This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

GC Social Wall


This plugin helps to export your records from social networks in WordPress blog.

Demo link:

Support Link:

Support email:

Supported social networks:

  • Twitter – user tweets.
  • Facebook – page posts.
  • WordPress – post types.
  • YouTube – user videos.
  • Vimeo – user videos.
  • Instagram – popular, search by tag, user photos, location id.
  • VK – user wall posts.

How to setup GC Social Wall

How to change default icon to fonwawesome icon

How to change default icon to custom icon


  • screenshot 1.png – this screenshot shows the how GC Social Wall works.
  • screenshot 2.png – this screenshot shows GC Social Wall settings.


From your WordPress dashboard

  1. Visit ‘Plugins > Add New’
  2. Search for ‘GC Social Wall’
  3. Activate GC Social Wall from your Plugins page. (You’ll be greeted with a Welcome page.)
  4. Visit ‘GC Social Wall’ and setup you social network accounts. (You can change this later.)
  5. Add this shortcode [gc_social_wall] where you whant to display GC Social Wall.


  1. Download GC Social Wall.
  2. Upload the ‘GC Social Wall’ directory to your ‘/wp-content/plugins/’ directory, using your favorite method (ftp, sftp, scp, etc…)
  3. Activate GC Social Wall from your Plugins page. (You’ll be greeted with a Welcome page.)
  4. Visit ‘GC Social Wall’ and setup you social network accounts. (You can change this later.)
  5. Add this shortcode [gc_social_wall] where you whant to display GC Social Wall.


Do you have some quick video guid how to setup GC Social Wall?

Yeah. You can find this guid here

How to change the icons?

In this two video tutorials shows how to do it

How to change default icon to fonwawesome icon

How to change default icon to custom icon


September 3, 2016
Great idea. Unfortunately could not get the plugin to work with our theme’s visual composer. Will watch for updates.
September 3, 2016
It works fantastic, I would like it supports Weibo network for the users that has activity in China. Five stars when Weibo support
Read all 10 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“GC Social Wall” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


Translate “GC Social Wall” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • This is a first version.


  • Add some css to admin settings.
  • Add button to tinyMCE editor.
  • Add vimeo feed.
  • Refactoring feed options code.
  • Refactoring cache system code.
  • Added the ability to change the icons.


  • Added some fixes to css.
  • Added share buttons.


  • Added instagram feed.
  • Fixed some problems with cache.


  • Added asynchronous loading posts.


  • Added vk social network.
  • Fix some bugs with asynchronous loading.


  • Added retweet count and favorites count to Twitter posts.
  • Added author panel to Twitter posts.
  • Added shares, likes and comments counts to Facebook posts.
  • Added author panel to Facebook posts.
  • Remove Facebook SDK.
  • Added likes, comments and resposts counts to VK posts.
  • Added author panel to VK posts.
  • Remove VK SDK.
  • Added likes and comments counts to Instagram posts.
  • Added author panel to Instagram posts.
  • Remove Instagram SDK.
  • Added favorite, views, likes, dislikes and comments counts to YouTube posts.
  • Added author panel to YouTube posts.
  • Added likes, comments and views counts to Vimeo posts.
  • Added hashtags ling wrapper to Twitter posts.
  • Added hashtags ling wrapper to Facebook posts.


  • Added the ability to load asynchronously.


  • Fixed some problems with max symbols.


  • Fixed facebook empty posts problems.
  • Added taget=”_top” to wordpress type posts. Thank Stéphane 🙂
  • Added “Clear cache” button


  • Added “Hide buttons” switcher. Thanks Jaqueline 🙂


  • Fixed some problems with facebook limit.


  • New concept.


  • Fix facebook problems.
  • Add width field.
  • Add gutter field.