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Ultimate Portfolio – Filter Gallery, Slider & Blog Post

Ultimate Portfolio – Filter Gallery, Slider & Blog Post


Ultimate Portfolio is a versatile WordPress plugin for creating captivating galleries, posts, projects, and showcases using the Gutenberg editor. Experience live editing and quick settings with multiple layouts, customizable skins, and dynamic content.

Ultimate Portfolio is the ultimate tool for transforming ordinary WordPress content into engaging visual experiences. With Ultimate Portfolio, you’re not just displaying images; you’re creating immersive journeys.

Imagine this: a filterable gallery where visitors can smoothly browse through your curated collections, easily discovering what they desire in an instant. But we didn’t stop there. Dive into action with our Photo Slider, turning static images into dynamic stories, captivating your audience in a mesmerizing visual tale.

And that’s not all! Welcome our Post Slider, where your written treasures glide elegantly across the screen, capturing attention and boosting engagement. And to top it off, our Filterable Post feature allows users to sift through your content selection, finding the most appealing pieces tailored to their preferences.

With Ultimate Portfolio, your WordPress site is more than just another corner of the internet—it’s a captivating destination, attracting visitors and enhancing your SEO strategy to new levels. Prepare to impress, because with Ultimate Portfolio, your content shines brighter than ever before.

🌟 Key Features:

  • Responsive Design: Ensure your portfolio looks perfect on all devices, from desktops to mobile phones.
  • Customizable Layouts: Choose from multiple grid and masonry layouts to best display your projects.
  • Filterable Portfolio: Allow visitors to filter projects by category, making it easier for them to find what they are looking for.
  • Lightbox Integration: Display your portfolio images in a beautiful lightbox, providing a seamless viewing experience.
  • Animation Effects: Enhance your portfolio with stunning hover effects and animations.
  • SEO Friendly: Optimized for search engines to help your portfolio rank higher on Google.
  • Easy to Use: User-friendly interface with drag-and-drop functionality for easy portfolio creation.
  • Shortcode Generator: Quickly generate shortcodes to insert portfolios anywhere on your site.
  • Custom Post Types: Manage your portfolio items separately from your blog posts and pages.
  • Unlimited Colors & Fonts: Personalize your portfolio to match your brand’s aesthetic.
  • WooCommerce Compatible: Seamlessly integrate with WooCommerce to showcase product portfolios.

🌟 Why Choose Ultimate Portfolio?

Ultimate Portfolio is not just another gallery plugin. It’s a comprehensive solution designed for professionals who want to showcase their work in the best possible light. Here’s why Ultimate Portfolio stands out:

  • User-Friendly Interface: Designed with the user in mind, our plugin offers an intuitive interface that makes creating and managing portfolios a breeze.
  • Regular Updates: We are committed to providing regular updates to ensure compatibility with the latest WordPress versions and to introduce new features.
  • Extensive Documentation: Our detailed documentation guides you through every step, from installation to advanced customization.
  • Community Support: Join our community of users to share tips, ask questions, and get support from other Ultimate Portfolio users and our dedicated team.

🎨 Advanced Customization Options

Ultimate Portfolio offers advanced customization options that allow you to create unique and personalized portfolios:

  • Custom CSS and JavaScript: For those who want complete control, add your own CSS and JavaScript to further tailor your portfolio’s appearance and behavior.
  • Custom Templates: Create and use custom templates to match your website’s design perfectly.
  • Developer-Friendly: Built with developers in mind, Ultimate Portfolio is highly extendable and can be easily integrated into any WordPress theme.

🔍 Performance and SEO Optimization

Our plugin is built to enhance your website’s performance and SEO:

  • Lazy Loading: Improve page load times by loading images only when they are visible to the user.
  • SEO-Friendly Markup: Clean and semantic HTML markup that helps search engines better understand your content.
  • Fast and Lightweight: Optimized for speed, Ultimate Portfolio ensures that your website remains fast and responsive.

🖼️ Testimonials

“The Ultimate Portfolio plugin has transformed the way I showcase my work. It’s incredibly easy to use and offers so many customization options!” – Sarah K., Graphic Designer

“I’ve tried several portfolio plugins, but Ultimate Portfolio is by far the best. It’s flexible, powerful, and the support is fantastic.” – Mike D., Photographer

📖 Getting Started with Ultimate Portfolio

Follow these simple steps to get started with Ultimate Portfolio:

  1. Download and Install: Download Ultimate Portfolio from the WordPress plugin repository and install it on your site.
  2. Activate the Plugin: Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Create a New Portfolio: Navigate to the Portfolio section and start creating your first portfolio by adding images, videos, and descriptions.
  4. Customize Your Portfolio: Use the customization options to adjust the layout, colors, and styles to match your website.
  5. Publish and Display: Publish your portfolio and use the shortcode to display it on any post or page.

❓ Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

Q: Is Ultimate Portfolio compatible with the latest version of WordPress?
A: Yes, Ultimate Portfolio is regularly updated to ensure compatibility with the latest WordPress versions.

Q: Can I use Ultimate Portfolio with any WordPress theme?
A: Absolutely! Ultimate Portfolio is designed to work seamlessly with any WordPress theme.

Q: Is there a premium version of Ultimate Portfolio?
A: Yes, we offer a premium version with additional features such as advanced styling options, video integration, and priority support.

🌟 Premium Features:

Enhance your Ultimate Portfolio with Premium Features:

  • Social Media Fetching: Fetch social media feeds and display them beautifully on your site. Supported platforms include YouTube, Instagram, Flickr, Vimeo, Unsplash.
  • Video Integration: Seamlessly integrate videos into your galleries for an immersive experience.
  • Advanced Styling: Unlock advanced styling options to further customize the look and feel of your galleries.
  • Priority Support: Get priority customer support with our premium package.

🌟 Supported Platforms:


Video Integration: Seamlessly integrate videos into your galleries for an immersive experience.

Advanced Styling: Unlock advanced styling options to further customize the look and feel of your galleries.

Priority Support: Get priority customer support with our premium package.


  • Portfolio preview
  • Portfolio preview


This plugin provides 1 block.

  • Ultimate Portfolio Example block scaffolded with Create Block tool.


Read all 1 review

Contributors & Developers

“Ultimate Portfolio – Filter Gallery, Slider & Blog Post” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Tested plugin for WordPress 6.6.1


  • Tested plugin for WordPress 6.5.5
  • Media bug fixed.


  • Tested plugin for WordPress 6.5.4


  • Fixed style loading issue in the admin area Gutenberg builder


  • Media bug fixed.


  • Fixed image not found issue (admin).


  • Fixed a bug.
  • Added general settings.


  • Bug fixed.
  • Border-radius bug fixed.
  • Extra code removed.


  • Bug fixed.
  • Extra CSS & code removed.
  • Image standard layout bug fixed.
  • Slider option icon added.


  • Initial release