This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Dreamstime Stock Photos


Insert stock photos & images easily & safely into your posts and pages from the largest selection of free images and professional stock photos online without leaving WordPress. The Dreamstime plugin enhances your WordPress workflow by allowing you to download royalty-free and public domain images directly from Dreamstime’s database of millions of free stock photos and commercial Royalty-Free images from within the WordPress Add Media tool. All images are model released and properly attributed so they are 100% safe to use without ever having to worry about model or photographer claims.

For current Dreamstime users, the plugin is linked to your existing account so if you’ve already purchased an image prior to installing the WordPress plugin, you won’t have to purchase the same image again. New users can quickly sign up a free account at

Dreamstime contributors can add their own images to their blog articles without having to pay for them.

You can also make money with the automatic Dreamstime referral program integration. Using the automatically generated referral links you will receive 10% of all sales and uploads made within the first 3 years for each user you refer!


  • Over 188,000,000 free and Royalty-Free stock photos and illustrations to choose from
  • Insert images and illustrations directly into your posts or pages with ease with seamless Dreamstime account integration
  • 100% safe, model-released images
  • Image attribution automatically added
  • Earn 10% referral commissions with automatically generated referral links
  • Thousands of free stock photos and public domain (CC0) images available


  • Editors’ Choice Images view
  • Search view
  • Image download view
  • Insert into post view
  • Post with image downloaded from Dreamstime view
  • Login / Create Account view
  • Logged in view
  • Previous downloads view
  • Own images view
  • Previously downloaded image view


  1. Extract the contents of the zip archive to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory or install the plugin from your WordPress dashboard -> plugins -> add new menu
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress
  3. Use Add Dreamstime Media button when you create/modify your posts or pages.


May 29, 2018
So, here I was ready to give this a poor rating. I have a Dreamstime account and when I first logged in to the plugin page from the blog post that I was writing, the screen it showed wasn’t exactly friendly. I tried a search and clicked on a chosen image and nothing happened. There were no details about the image and I wasn’t sure what was to happen next. So I exited. I started to rate this plugin rather badly but then decided I should test it again and see what an image looked like on my page, even if it was just one I had previously purchased. This time, I’m guessing because I was already logged in, a slightly different screen appeared. The layout was better and when I chose a new image it actually took me to a screen similar to how it looks on the Dreamstime website. Selecting the image was fine, I could choose the size and see the number of credits it would charge. And after selecting the image the plugin acted very similar to adding media. What I liked most was how the copyright information was added for me. This is always a pain when doing it manually. So, a rating one went to four.
September 6, 2017
This is such a wonderful tool. Links seemlessly with my Dreamstime account, I get access to both paid and free content. They could’ve simply let me download from there, but this saves me time. Something their competitors lack. Thank you, Dreamstime.
February 21, 2017
Its not really working well. Since more then one year server problems with this plugin but there is no change in this plugin. They advertise it on the website but sadly they dont support it any longer.
Read all 19 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Dreamstime Stock Photos” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Updated for WordPress 6.3 and PHP 8.1


  • Updated for WordPress 6.0


  • Updated for WordPress 5.7.2


  • Updated for API 10.0


  • Updated for WordPress 5.5.1


  • Fixed authentication issues


  • Updated for WordPress 5.2.4


  • Updated plugin information


  • Minor tweaks


  • Updated for WordPress 5.1.1


  • Updated for WordPress 4.9.4


  • Security improvements


  • Security improvements


  • Security improvements


  • Security improvements


  • Security improvements


  • Fixed “Incorrect headers” error appearing when downloading images


  • Fixed warning messages appearing on some WordPress installations


  • Added featured image


  • Fixed referral links


  • Free download for previously downloaded images
  • Free download for own images


  • Added review box


  • Fixed downloading large resolution images


  • Display note if uploads folder is not writable
  • Prefill search with the words from the article’s title or description
  • Hide less frequently used image sizes


  • Original release