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Guest posting / Frontend Posting wordpress plugin – WP Front User Submit / Front Editor

Guest posting / Frontend Posting wordpress plugin – WP Front User Submit / Front Editor


Demo | Documentation | Community | Upgrade to PRO

As the name explains, Guest posting / Frontend Posting / Publishing wordpress plugin is a free WordPress Plugin that facilitates the functionality to submit Posts from the frontend with or without logging in with various configurable options.

You can configure available forms with drag and drop form builder, add unlimited custom fields with various field type supports.

Key Futures

  • Flexibility for admins
  • Files & attachments
  • Forms with Drag and Drop form Builder
  • Custom Fields Frontend Display Support
  • Custom Fields Display in Backend too
  • Guest Post Support
  • Admin and User Notification Configurations
  • Redirection option available after Successful submission
  • Configure Submited Post Status
  • Enable/disable Form Components
  • Ajax Form Submission
  • Next-generation block styled editor (EditorJS) with multiple Blocks
  • MD Editor
  • TinyMCE Editor
  • Simple Text Area
  • WordPress Guest Post Submission
  • Use anywhere easily with shortcodes
  • Simple login and registration forms [fus_form_login redirect=”{URL}”],[fus_form_register redirect=”{URL}”]
  • User Frontend Dashboard [fe_fs_user_admin]
  • All device friendly and browser Compatibility
  • Developer Documentation Available

Flexibility for admins
Admins can manage users from frontend as well as configure from backend those who can access the dashboard.

Files & attachments

Users can upload attachments from the frontend. Users can also upload post featured image. Image upload on post content area

Drag-n-drop form builder

Easily fill your form with fields using drag-n-drops and real-time preview that updates as you make changes. You can see how your form will look like eventually from the dashboard!

Publish your post forms using Gutenberg

Easily add your published forms in Gutenberg editor with the Front Editor block. When users want to publish forms on a page, they can simply select it from the drop-down included in the dedicated FE block for Gutenberg. The entire form automatically renders within the editor as well as on page. It’s much easier than manually copying and pasting shortcodes! Saves you a ton of time and clicks. But you can also do it the old style using the shortcodes block.

Use anywhere easily with shortcodes

All of the forms get an unique shortcode which you can paste on any page and the form will generate without breaking the style of your theme.

WordPress Guest Post Submission

Enable guests to post from your site frontend without registering with WP Front User Submit.

Submit and update anything from Frontend

Users can upload files, fill out forms, even entry data with multiple choice menus. Allow users to update their posts from the frontend.

Next-generation block styled editor (EditorJS)

Will give the ability to add post content better with his own blocks.

Set post status, post message, update post button text

Assign separate default status for a new and edit post, the message you want to show to users after form submission, and change the text of submit buttons as you like.

Display Custom Fields Data in Post

Custom fields data are viewable to visitors on frontend on single post pages. Admins can disable this feature also.

User Admin
User Admin giving ability to manage your posts edit them or delete

Use this shortcode [fe_fs_user_admin]


  • User Role Editor plugin – if you add permission for user role edit_others_posts that role will be able to edit others posts via our editor

WP Front User Submit PRO – Premium Features

  • Custom taxonomy support
  • Custom post types
  • Custom field select
  • Custom File field with FilePond Integration
  • Custom field with various field types
    • Textfield
    • Textarea
    • Number
    • Email
    • URL
    • Tel
  • Guest Posting
  • [Editor.js] Gallery using WP Media Uploader
  • [Editor.js] Image uploading via WP Media Uploader
  • [Editor.js] Warning
  • [Editor.js] Table
  • [Editor.js] Carousel (gallery block) more info
  • [Editor.js] Attaches more info
  • Thumbnail using WP Media Uploader
  • Multiple categories selection

All these features can be enabled or disabled

Boost your site value with user-generated content!

Post Management
* Set posts to any status: Pending, Publish
* One-click filtering of submitted posts on the Admin Posts page
* Edit button on every your post to make editing efficient
* Display or disable WordPress admin bar for only user or for all

Please help us to improve the plugin

For revision and issues here

Pro Version

  • Front Editor Pro* now available here.



  • Check documentation here

For more information please visit our site .


  • English – default, always included
  • Russian – ru_RU


  • Front editor
  • Form Settings
  • Form Settings
  • Form Settings
  • Form Settings
  • Form Settings
  • User Admin
  • Save draft button


This plugin provides 1 block.

  • Front Editor


Front Editor via Gutenberg block or shortcode that enables your visitors to submit posts and upload images. Just add the following shortcode to any Post, Page, or Widget:
* Gutenberg block:Front editor
* Shortcode: [bfe-front-editor]
To add user admin page please add shortcode below:
* Shortcode: [fe_fs_user_admin count=”6″] , add ‘count’ param to show any number of posts you need

That’s all there is to it! Your site now can accept user-generated content. Everything is super easy to customize via the Plugin Settings page.


Can I create new posts from frontend


Can I Edit my posts from frontend


Can I delete my posts from frontend


Can I upload photo/image/video


I am having problem with uploading files

Please check if you’ve specified the max upload size on setting

Can I translate plugin

Yes! plugins are localized/ translatable by default. For translating I recommend the awesome plugin Loco Translate.

Is working with Gutenberg Block Editor ?

Works perfectly with or without Gutenberg Block Editor

How to use Shortcode with settings ?

Please check this article


April 6, 2024
good plugin, saved me hours of work.. the support is friendly and very fast. thanks!
November 12, 2023
Really liked the plugin. As a developer I can note the competent code and clear structure of the plugin. As a user – everything is done conveniently to create the necessary fields, convenient insertion on the page, support for different post types, and for the introduction of Editor JS separate respect. Also the author provides excellent support for his product, promptly answering questions and implementing additional features if necessary.
November 9, 2023
Professional and good looking plugin.And very good attention from Aleksan, always willing to help.
September 27, 2023
For what I needed, this plugin was perfect. Simple and compact. I just needed a plugin that allowed guests to post updates about the surrounding area we live in. After trying multiple plugins (that were either too complicated or required more than what I was budgeted for), I came across this gem. The only drawback is that it currently doesn’t implement a captcha system, but the author stated that’s going to happen in an upcoming release. So if you are looking for a simple, and easy-to-use, front-end guest posting plugin, this is definitely the one to use. The best feature about this though is that the plugin pages use an integrated chat where the actual author of the plugin responds! Amazing.
Read all 20 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Guest posting / Frontend Posting wordpress plugin – WP Front User Submit / Front Editor” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Guest posting / Frontend Posting wordpress plugin – WP Front User Submit / Front Editor” has been translated into 1 locale. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Guest posting / Frontend Posting wordpress plugin – WP Front User Submit / Front Editor” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • fixed issue when saving post
  • added google reCaptcha field


  • issue fixed


  • Security updates
  • Fixed issue with publishing


  • Fixed security issues


  • Fixed post type bug


  • [bug] Featured image was fixed
  • [bug] Fixed issue with the links
  • [New] Lock user from editing after


  • Fixed issues with arabic and Russian language
  • Added hidden text field type
  • Added text input to change placeholder text in EditorJS Quote block
  • Added text input to change placeholder text in EditorJS Header block


  • Now you can hide edit button on posts
  • Now you can add your custom text to edit button
  • You can now change submit buttons border color and radius
  • Title issue fixed
  • Every form now have its own settings for selecting edit page
  • User dashboard default is 6 posts


  • Login settings in form
  • [Post Title Field] Refactoring
  • [Post Title Field] Hide field setting
  • [Post Title Field] Generate title using other field and taxonomy selected by user
  • Required icon in label for all fields
  • Ordering files in File Field fixed


  • Taxonomy bug hot-fix
  • Small fixes on showing restriction messages


  • New Select custom field
  • New File upload field
  • Fixed small issues
  • Fixed icons issue in form builder in admin
  • [Taxonomy] fields add new button issue fixed
  • [Taxonomy] fields can be now shown hierarchically
  • [Taxonomy] order field fixed
  • [Taxonomy] added field in settings to exclude terms by id


  • [EditorJS] fixed issue with toolbox
  • Fixed issue with post image duplication
  • Updating URL after post successfully added
  • Updating submit button text to update button text after post successfully added


  • ui settings fix
  • new default design
  • fixe issue with redirect link
  • fixed tinyMCE editor not saving bug
  • added button background and font color picker


  • small ui issue fixed
  • security fix
  • align issue fixed
  • [editor.js] quote fixed now the author in bottom
  • added new content editor TinyMCE
  • added 3 type of notification with settings on post publish, submit,trash


  • inline tool activated again for paragraph
  • fixed small issue in admin


  • align settings added to header and text blocks in editor.js
  • login and registration Shortcodes added with redirect parameter
  • added logout button to user admin
  • added control buttons place settings show in the top or in the bottom
  • added settings to control success and error messages places in form
  • [editor.js] warning block issue fixed [Pro]
  • [editor.js] table block activated with new version [Pro]
  • added new field in form builder textarea
  • added loader on front form


  • widget small issue fixed
  • select default editor page fixed
  • security fixes


  • fixed issues in admin
  • Added new position for Edit Post button before post and after
  • Added chat on admin setting page to make it easy ask questions


  • security fixes
  • added settings to select default editor page
  • editor_js updated and fixed


  • added labels and placeholder support on themes
  • added new filter to be able to change default content in EditorJS field fus_editor_js_default_content
  • fixed issue with Twenty Twenty-Three theme, now plugin working with that theme too


  • fixed issue with code block
  • fixed issue with Carousel block
  • updated EditorJS to new version
  • fixed some small issues


  • added templates system similar as in WooCommerce
  • code block issue fixed


  • youtube video issue fixed


  • Integration with User Role Editor plugin (if you add permission for user role edit_others_posts that role will be able to edit others posts via our editor)


  • fixed Editor JS link block
  • fixed Enditorjs data
  • The captions under a picture


  • freemius updated


  • Added Admin Notification Configurations more info
  • Fixed issue on form creation
  • Redirect on inserting or updating post configurations more info


  • Added ability to remove style from form
  • Place to add custom style for form
  • Fixed small issue


  • We added new User Admin with created posts [fe_fs_user_admin count=’12’]
  • Save draft button added and ability in settings disable it and change button text
  • Fixed some small bugs in settings


  • Fixed issue with form saving in backend (Form settings is empty wrong check )
  • Title field made bigger (title of the article must break when it fills)


  • Fixed issue with editor js images save
  • Use HTML content if for some reason EditorJS data is empty
  • Added issue reporting system


  • Fixed issue with rest api


  • Not logged in issue with WP Media Uploader
  • Added new block for EditorJS image gallery (carousel)
  • Added new block for EditorJS attaches (will give ability to add files)


  • Fixed issue with EditorJS saving
  • Fixed issue on some theme wp media uploader styles
  • Fixed issue with media uploader in Editor js
  • Success/Issue popup style changed to smaller and added to right bottom


  • MD Editor russian lang
  • On post edit button fixed
  • Fixed issue in plugin settings
  • Side popup bar on save or update removed


  • Refactoring
  • New post on update fixed
  • MD Editor added


  • Fixed post title field bug
  • Added hook after post created
  • Added hook after post updated
  • Fixed issue with freemius free to pro version bug