This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.



DropshipMe is a breakthrough product for AliExpress dropshipping. We curate a base of thousands of top selling and already 100% edited AliExpress products that integrates with WordPress-based stores. DropshipMe plugin allows you to easily search and import the best and promising products from the most reliable suppliers to your store. All products are handpicked by our team of experts and have already manually edited information, such as titles, descriptions, images, variants, etc. So you can have your perfectly pre-optimized product pages your customers expect to land on in absolutely no time. All the manual work is already done for you. Just import products you fancy in a couple of clicks and start selling.

DropshipMe plugin is free. The plugin provides the access to the product database via API. To activate the plugin, visit DropshipMe website, enter your email and click “Get my plugin now” to get your free API key. After the activation you immediately get 50 free products ready to import to your store. The plugin is compatible with AliDropship and WooCommerce.

– Quick and easy product search and import
– Only trustworthy AliExpress suppliers
– Winning products handpicked by experts
– Professionally edited product information
– Import product ratings and reviews
– Regularly updated and growing database
– Recommended pricing markup

Minimum Requirements

  • WordPress 4.7+
  • WooCommerce 3.0.0+
  • PHP version 7.1+


In case you have any questions or need technical assistance, get in touch with us in our online chat window here or send us email at


Before installing and activating DropshipMe plugin, make sure that your site meets the following requirements:
– No localhost
– No Multisite
– No subdomain
– PHP version is 7.1 or higher
– WooCommerce plugin is installed and activated
– WordPress is installed in the website’s root directory

Main issues and how to solve them

Outdated PHP version
Contact your hosting provider to upgrade PHP version to 7.1 or higher.

Site is on subdomain
Use the main domain as Do not use technical domains, domains ‘.local’, etc.

WordPress is installed in subfolder
Install WordPress to the website’s root directory.

Multisite is used
Use single WordPress installation.

Any cURL errors (cURL error 7: Failed to connect, cURL error 28: Connection timed out, cURL error 35: gnutls_handshake() failed, etc.)
There may be following reasons for such errors:
– Your cURL is outdated
Get in touch with your host’s support team with the request to update their cURL library to the latest version.
– No open incoming connection available on your server
Request your host’s support to allow open incoming connection for your website.
– Your WordPress Address (URL) and Site Address (URL) do not match
Make sure they are the same as your current domain name (WP Dashboard => Settings => General).

If you have checked all points, but have not found the reason why the plugin is not activated, please contact DropshipMe support team via contact form on the site or email: and be ready to provide WordPress admin access to your website.

Follow Us

Our Official Website
Our Facebook Page
Our Twitter Account


  • Search results
  • Product details
  • Import settings
  • AliExpress
  • Import reviews


To install the plugin, please follow this instruction.
1. Upload to /wp-admin/plugin-install.php
2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
3. Enter your API key gained from
4. Start importing items and sell them in your WooCommerce store


Is this tool free?

Yes, the plugin is free. You will be also given 50 free product imports. Since the system requires a lot of memory and resources, if you want to have more than 50 product imports you’ll need to purchase product packages. The plugin will keep running with free account.

How to get DropshipMe API key?

The plugin provides the access to DropshipMe Services via API. To activate the plugin, get your free API key on DropshipMe website.

Where can I get support?

To ask for help, report bugs or suggest changes, please email to

For More Query?

You can get more Knowledge about DropshipMe from Knowledgebase.


July 21, 2021 1 reply
Glad to find that the built in currency switcher is finally fixed, I need this option. Not everyone use dollars in their stores.
July 14, 2021 1 reply
imitation of an affiliate network.
August 10, 2020
I downloaded Dropshipme and install it on my site, but no free imports were added to my store. I immediately wrote to support, where they helped me solve this problem by looking at my store. Thanks, team! Imports were added, now I use the plugin and love the simplicity and design of your product.
June 25, 2020
I’m using it on several stores. Recommended prices for products sometimes are too high, so I edit them, but its not a problem. Taken all round it’s useful.
May 22, 2020
A lot of problems for scandinavians with currency unlike USD. We also use , as a decimal delimiter which creates problems. At the same time AliDrop are running a discount on several products and the conversion from Ali through DropShipMe is not correct. Worst of all is still that they will not acknowledge there is a problem. I have now received 20+ mails from “Julia” saying it is no problem – and I show them the mapping problems between Ali and down to my netshop. This is bad!!!
April 20, 2020
I am just a beginner in ecommerece. This plugin helps greatly. Saves time for searching and editing products. Nice interface.
Read all 23 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“DropshipMe” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“DropshipMe” has been translated into 1 locale. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “DropshipMe” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


PHP 8.0 compatibility improved

Improvements for images import

A bug with currency conversion fixed

A bug with product import fixed

Filter by supplier added

A bug with zero prices for simple products fixed
PHP 7.4 compatibility improved

Shipping tab fixed
Product Analysis tab fixed and renamed as Aliexpress tab

A bug with reviews import fixed

A possibility to add www. to domain name keeping the same API key implemented

A full list of countries added to ‘Shipping to’ filter in Import settings
Minor improvements


A bug with variable products going out of stock on WooCommerce sites fixed
A bug with reviews import fixed


A bug with doubled images in reviews on AliWoo sites fixed


Option to import product to parent/child category added to Import settings
Dropdown menu to choose reason in ‘Report this product’ form added
A bug with images in reviews fixed


Product filters and import settings moved to a collapsible sidebar
Import Products section functionality, design and layout improved
Imports History section added
Minor optimizations


Users’ tracking removed to meet General Data Protection Regulation rules

A bug with variations in AliDropship original sites fixed


Mobile interface improved
In Check my import list section the option to sort the products added
A bug with pricing in WooCommerce sites fixed


Supplier price, orders amount and shipping details filters added
Warehouse location info for products added
Shipping details info for products added
Check my import list section added
Show prices in my currency added
Product analysis info added
Overall optimization


Woo import bug fixed
Free shipping icon added


Minor optimizations


Minor optimizations

Minor optimizations


This is the initial release version of the plugin.