This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Import XML and RSS Feeds


Import content from any XML or RSS file or URL.

You can import the content to any post type in your WordPress install. You can also import taxonomies.

Our plugin is especailly useful for importing content from Wix websites.

Step by Step process

  • Select the source ( URL or FILE UPLOAD ).
  • Select your repeated XML element you want to import – this should be the node in your XML file which will be considered a post upon import.
  • Select the post type you want to import the content to.
  • Match the fields from the XML node you’ve selected (step 2) to the corresponding fields you have available on the post type.

Supported files and URLs

  • The XML source file should be a valid XML file. You can check your feed validation here.
  • JSON feeds needs to be first converted to RSS or XML file using tools such as this.
  • The plugin will then check if the URL source or the uploaded file is valid before the import and processing starts
  • If you use URL source for import, please ensure the URL is not password protected
  • Supported formats: XML 1.0, XML 2.0, Atom 1, RSS


  • XML Preview – After successfully uploading an XML file or reading an external URL, the plugin will present you with an XML preview of the selected node. This can be used to check if you’ve selected the correct node and ensure that the data are read correctly by the plugin. The preview presents one item from the selected node but it is paginated so you can navigate back and forward between the elements.

  • Linking Taxonomies to Posts – You can import categories and taxonomies from the XML file and link the imported posts to these taxonomies. First you need to have the taxonomies created in WordPress to allow the plugin to import into these taxonomies. By default WordPress has two taxonomies: categories and tags.

  • Limit posts – In the “Import Settings” area you can set limits for the import. You can use multiple patterns to include posts in the import. Use semicolon to separate the values, for example: 1-8;10;14-

  • Importing and linking multiple taxonomies to one post – To import and link one post to multiple taxonomies, you need to have an XML element in your selected node with a list of categories separated by commas. These elements will be recognized and imported separately as taxonomy terms.

  • Save & Load templates – Once the fields are matched, you can save the matching as a template, and use it again for another import.

  • Support for tag attributes

  • Custom Fields & ACF support

Demo Video



“Excelent” – mediadocena


“Works as expected, smooth process” – Sunfire


“Excellent! Finally a plugin that does exactly what I need” – golfinsa


  • Import XML feed – Select XML/RSS feed from URL
  • Import XML feed – Select XML/RSS feed from File Upload
  • Import XML feed – Select the repeat element from feed
  • Import XML feed – Matching elements
  • Import XML feed – Import finished
  • Import XML feed – Templates


  1. Upload the plugin files to the plugins directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly
  2. Activate the plugin through the \’Plugins\’ screen in WordPress
  3. Go to the ‘Settings->Import Feed’ to configure the plugin


March 4, 2022
It messes up sensitive data like publication dates or categories; doesn’t actually do anything with external media except creating blank database posts… The only upside is that it supports ACF. ________________________ Editing since i have tried different approach with it, for some reason the images downloads just fine on another hosting(same config) and dates needs to have proper format. It still pretty much can’t synchronize categories but i can live with that.
July 5, 2021 1 reply
It lets you map fields and the import went well. It would be even more helpful if it allowed us to also map attributes, in case images are stored in the RSS feed as an attribute. Thanks for your work!
June 15, 2021 1 reply
I wanted to convert an RSS feed into posts. This plugin lets you precisely map how you want meta data imported and even integrates with Advanced Custom Fields.
July 18, 2020
It was exactly what I was looking for. Perfect for import from Wix to wordpress. Highly recommended.
March 25, 2020
After searching for and trying (without success) different ways to import posts from an old Wix website blog, this plugin finally saved me from pulling out my hair. The process was smooth, easy to follow, and worked exactly as I had hoped. I was able to import all Wix blog posts into my new WP site as posts, easily select which elements from the Wix blog corresponded to the WP blog elements (title, content, date, etc). NOTE: This did not pull in the media (photos/graphics), but that has to do with Wix being protective of anything that might have been uploaded to their site builder. So I’ll still have to go back, save those images from Wix, then upload to the new WP site. But at least I didn’t have to retype everything from scratch.
Read all 24 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Import XML and RSS Feeds” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Import XML and RSS Feeds” has been translated into 1 locale. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Import XML and RSS Feeds” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • Image upload fixed


  • Minor fixes


  • WP 6.3 Compatibility
  • Improved template functions
  • PHP 8.0 compatibility fixes


  • WP 6.2 Compatibility


  • WP 6.0 Compatibility


  • PHP warnings fixed
  • Minor fixed


  • New features released


  • Admin improvements
  • Plugin updater improved


  • Bugfixes


  • Improved reading XML from URL


  • Improved import script


  • Bugfixes
  • Admin screen fixes
  • Simple XML string entity fix


  • Licence manager implemented
  • Improved admin layout
  • Bugfixes


  • Added Atom feed support
  • Bugfixes


  • Improved AJAX actions


  • Fixed Limit Post queue issue


  • Queue implementation for AJAX calls


  • Added hook to filter the_content


  • Fixed image import if scheme is missing from URL


  • Extended support for add-on
  • Bugfixing
  • Improved admin layout


  • Updated plugin premium box


  • Updated plugin premium box


  • Fixed translation slugs
  • PHP 7 compatibility


  • Adding Czech translation


  • Adding donation box


  • Fixed PHP warnings


  • Fixed multiple taxonomy import, comma separated list allowed


  • Fixed post_title field, HTML tags will be removed from it


  • Fixed PHP Warning message


  • Fixed Date format issue


  • Fixed ACF functions


  • Added post limitation


  • Fixed “Wrong or unreadable XML file!” error on file upload.


  • Fixed “Wrong or unreadable XML file!” error appeared for Internet Explorer users.


  • Fixed featured image import


  • Added ability to set post_date from xml/rss feed. (thanks to metadan)


  • Fixed Options page controller issue


  • Rss “Atom” namespase issue fixed


  • Third party include fixed


  • Validated, sanitized and escaped inputs


  • Code modified to follow WP standards


  • Initial release of the plugin.