This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Super Recent Posts Widget


Drag and drop the widget and fill out the appropriate fields. Some notes:

To display posts from a specific post type leave Taxonomy as “– No Specific Taxonomy –“

If you leave order by and/or order as “– Choose order parameter –” and/or “– Choose orderby parameter –” it will go with WordPress’ default(s), see here for more information.

The following filters are available:

  • srpw_get_args to override arguments of main query for the widget.
  • srpw_template to override the output template for the widget, see below for more information.
  • srpw_WIDGET_NAME_template to override the output template for the widget on a widget by widget basis, the WIDGET_NAME appears on the back-end in the widgets window see below for more information.
  • widget_title this is a WordPress core filter see here for more information.
  • srpw_post_types to override the post types available for this widget.
  • srpw_taxonomies to override the taxonomies available for this widget.

Usage of srpw_template filter

Add a “views” directory and file named “custom-srpw.php” to your template directory. The “custom-srpw.php” file will be your custom template for this example.

Example of using a custom template from within your theme pre-PHP 5.3


        function customize_srpw_template_filter( $template ){
            $template_dir = get_template_directory();
            return $template_dir . '/views/custom-srpw.php';
        add_filter( 'srpw_template', 'customize_srpw_template_filter' );

Example of using a custom template from within your theme PHP 5.3+ which allows anonymous functions


        add_filter( 'srpw_template', function ( $template ){
            $template_dir = get_template_directory();
            return $template_dir . '/views/custom-srpw.php';
        } );


This plugin takes advantage of Grunt for validating JavaScript, SASS compilation and minification. To take advantage of Grunt you have to have both npm and Grunt installed. Visit the respective sites for the applications and make sure they are installed. Once installed, if you want to edit/fork this plugin, it will be helpful to be familiar with these two tools.


  • Screenshot of widget


  1. If installing manually, unzip and copy the resulting directory to your plugin directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Add the widget to any widgetized area/sidebar and configure as desired.


This isn’t working!

Are you using WordPress 3.6+?


June 24, 2018
Does exactly what I was looking for simply and well, in this case 3 different “recent post” areas in the sidebar, showing 3 different categories of recent posts… One thing I wish for, especially where there are multiple instances of the widget such as this, is that the entered title for the widget replace the name of the widget, as is the case with most widgets, rather than simply be appended after it… So that the widget instances are easily and quickly differentiated… As it is the Widget’s name is long and fills the space… And most of all thanks for your work and for keeping it current… Kind regards…
Read all 2 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Super Recent Posts Widget” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Fix for create_function deprecation
  • Remove warnings on widget save


  • Fixed bug that caused caching issues if you used srpw_get_args


  • Validate it works with WordPress 4.9.1


  • Validate it works with WordPress 4.8.1


  • Code cleanup, bugfixes


  • Bugfixes


  • cleaned up javascript
  • added widget by widget templating


  • Updated transient logic to be more efficient
  • Minor helper/guide text updated


  • Readme edits


  • Initial release