Flexy Breadcrumb


Flexy Breadcrumb by PressTigers is one of the simple and robust breadcrumb menu system available for the WordPress site. By using this plugin, you can display breadcrumb navigation anywhere in your website via [flexy_breadcrumb] shortcode.
With the help of this plugin you can style and format the text, links and separators of breadcrumbs according to your own taste.

Plugin Features

  • SEO Friendly(added schema structure).
  • Use via [flexy_breadcrumb] shortcode.
  • Allow users to change breadcrumb separator.
  • Set Home text and End text.
  • Set Word/Character limit for navigation menu.
  • Font Awesome icon picker for Home.
  • Color options for text, link, separator and background through global settings.
  • Set font size of breadcrumb trail.


This goes somewhere near the bottom of your theme’s header.php template. However, you can add it anywhere you want in your theme, and it’ll work.

 <?php echo do_shortcode( '[flexy_breadcrumb]'); ?> 

Submit Patches

If you’ve identified a bug and have a fix, we’d welcome it at our GitHub page for Flexy Breadcrumb. Simply submit a pull request so we can review and merge into the codebase if appropriate from there. Happy coding!


  1. Google Fonts(https://fonts.google.com)
  2. jQuery UI(https://jqueryui.com)
  3. WP Color Picker Alpha(https://github.com/23r9i0/wp-color-picker-alpha)
  4. Font Awesome Icon Picker(https://github.com/itsjavi/fontawesome-iconpicker)


  • Basic Theme – Front-end view of breadcrumb trail.
  • General Settings – Allow user to manage general settings.
  • Typography Settings – Allow user to change color options for breadcrumb trail.


  1. Upload flexy-breadcrumb.zip to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory to your web server.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.
  3. Add [flexy_breadcrumb] shortcode in the editor or appropriate file(header.php) to display the breadcrumb on front-end.


How to use Flexy Breadcrumb Shortcode?

There are several methods but in general, you need to add the following line of code to your theme. This goes somewhere near the bottom of your theme’s header.php template. However, you can add it anywhere you want in your theme, and it’ll work.

<?php echo do_shortcode( '[flexy_breadcrumb]'); ?>


June 7, 2024 1 reply
Deprecated: Creation of dynamic property Flexy_Breadcrumb_Trail::$before_wrap is deprecated in /wp-content/plugins/flexy-breadcrumb/includes/class-flexy-breadcrumb-shortcode.php on line 66
May 11, 2022
can be so much better -dont have any Guide about how to use (exepet plugin home in wordpress.org) -can have so much more option abot css,like padding or text align -dont have any direction for rtl tnx from developer
April 9, 2021
I personally only use the shorter code entered into any of the “text “widgets Go into Customizing/widgets/(now choose area you want it to be placed at)add a widget/text Enter [flexy_breadcrumb] into the text field UPDATE: looked like the best breadcrumb plugin, but today I noticed that it doesn’t work with my secondary menu properly. It shows Home and after that immediately the page I am on, skipping all the hierarchy like if it doesn’t exist. I use Simple Grid pro theme btw. That’s a pity, because I really liked it otherwise.
Read all 20 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Flexy Breadcrumb” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Flexy Breadcrumb” has been translated into 2 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Flexy Breadcrumb” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • Fix – Fixed the issue where field “item” missing (in “itemListElement”).


  • Feature – Made it compatible with the WooCommerce product categories and tags.
  • Feature – Made it compatible with the Simple Job Board job categories.
  • Feature – Added “Home Text URL” field in General settings for Flexy Breadcrumb.
  • Fix – Fixed the issue where “Home”, “Page” and other strings were not translatable.
  • Fix – Fixed the issue where HTML tags in posts title appear in breadcrumb.
  • Fix – Fixed the issue where date and tags “Post Types Hierarchy” doesn’t work for custom post types.
  • Fix – Fixed the issue where the blog page is binded to incorrect URL on change of domain.


  • Feature – Added breadcrumb trail for Blog.
  • Tweak – Updated Google Structured of breadcrumbs.
  • Fix – Fixed the responsive spacing issue of separator.
  • Fix – Resolved separator color issue related to typography.


  • Tweak – Added compatibility for WordPress 5.5


  • Fix – Resolved errors of breadcrumb trail with Google Search Console.


  • Fix – Added slash at the end of the URL – Google Recommendation
  • Fix – Wrapping the admin style to avoid from any style conflict.
  • Tweak – Update the schema links to https.


  • Feature – Added breadcrumb trail for default posts page.
  • Feature – Display category in post detail page having highest count.
  • Fix – Fixed Google Structured Schema for Breadcrumbs.
  • Fix – Remove archive link for custom post type if archive parameter is false.
  • Tweak – Display only highest category count in post detail page.


WP 4.9 Compatibility – Resolved the color picker issue in settings’s typography tab.
* Fix – Resolved the space issue between the attributes.


  • Fix – Resolved the structured data issue for active list element.


  • Fix – Resolved the floating issues in breadcrumb template.
  • Fix – Fixed the styling glitches of settings tab’s layout.
  • Fix – Resolved the 404 error in case of home page.


  • Initial release