Nofollow for external link


Just simple, if you use this plugin, rel=nofollow and target=_blank will be inserted automatically, for all the external links of your website posts, pages or theme menus.

Also you can set exclude domains, not to add rel=nofollow for the selected external domain links.

If you need support, please leave your comment here


  • Add rel=nofollow for all the external links of your website posts / pages / menus.
  • Add target=_blank for all the external links of your website posts / pages / menus.
  • Support custom post type content.
  • Support WordPress multisite.
  • You can exclude domains, not to add rel=nofollow for the selected external links.
  • This plugin will not add rel=nofollow or target=_blank to any href=#read-more or href=#gotop type links.
  • This plugin will not add rel=nofollow or target=_blank any of the internal link on your website posts / pages.
  • If you already added rel=dofollow or rel=nofollow to any post manually, this plugin will not add rel=nofollow for that post.
  • If you already added target=_blank to any post manually, this plugin will not add target=_blank for that post.

You can visit our website

Wating for your valuable feedback/comments.


  • [Plugin Homepage](*


Thanks for using this plugins


  • See how the rel=nofollow inserted to all the external links.
  • Options page for Exclude Domains.


  1. Download the latest zip file and extract the ‘nofollow-external-link’ directory.
  2. Upload it to your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory.
  3. Activate ‘Nofollow for external link’ on the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress admin panel.
  4. That’s it, you are all done 🙂
  5. Now check the external links will open in new window and rel=nofollow added.


Ques. Can i exclude domain not to add rel=nofollow? How can i add domain names, for those links i don’t want to add rel=nofollow?
Ans: Yes now you can exclude domain names. Please go to WordPress Admin Panel -> Settings -> NoFollow ExtLinks, and follow instructions.

Ques. Does this plugins works for custom post type content?
Ans: Yes it does.


October 15, 2020
After trying numerous other plugins, this one is the only one that worked and is also the easiest to use. Perfect!
Read all 38 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Nofollow for external link” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • check compatibility with latest php version 8.0-8.2
  • check functionality in latest WordPress version 6.5.2


  • check compatibility with latest php version 7.1-7.4
  • check functionality in latest WordPress version 5.5.1


  • Fix the issue, rel=”noopener” automatically added to link tag when “Open link in a new tab” checkbox checked in latest WordPress version
  • Replace blank index.php file with comment


  • Fix issue with target=”_self”, target=”_top”, target=”_parent”


  • Not add rel=nofollow and target=_blank for “/about-us” type internal links.
  • Add rel=nofollow and target=_blank for theme menus
  • Security updates


  • Banner added in plugins settings page


  • PHP notice/warning remove/fix.


  • Exclude Domains feature added.
  • Not add rel=nofollow and target=_blank for #more or #gotop type links.
  • Not add rel=nofollow or target=_blank for those link you already added manually.
  • Some bug fixes.


  • First released version.
  • Please send me your feedback.