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Redirect multisite user to their own site (UNMAINTAINED)

This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Redirect multisite user to their own site (UNMAINTAINED)



If the current user in a multisite environment accesses a subsite to which access has not been granted, then redirect the user back to their own site. If the user has been granted access to more than one site in the Multisite installation, then no redirect can occur. (Because there is no way of finding out which one is “correct”.)

Information for developers

There are three action hooks available to developers. You can use them, for example, to write a log file or notify an email address when an action is carried out.

  • redirect-multisite-user-to-their-own-site/no-sites fires when the user is logged in but does not have specific access to any sites in the current Multisite installation. Receives the values $current_user (WordPress User object) and $current_site_id (integer) as attributes.
  • redirect-multisite-user-to-their-own-site/redirecting fires immediately before the user is redirected to the appropriate site. Receives the values $current_user (WordPress User object), $current_site_id (integer) and $user_target_site->siteurl (the URL to which the user will be redirected) as attributes.
  • redirect-multisite-user-to-their-own-site/not-allowed fires when the user has authorized access to more than one site in the installation, and can therefore not be redirected. Receives the values $current_user (WordPress User object), $current_site_id (integer) and $user_sites (array) as attributes.

This plugin requires PHP 5.3 or newer because it uses PHP namespaces.


  1. Upload the plugin folder to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu.
  3. That’s it.


May 19, 2017 1 reply
A very useful plug-in which does what it is meant for, redirect a user to the first site he has access to. I used the plug-in “remove dashboard access” to also redirect the user to the front-end.
Read all 1 review

Contributors & Developers

“Redirect multisite user to their own site (UNMAINTAINED)” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Redirect multisite user to their own site (UNMAINTAINED)” has been translated into 1 locale. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

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  • This plugin is no longer in active development.


  • Extend README with additional clarification. No functional changes.


  • Revise text domain slug, action hook names and Plugin URI in plugin description.


  • Change plugin URL to WordPress repository version.
  • Change text domain to reflect real plugin name.


  • Initial WordPress SVN repository commit.


  • Fix logic to check whether user is logged in, and to verify that the current site ID is in the array of the user’s sites.


  • Fix namespace syntax
  • Amend variable naming conventions
  • Add actions to allow external code to access the functionality.


  • Initial commit of pre-release version.