RomethemeForm For Elementor


RomethemeForm is a Contact Form Builder for Elementor. It’s easy, fast, and also safe to create any fancy contact form in just minutes. Collect information, make your content interactive, and generate more conversions.

• Elementor Input Fields: Create Custom forms for all your needs with as many fields as you like.
• Admin Notification Email: Notify admin after user submission is completed or any type of customer data is processed.
• User Confirmation Email: A confirmation email can be sent when a user registers or enters their data to confirm their registration.
• Saved Entries in the Admin Panel: Save all the data that users give to fill up the form and display it in the admin panel.
• Export Entries as CSV: Export multiple data from your RomethemeForm that the user enters in a single CSV file and downloads in a spreadsheet.
• Required Login to Submit the Form: This feature of the secure contact form, will show all the required fields to fill up the form by giving a simple red star icon and providing an error message if needed.

Elementor widgets fields to build your form :
– Text Input Field: Display content, and links to your form.
– Email Input Field: Make sure that the user enters the valid email address to your form with an Email Input field. It ensures the system can send the confirmation email to form users.
– Date Input Field: Use this Input field to select Date from the drop-down calendar for your form to make it more user-friendly.
– Radio Button: Allow users to select only one exclusive item from the multiple options.
– Checkbox: Permit users to select multiple items to your form at a time with Checkbox.
– Telephone Input Field: Allow users to give their valid Telephone number to make connections with this real-time support form builder.
– Text Area Field: Helps to add the large number of content, review, and comment to your form.
– Time Input Field: Helps users to pick up their preferred Time from the drop-down timer.
– Select Input Field: A simple drop-down function allows you to select items of your own choice.
– Number Input Field: This Input field will ensure that users enter a valid Number with numeric input.
– Submit Button: it triggers the submission to collect all the data entered by the user and send it to the server for processing. This data can include text inputs, selections, checkboxes, and more, depending on the form’s structure.


  • Form Page
  • Entri Page


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/plugin-name directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the \’Plugins\’ screen in WordPress
  3. All Settings will be found in the Admin sidebar -> RomethemeForm
  4. (Make your instructions match the desired user flow for activating and installing your plugin. Include any steps that might be needed for explanatory purposes)


How to use RomethemeForm for Elementor?

Login your WordPress dashboard, From the left menu click the RomethemeForm icon.


May 16, 2024
It’s not easy keeping up with Wordpress backend changes. GACOR kit is a solidly-built and creatively-designed theme that offers lots of opportunity for modification. I understand the need to promote add-ons. Meanwhile, the necessity to install slightly related plugins should be avoided.
October 28, 2023
Recently i use this plugin with many websites as a developer i feel very happy when i use this plugin
August 16, 2023
‘ve been using RomethemeForm for Elementor for a while now, and I must say, it has become an indispensable tool in my web design arsenal. This plugin takes the already powerful Elementor page builder to the next level by adding a comprehensive and intuitive form builder functionality. One of the standout features of RomethemeForm is its seamless integration with Elementor. The interface feels natural and integrates perfectly with the existing Elementor UI. Creating complex forms with various fields, checkboxes, radio buttons, and dropdowns has never been easier. The pre-designed templates provided by RomethemeForm are a real time-saver. They cover a wide range of form types, from simple contact forms to more advanced survey-style forms. The ability to customize these templates to match my website’s branding is a huge plus. The conditional logic feature is a game-changer. It allows me to show or hide certain form fields based on user selections, making my forms more dynamic and user-friendly. This is especially useful for creating multi-step forms without overwhelming the user. Another aspect I appreciate is the responsive design options. With the mobile-first approach becoming more crucial, RomethemeForm ensures that the forms I create look great and function flawlessly on various devices. The customer support provided by Rometheme is excellent. Any questions or issues I’ve had were addressed promptly, and the team seems genuinely dedicated to improving the plugin based on user feedback. In summary, RomethemeForm for Elementor is a must-have plugin for anyone using Elementor for web design. Its user-friendly interface, extensive customization options, and advanced features like conditional logic make it a powerful tool for creating engaging and interactive forms. Highly recommended! Disclosure: I received a copy of the plugin for testing purposes, but the opinions expressed are my own based on my experience.
Read all 5 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“RomethemeForm For Elementor” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.



Version 1.1.7
* Security Update

Version 1.1.6
* Security Update
* Bug Fixed Submit Form

Version 1.1.5
* Fixed special character on sending email confirmation and email notification.
* Add referal page for entries
* Update export entries as CSV

Version 1.1.4
* Bug Fixed Add New Form in Elementor Builder
* New Visual Interface dashboard
* Add Select Country Control in Phone Widget

Version 1.1.3
* Security Update

Version 1.1.2
* Add Number Widget
* Add Telephone Widget

Version : 1.1.1
* Bug Fixed Select Widget

Version : 1.1.0
* Add Select Widget
* Add Radio Button Widget
* Add Checkbox Widget
* Add Menu New Form in Elementor Builder
* Add Email Notification and Email Confirmation Configuration

Version : 1.0.1
* Redirect to elementor editor after add new form
* Bug Fixed
* Add fullwidth style in submit button

Version : 1.0.0
* Initial version of RomethemeForm for Elementor Plugin