This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.



This plugin allows you to add a shortcode and convert any part of text to image. Pluging is usefull if you want to protect e-mail addresses or links in your post.

To use plugin just install it and activate. When the plugin is activated you can use [e2i] text you wish to convert to image [/e2i]. If you use this tag you will create image with default optios (you can set them in Option page). Also, you can override default options by adding parametars to the tag:

[e2i type=”login” color=”FFCC88″ size=”3″ bgcolor=”0044AA” trans=”NO”] text [/e2i]

Possible values:

* type="...": show normal text to admin, login or none
* color="...": text color, 000000 - FFFFFF
* size="...": text size, 1 - 5
* bgcolor="...": background color, 000000 - FFFFFF
* trans="...": transparent background, YES - NO


2015-03-13: version 0.2.5
    Bugfix & compatibility: WordPress 4.1.1

2012-10-09: version 0.2.2
    Bugfix & compatibility: WordPress 3.4.2

2009-12-25, version 0.2.1
    Bugfix: WordPress 2.9

2009-03-20, version 0.2
    Add: option page
    Add: choose font size and color, background color and transparency

2009-03-17, version 0.1.2
    Bugfix: problems in encryption solved

2009-03-17, version 0.1.1
    Bugfix: added encryption of text tagged for conversion 

2009-03-12, version 0.1
    First realase!


  • Options page


  1. Upload plugin to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. In post/page editor add [e2i]…[/e2i] around text you want to convert to image. See Options page to set default values and for more details about usage.


Are there any plans for new version?

Yes. Some new features I plan to add:
* text in multiple lines


November 8, 2016
Just installed this plugin and it works. There are many more occasion one would like to render text as image – copy and pasted proof etc, and this is just what I need.
Read all 1 review

Contributors & Developers

“MM-email2image” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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