Sumo – Boost Conversion and Sales


⚠ Recently Acquired: Stay Tuned for Updates – Q1 2024

We just updated our pricing! Use Sumo for FREE and only pay when you get more customers.

Sumo is the most powerful tool to grow your email list, increase conversions, and generate more sales for online businesses. More than 37,000 online businesses use Sumo to convert more purchases and delight their customers.

Here’s what Sumo can do for you:

  • Grow your email list with timed popups across your site
  • Schedule one-off marketing emails or email drips to communicate with your subscribers
  • Ecommerce integrations and features to win back customers who abandon their cart and increase average order value
  • See the ROI from every email subscriber and sale you make

What Customers Are Saying About Sumo

“Quick update after two months using Sumo – it has helped me generate $20k+ in sales already, and it’s only been live for a few weeks! That’s almost $500 A DAY extra!” — Love Aroma

“Sumo is a great platform. ROIs are transparent, and it provides great flexibility for advanced campaign strategies.” — Loly in the Sky

“I am actually mad at myself for not buying this sooner. My email signups are now around 8% (it used to be 1.3%), and people have bought after signing up!” — JJ Caprices

Core Features Overview

Grow your email list

Grow your email list by collecting email addresses with high-converting opt-in forms as visitors browse your site, so you can follow up with them later and turn them into customers.

Email your subscribers

Send a welcome email to your subscriber as they join your email list and further build the relationship with them by sending them a one-off campaign or automated email drips.

Share your content and product

Add share buttons on your website effortlessly and allow your visitors to share your content and products with their circles on social media.

Ecommerce features

Sumo seamlessly integrates with WooCommerce to create unique offers and discounts along with beautiful forms that help you increase your average order value and reduce cart abandonment.

Free customer support

Have questions on how to increase conversions and sales for your online business? Your success is our success. Our dedicated Customer Experience team will make sure your business is growing and you’re getting the most out of Sumo.

Secure and SEO-friendly

Compliant with GDPR and the latest SEO guidelines from Google so you can convert more visitors and make more sales.

Easy to get started

Get set up in minutes and use Sumo completely FREE.

Latest Updates

  • Added Grow Email List shortcut
  • Added Reduce Cart Abandonment shortcut
  • Updated Sumo dashboard

See more at


  • Reduce Cart Abandonment Shortcut
  • Grow Email List Shortcut
  • Track how your forms perform
  • See conversions and get Sumo Insights


  1. Upload folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the Plugins menu in WordPress
  3. Click on the blue thingy in the top right.
  4. Register and follow the onboarding instructions to install Sumo on your site.
  5. Eat a taco and enjoy the increased traffic to your site.


Does this plugin slow down my site?

Not at all. This plugin loads asynchronously so it won’t down your site at all.

Where do I login to Sumo?

Once you install the plugin and activate it. Go to any page on your site and you’ll see a little blue thing in the top right, click on it and then the crown icon to login.

Can I customize the look and feel of the popup?

You can use our default options or fully control the CSS in the advanced section.

Do you provide instant connections to any email providers?

Yes, we provide instant integration with MailChimp, Aweber, Constant Contact, Campaign Monitor, GetResponse, ActiveCampaign, MyEmma, Mad Mimi, Infusionsoft, Feedblitz, HubSpot, MyNewsletterBuilder, Inbox First, Sailthru, Klaviyo, Vero, Pardot, Zapier, Ontraport, ExactTarget, Vertical Response, Drip, MailerLite, WhatCounts, ConvertKit, MailJet, and Maropost. When a user joins, their email is automatically subscribed to your MailChimp, Aweber, or other newsletter list. Alternately, you can simply download a CSV list of your newsletter subscribers.


December 13, 2021
A year ago, I would have given this product three stars for its pro version. Extremely limited functions for the cost, but it did the job. Not anymore. Now it is essentially an overpriced paperweight on our site. We grew, hired a webmaster team who updated all of our very old stuff, and guess what? Sumo stopped working. Removing and replacing the app only made things worse. Repeated messages to their tech support ignored the information we gave them. Instead they came back with canned solutions that did not work (code to directly install on the site). Refusing to admit the problem is on their end, they claimed the problems must have something to do with a plugin on ours, but the pros we hired streamlined our site so we have fewer plugins than before. When we asked them to think a little harder, they offered no other solutions and just wanted full control of our website. Not on your life. Their user interface doesn’t even work fully on Firefox. We had to use Safari. If they can’t make a functional UI across browsers, we’re certainly not going to let them toy around with our site. When we told them this relationship wouldn’t work anymore, they refused to prorate us the remainder of our subscription, citing a previous discount. Just for clarity, even with that discount, the service was grossly overpriced. We were trying to be nice and support another small business during COVID when we agreed to it. I guess that turned around and bit us. To sum up: Too expensive for limited functionality, even with our heavy discount. Doesn’t work anymore now that we’ve updated and modernized our site. Terrible customer service. Do not use this app.
October 3, 2021
First, this plugin is a hog. My site speed significantly decreased. Also, the plugin takes you to Sumo website, where it is sooooooo slow. I couldn’t get anything done because it took so long to do. Second, it says “free,” but it really is not. They give you virtually nothing for “free,” and their pricing is so outrageous for the paid version. They could at least give you an intermediary price. (They also do NOT have my newsletter subscription service — Revue — which means an automatic dump.) I’m sick and tired of these scam plugin creators. I understand making a business, but this is just a scam.
August 31, 2021
I was using Sumome plugin for years but from last month I can not login to sumo and remove the popup from my site. I can not remove this popup by unintall and delete summon plugin or find this data in data base (via php my admin) or by in files site via client ftp or in theme editor in WordPress. The support do not respond for your requests. I had to register to WordPress to give the this opinion (I think that opinions like my will be much more if the sending opinions for plugins in WordPress will be much easier to do). I can remove this opinion if you respond me how to remove the summon popup from my site. I can not connect the new accounting some to my site because I have information that I wrote wrong login or password even if it is correct or show information that I have not authorized e-mail but for this e-mail I did not get any e-mail from sumo. I have the newest version of WordPress. I looking for your answer. I lost days for trying to remove the sumo popup from my main site but I still can not- it hurt me.
December 4, 2020
Loads a sidebar in the admin screen that cannot be removed, and can’t configure anything from within WordPress. Everything just takes you to Pretty sure the sidebar is there just to track activity on how their customers use WordPress. And as others have said, it’s a hog in terms of code, if you can avoid this please do so.
November 14, 2020
The most garbage plugin on the internet. Nothing ever works right, the share counts are always broken, the password never works and overall it’s a complete piece of garbage.
October 30, 2020
I have been using SUMO for years, and I can honestly tell you that it is the most illogical plugin ever created!!! I have been using it for years, and this morning I had to email customer support just to figure out how to manage the social media platforms I wanted displayed on my share buttons. That is a 5 second task that SHOULD NOT require any customer support aid what so ever. But the developers at SUMO DO NOT care about user experience. They show no consideration for efficiency, and have built an app that contains settings BUT YOU HAVE NO WAY OF ACCESSING THEM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! They now have this stupid dashboard that all it does it take you to and show you visitor stats!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! You can not configure any part of this app any longer!!! Because apparently the developers who don’t even provide a dashboard to settings now force you to use whatever settings, social media channels and subscription boxes they see fit!!!!!!!!!! I couldn’t be more done with this stupid plugin if you paid me. I can’t uninstall this fast enough. I have been using the free version for over 5 years and I promise you by end of business today I will be paying for whatever their competition is. I may even just go purchase convert kit and grow. TWO SUBSCRIPTION PLUGINS!!!! Imagine what that says right there. I am willing to go give 2 different developers I have no experience with my money over 1 developer I have multiple years experience with!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! UNBELIEVABLE SUMO!!!!!!!!!!!!! CANT EVEN COMPREHEND YOUR THOUGHT PROCESS!!!!!!!!!
Read all 519 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Sumo – Boost Conversion and Sales” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Bug Patch: Improved security.


  • Bug Patch: Added permission check, and updated the ReadMe and switched the order of the changelog so that the newest changes are at the top.


  • Bug Patch: Fixed Plugin Admin styles not loading correctly.


  • Updated Plugin ReadMe, some code cleanup, and prepping for the future – excited about new updates coming soon!


  • Fix some issues related to PHP 8.


  • Tested up to the newest WordPress version.


  • Added WooCommerce functionality. Updated Readme. Tested up to the newest WordPress version.


  • Moved Sumo script tag to the footer.


  • Updated Sumo script tag. Tested up to the newest WordPress version.


  • Tested up to the newest WordPress version.


  • Sumo transition. Fixed broken link. Design changes.


  • Sumo transition. Added more information to statistics section. Fixed broken link.


  • Sumo transition


  • Sumo


  • Upgrading users that inserted the Sumo tag manually.


  • Updating versions.


  • Added social media. Fixed help link.


  • Fixes logout redirect, and updated WordPress tested version.


  • Fixes site ID conflict


  • CSS, notification bubble, and more random Site ID


  • CSS and pathname fixes


  • Integration with WordPress Admin.
    Statistics inside WordPress dashboard.
    Better on-boarding.


  • Added new integrations (MailChimp, Aweber, Constant Contact, Campaign Monitor, GetResponse, ActiveCampaign, MyEmma, Mad Mimi, Infusionsoft, Feedblitz, HubSpot, MyNewsletterBuilder, Inbox First, Sailthru, Klaviyo, Vero, Pardot, Zapier, Ontraport, ExactTarget, Vertical Response, Drip, MailerLite, WhatCounts, ConvertKit, MailJet, Maropost)


  • images, updated instructions


  • images, yay


  • Added way more integrations


  • Ignore admin iframes


  • Disable CloudFlare RocketLoader


  • Show apps for configuring in WordPress admin


  • Added Smart Bar app to create easy email collect form at the top of your site.


  • Redesigned dashboard and list builder email templates now available


  • Made it super simple and easy to auto-resize the window.


  • Fixed screenshots


  • Old school original version


  • Bug Patch: Fixed Plugin Admin styles not loading correctly