This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Make Connector


Make is a visual platform that lets you design, build, and automate anything – from simple tasks to complex workflows – in minutes. With Make, you can send information between WordPress and thousands of apps to drive traffic and improve sales potential. It’s fast and easy to use, visually intuitive and requires zero coding expertise.

Here are some of the ways to use WordPress with Make:

  • Add new WordPress users to your CMR and marketing tools, like Salesforce, ActiveCampaign, or Mailchimp
  • Create new WordPress posts from incoming webhook data, Google Forms responses, or FreeScout conversations
  • Share your WordPress posts on Facebook, Pinterest, or other social media platforms
  • Send a message about new WordPress posts to messaging apps, like Slack, Telegram, or Microsoft Teams
  • Create database items from your WordPress posts in Notion, MySQL, or any other database app
  • Or choose a template to help you get started.

How to get started:

Get help from Make’s Support team.
Make’s Terms of use and Privacy policy.


  1. Upload the “integromat-connector” folder to the “/wp-content/plugins/” directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the “Plugins” menu in WordPress.
  3. A new item called “Make” appears in the admin menu. Here you can see your API key, through which you can connect your WordPress site to You can also select which custom fields you want to be visible in the REST API response.

This plugin allows you to safely connect your WordPress site to Make. It also gives you the possibility to work with custom meta fields (creating/updating them through the REST API and including them in the API response).

This plugin does not send any data to the service itself. It only simplifies the connection process and allows custom fields to be included in the REST API responses.


January 9, 2024
Works if you know what you are doing!
May 18, 2023
Simple to use and works well. It’s been rock solid so far. Initially, I was trying to use a different plugin to achieve the same thing because of the poor reviews this plugin had. That was complicated, and I couldn’t get it to work. I then tried the Make plugin. At first, it didn’t work because there was a conflict with the other plugin. However, as soon as I disabled the other plugin, it worked fine.
May 17, 2023 1 reply is one of the best automation plugins available for WordPress. I have been trying Zapier and other extensions, but the support team of got your back. Their automation settings are endless and their theme is willing to help you out! 5/5 and A+++ rating!!
April 30, 2023 3 replies
When Make took this plugin over from Integromat, they broke the ACF integration. Custom fields can not be mapped to another app. At least custom Contact fields don’t show up in the pull down. So in my example, I can’t pass a phone number or street address from WordPress to Google Contacts. MAKE made it BROKEN.
Read all 19 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Make Connector” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Make Connector” has been translated into 2 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Make Connector” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • Add custom taxonomies
  • Fix plugin slow down


  • Enhanced API calls logging
  • Fixed blocking of some internal API calls


  • Added possibility of API calls logging
  • Fixed blocking of some internal API calls
  • Skip authentication check when authenticating with another method


  • Sending proper http status codes


  • Fixed error message when uploading binary media item


  • Init version