Hide Block


Simple to use

Do you want to edit your block in the Backend but you don’t want to publish it for the public? With this plugin
you can hide or show block from your page.

Features of the plugin include:

  • Work in the backend but hide from the public
  • Easy to use
  • Added Toolbar & Advanced Settings
  • Updated for the new WordPress Gutenberg Editor

Documentation & Support

Got a problem or need help with Hide Block? Than you can write me an e-mail:
info@benjamin-zekavica.de or you can ask your question in the forums section.


  • Toolbar Setting for each blocks in Gutenberg
  • Custom advanced setting
  • Block Settings


  1. Activate the plugin.
  2. Edit your page.
  3. Select your block in Gutenberg.
  4. Set the visibility for the block.
  5. Enjoy and feel free to edit and hide blocks from Frontend.


Do you need a Source Code?

Please check out my repository on Github:



March 4, 2024 4 replies
This function should be by default on the WordPress editor… My problem is that used with ACF PRO is slowing down my machine very much. Tested locally and on production. Just uninstalled waiting for a new release.
July 24, 2022
It’s tiny and just works!! No need to setup, to read documentation etc. One suggestion for further improvements: display hidden blocks as dimmed. Thanks a lot!
June 1, 2022 1 reply
Not working on a nearly clear site with generatepress and woocommerce installed. Throwing error at loading page in the backend. Also nothing is visible in the frontend then. After deactivating everything works again
January 27, 2022 1 reply
Just what I was looking for! Works perfectly! Thanks a lot, Benjamin!
November 16, 2021 1 reply
Incredible! This plugin does exactly what I want it to do! I can’t believe Wordpress’ vanilla functionality doesn’t have this built-in!
Read all 7 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Hide Block” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Hide Block” has been translated into 4 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Hide Block” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


1.6.0: 6th of March, 2024

  • Support new Gutenberg Version
  • Support WordPress 6.5

1.5.0: 3rd of March, 2024

  • Support new Gutenberg Version
  • Support WordPress 6.4

1.3.0: 19th of June, 2023

  • Support new Gutenberg Version
  • Support WordPress 6.3

1.3.0: 29th of May, 2022

  • Support new Gutenberg Version
  • Support WordPress 6.0

1.2.1: 13th of March, 2022

  • Support new Gutenberg Version
  • Support WordPress 5.9.2
  • PHP Notice Fix – No more messages in your debug log
  • Gutenberg Backend Block Classes Fix – Columns Block fix
  • Remove CSS File – Better Backend performance
  • Icon Fix

1.2.0: 26th of January, 2022

  • Support new Gutenberg Version
  • Support WordPress 5.9

1.1: 21th of July, 2021

  • Support new Gutenberg Version
  • Support WordPress 5.8
  • Lightweight optimizing
  • Remove UI Framework – More Speed
  • Fix deprection for new WordPress version / Updated to new Gutenberg edition

1.0.1: 26th of May, 2021

  • Language Slug Fix

1.0.0: 24th of May, 2021

  • Initial Release