changed to the WP native uploads folder.


  • Renamed the mapping field attachment as featured_image and category as post_category.


  • Added featured image import feature along with post/page/custom post.


  • Bug Fixed: To recognize the trimmed trailing space in the CSV file.
  • Added: Validation for the duplicate field mapping.


  • Added features to import multiple tags and categories with different delimiters.


  • Initial release version. Tested and found works well without any issues.