This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Simple Full Screen Background Image


Simple Full Screen Background Image will allow you to easily upload and set a full screen image as the background of your website. Images will be automatically scaled with the browser, so regardless of the browser size, the image will always fill the screen, even as the browser is resized live.

Once activated, go to Appearance > Fullscreen BG Image. From here click Choose Image, then either upload from your computer or choose one from the media library. Once you have chosen your image, select the size you wish to insert and click Insert Into Post. A preview of your image will appear below. Now click Save Options
and view your site. The image should now be applied as a full screen background image.

Go Pro!

A greatly enhanced Pro version is available! Features of the pro version include:

  • Unlimited background images
  • Post / page-specific background images
  • Multiple images with fade transitions on pages

Learn more about the Pro version here.


  • Main settings
  • Settings with image
  • Sample frontend


  1. Upload the ‘simple-full-screen-background’ folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Navigate to Appearance > Fullscreen BG Image and upload your background image


September 13, 2022
The Pro version of this plugin has solved the problem you will still face using the Elementor Pagebuilder and using BG images on mobile and tablet. The free version only shows a BG image global but in the paid version you can choose a certain page or post. Also, the slider function works great within Elementor. I have run into an error CSS prompt message working in Elementor (Chrome and Firefox browser, not in Safari on a Mac) so I have sent a support ticket and got a quick reply from the developer. They took a look at the admin of the side and it was a simple fix. It was a setting in the plugin settings page –> Troubleshooter should be turned off. Problem solved and I would like to thank the support of this great plugin for their help. Sometimes a solution to a problem is in front of your eyes. Great plugin, great support, and the yearly subscription prize is worth the money.
May 26, 2020 1 reply
Straightforward to install and setup. Encountered a theme related problem and support responded and implemented a fix for me. What more could you ask for!
October 18, 2019
This plugin does what is annonces. The support service for the pro version is top! // Ce plugin fait ce pour quoi il est prévu et il le fait bien. Un petit mail au support a suffit à répondre à ma question technique (réponse reçue en 1h !!!)
September 26, 2019
I LOVE the plugin but have sent Contact Us messages twice with no response. My question is account related. I don’t want to post details here; actually I shouldn’t have to use the review section at all but I cannot find any other contact method. Please respond to my Contact form request. Thank you in advance!
Read all 44 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Simple Full Screen Background Image” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Updated tested up to version.
  • Added Contributors.


  • Fix: When first installed, the plugin was expecting a value to be displayed where none existed, which threw a PHP notice. Plugin now checks to see if the correct value exists before attempting to display it.


  • Updated tested up to version.


  • Reverted plugin suggestions from v1.2.6


  • Updated translation file.
  • Added suggestions for plugins in relevant contexts.


  • Detection of the pro version of the plugin did not fully remove this version’s admin menu, which caused paying users to have a confusing experience when clicking on the wrong menu.


  • Added automatic deactivation when the pro version of this plugin is installed as the two plugins should not be used together.
  • Automatic deactivation migrates Simple Full Screen Background Image to Pro’s settings so the site’s layout won’t be changed by deactivating the Simple Full Screen Background Image plugin.
  • Added uninstall.php to clean up when the plugin is deleted.


  • Included support for Instant Images plugin. This provides users with an easy way to search for and upload images from locally to their WordPress site. The Instant Images button is now included on the Appearance > Fullscreen BG Image settings page. This requires that the Instant Images plugin be installed and active.


  • Included alt tag in background image to comply with Web Content Accessibility Guidelines (WCAG). The background image is considered decoration, and so an empty alt tag (i.e. alt=””) is an acceptable way to allow assistive technology to ignore the image.
  • Update: Improved translatable POT file.
  • Update: Added subtle upsell (dismissible) messaging in the plugin to inform users of the pro version of this plugin.


  • Updated contributor/author


  • Added missing text domains for translation
  • Added a .pot file


  • Updated the admin page to use the improved media manager UII
  • Fixed function name conflicts with the Pro version.
  • Improved data validation


  • Fixed an issue with images loading via http when on an https site
  • Did some general code cleanup and improvement