This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

EDD Download Info


EDD Download Info is add-on plugin for Easy Digital Downloads plugin. You need to install
that first.

Plugin Features

This plugin is mainly for WordPress Themes and Plugins shop with some added features.

  1. Adds metabox where you can add URL for your demo, document and support site. There is also updated date because this is not normally same as updated date of your download ‘post’.
  2. Adds download features (custom taxonomy).
  3. Adds two widgets. One widget is for showing download info like purchase link, demo, document and support site links, version number, download count and updated date.
    And another widget is for download features.
  4. Adds shortcode for “Free Download” button. This is for downloads which you want to give away free and host in for example, but still have them on your site as a download.

Widgets usage

Under Appearance >> Widgets you can find two widgets: Download Features and Download Info.

Using Download Features is easy. Just drag it into a widget area and write title. You can also check whether to use links or not in features.

In Download Info widget you get version number, download count, updated date, demo, support and documentation link.

  1. Version number comes from EDD version or EDD Software Licence Plugin.
  2. Download count comes from EDD edd_get_download_sales_stats function.
  3. You can set demo link to show as button and you can change default demo link style under Downloads >> Settings >> Styles.
  4. You can set demo, support and documentation link and updated date when you’re editing download. There is metabox Download Info on the right.
  5. You can also show purchase link in button and open link in a new window.

Shortcode usage

This plugin register shortcode [edd_download_info_link]. This gives you download button with custom link. There are couple of attributes in this shortcode.

  1. url: you definitely want to use this because default url link is empty. This is the url you want go when you click this button.
  2. open: By default link opens in new window. If you set attribute to no, link opens in the same window.
  3. text: default text is Download.
  4. style: default style is button.
  5. color: default style is blue or what you have set under Downloads >> Settings >> Styles for Default button color.
  6. class: default is edd-submit.

Example usage.

[edd_download_info_link text="Download Free" url="" color="gray" open="no"]


  • Download Info
  • Download Features
  • Download Info Widget
  • Download Features Widget


  1. Upload edd-download-info to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress.


Why was this plugin created?

I needed this feature and someone else might need it too.


January 9, 2021
Good and allows you to add embedded bbcode if you’re clever.
September 3, 2016 1 reply
This is a nice little addition to EDD site. It makes it easier to certain info on a specific download page. Thank you for the developer!
Read all 5 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“EDD Download Info” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


Translate “EDD Download Info” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • Use PHP5 object constructors in Widgets (parent::__construct).
  • Update language files.
  • Tested up to 4.3.

  • Added classes to widget links.
  • Updated language files.
  • Tested up to 4.1.


  • Tested up to 4.0.
  • Better security for plugin files.
  • Update plugin URL to


  • Update demo link function to work for any theme.
  • Better security for outputting links.


  • Update demo link color setting.


  • Changelog link added in metabox.
  • Language files updated.
  • Taxonomy download feature register fire at priority 0. It was having 404 page.

  • Repository link added in metabox. This is useful for free products.
  • Language files updated.

  • Add div around purchase and demo link so that themes can use style them more easily.


  • Add purchase and demo link functions what themes can use.
  • You can now put translation files also to /wp-content/languages/edd-download-info folder. This is the same idea and code
    what is used in Easy Digital Download Plugin.


  • Add $slug variable in case EDD_SLUG has been changed. Thanks to @sumobi.


  • Added option to show or not to show download count.


  • Datepicker styles fixed.


  • Language files updated.


  • Everything’s brand new.