NHR Movies


This plugin allows you to build a movie database. In the upcoming version you can display movie table in the frontend.

Major features in NHRROB Movies include:

  • Shows list page of movies
  • Shows create page for movies
  • Edit feature of existing movies
  • Field validation
  • Shortcode (Coming soon)


  • Screenshot from List page. List of movies are displayed in a table.
  • Screenshot from Create page. In this page, title and description field is available.


Upload the plugin to your blog, activate it, and then have fun!.

You can install this plugin in two ways. Manually and From Dashboard.

1. Upload nhrrob-movies to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
3. Go to NHR Movies Menu. You will see a movie table.
4. Add movie or update movie to make a movie database
5. Use shortcode to display movies on the frontend (Coming soon)

Have fun!

From Dashboard:
1. Go to Dashboard=>Plugins=>Add New => Search “NHRROB Movies” => install
2-5: Follow steps from above ‘Manually’ section.



Where can i find plugin menu?

Plugin provides a menu name ‘NHRROB Movies’.
Currently this menu has no subpage.

Visit NHR Movies page and build your movie database.

What about cast, directors, genre, year, categories (E.x. movie watch and watched list)?

Currently this plugin provides movie crud only.
Other features are coming REALLY soon!


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Contributors & Developers

“NHR Movies” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • Tested up to bumped


  • Feature to display movie list.
  • Create movie
  • Edit movie