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Super Related Posts – Lightweight, High Performance Algorithm & Increase Traffic!

Super Related Posts – Lightweight, High Performance Algorithm & Increase Traffic!


Related Posts Plugin to improve Traffic & Bounce-Rate with Superior Algorithm. ZERO Server Load & Highly Configurable Related Post Plugin.


Related Posts Plugin that improves your traffic & decreases the bounce rate with a Superior algorithm. Successfully Tested with 100000+ posts to make it the most lightweight Related Post plugin. Add a highly configurable list of related posts to any posts.

Easy & Simple
Automatic Display with a click of a button
✔ Manual Display with Shortcode
Superior Algorithm – Easily Finds the related content from your site as per your filters
Caching – Cache Indexing to store and process the PHP & MySQL Database queries faster and most efficient way
Post Views Tracking – Shows most popular Related posts based on the post views based on a day, week, month or year.
Handles Large database – we have personally tested on large websites with 100000+ posts and it worked flawlessly.
Exclusion – Exclude posts by author, ID, category, tags and custom fields
Matching of Current post’s Category, Tags, Content & Author
GDPR Compliant
✔ Highly Scalable
Targetting option – After the Content, ‘In Between Content’ allows you to add Inline Related Posts and target it after a specific paragraph or you can also use Shortcode to insert related posts manually.
3 Designs – Three different Related Posts Designs to choose from including small & big Thumbnails views.
Multiple Related Posts – You can add multiple related post blocks on the same page
Avoid Duplication of Posts – Adding Multiple Related posts will not duplicate the posts. The Algorithm will automatically understand and prefer to show a better post instead.
✔ Boost Visitor Engagement, Improve Bounce Rate & SEO
✔ Upto 20% Increase in Pageviews by simply using the plugin.
✔ Active Development & Monthly Updates
✔ Active Tech Support
✔ Active Telegram Group

Future Roadmap

  • ACF (Advanced Custom Fields) integration
  • Word, text or image based matching in Content
  • Custom Templating
  • More Related Posts Design
  • Progressive Loading for better Page Speed Score
  • Related Posts Analytics
  • Gutenberg, Elementor, Divi & Brizy Modules
  • Custom Widget
  • Custom Post Types
  • Better Thumbnail Support
  • More Extendability of Code
  • Title-based Related Posts Matching
  • Custom Post Type & Taxonomy Targetting
  • WordPress Multisite support
  • bbPress forums support
  • WooCommerce support
  • EDD Support
  • and Many More as per your request.


We try our best to provide support on forums. However, We have a special team support where you can ask us questions and get help. Delivering a good user experience means a lot to us and so we try our best to reply to every question that gets asked.

Bug Reports

Bug reports for Super Related Posts are welcomed on GitHub. Please note GitHub is not a support forum, and issues that aren’t properly qualified as bugs will be closed.


  • Super Related Posts is a fork of the excellent Similar Posts.


This plugin provides 1 block.

  • Related Posts (SUPER)


How to install and use this Related Posts plugin?

After you Active this plugin, just go to Dashboard > Settings > Super Related Posts, and then setup it!

How do I report bugs and suggest new features?

You can report the bugs for this Related Posts plugin here

Will you include features to my request?

Yes, Absolutely! We would suggest you send your feature request by creating an issue in Github . It helps us organize the feedback easily.

How do I get in touch?

You can contact us from here


May 30, 2023
Easy to use, intuitive and also powerful. A tool that really makes work easier. We use it for all of our clients.
July 7, 2022
Its very good in terms of speed to show related posts. Every sql queries used here to fetch posts are well written so that it will load quickly. Thumbs up to it.
June 30, 2022
First look, it’s really promising and if all the things that are on roadmap becomes true, there’s no doubt this will be the best related post plugin!
Read all 3 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Super Related Posts – Lightweight, High Performance Algorithm & Increase Traffic!” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.



1.6 (9 April 2024)

  • Enhancement: Test with WordPress v6.5 and update readme #41

1.5 (23 November 2023)

  • Fixed: Alt tag is missing on super relates post thumbnail #33
  • Feature: Infinite scroll Related Content/Recent Content #36
  • Fixed: Tested with WordPress 6.4 and update readme.txt #37

1.4 (18 July 2023)

  • Fixed: Posts are getting displayed on product page #28
  • Fixed: UTM parameter getting added, due to this some URL is throwing 404 #29
  • Fixed: Unrelevant Post appearing it should be on Primary Category #30
  • Fixed: Warning showing on frontend #31

1.3 (30 May 2023)

  • Feature: Create an option to add Excerpt and its length to be added in related posts #20
  • Feature: Create a button to reset cache posts #19
  • Feature: Add WP widget to show related content #18
  • Feature: Add Elementor block to show related content posts #17
  • Feature: Add guternberg block to show related content posts #16
  • Enhancement: Need some query optimization. #22
  • Enhancement: Need Improvement in Match the current post’s category #23
  • Fixed: Related Post broken design if we use the shortcode #24
  • Fixed: Related post image is not clear #25
  • Fixed: Need to add prefix for the li { list-style: none; } #26

1.2 (15 April 2023)

  • Fixed: subscribe popup “No Thanks” is not clickable #13
  • Enhancement: Highlight the shortcode in the plugin options pages and on the plugin description page. #12
  • Enhancement: observations #3
  • Feature: Feature to add related content based on paragraph percentage #14

1.1 (14 Nov 2022)

  • Added: Label translation option #5
  • Added: Support tab #6
  • Added: Newsletter subscription popup #7
  • Added: Option to delete data on uninstall #8

1.0 (29 June 2022)

  • Version 1.0 Released