This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

DigitalOcean Spaces Sync


DigitalOcean Spaces Sync plugin connects your Media Library to a container in DigitalOcean Spaces. It syncs data from your website to cloud storage
and replaces links to images (optional). You may keep the media locally (on your server) and make backup copy to cloud storage, or just serve it all
from DigitalOcean Spaces.

In order to use this plugin, you have to create a DigitalOcean Spaces API key.

You may now define constants in order to configure the plugin. If the constant is defined, it overwrites the value from settings page.
Contants description:
– DOS_KEY – DigitalOcean Spaces key
– DOS_SECRET – DigitalOcean Spaces secret,
– DOS_ENDPOINT – DigitalOcean Spaces endpoint,
– DOS_CONTAINER – DigitalOcean Spaces container,
– DOS_STORAGE_PATH – The path to the file in the storage, will appear as a prefix,
– DOS_STORAGE_FILE_ONLY – Keep files only in DigitalOcean Spaces or not, values (true|false),
– DOS_STORAGE_FILE_DELETE – Remove files in DigitalOcean Spaces on delete or not, values (true|false),
– DOS_FILTER – A Regex filter,
– UPLOAD_URL_PATH – A full url to the files, WP Constant,
– UPLOAD_PATH – A path to the local files, WP Constant

There is a known issue with the built in WordPress Image Editor, it will not upload changed images. Know how to fix this, PR welcome.


  • Configuration screen


  1. Upload the plugin files to the /wp-content/plugins/do-spaces-sync directory, or install the plugin through the WordPress plugins screen directly.
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ screen in WordPress
  3. Use the Settings->DigitalOcean Spaces Sync screen to configure the plugin
  4. Create a DigitalOcean Spaces API key and container


March 5, 2024
I really was looking for a simple plugin to do this work, but the plugin is no longer working, and code issues are not allowing the integration with DO.
May 7, 2020
The plugin is admittedly broken if updated to the latest wordpress version, based on support discussion, but its listed as compatible. It makes DB changes that are irreversible without undoing them manually and then if you deleted your local copy to use the destination space, you don’t have anything to return too. So the plugin as is … will just delete everything in uploads and rewrite your urls to an empty space.
February 26, 2020
If it was possible to give a less than 1 rating I would happily do it. This plugin did not sync my media with DO spaces. What’s worse, all media links on my website now link to my DO spaces CDN even though they were not synced. As a result, all images on my website appear broken. I wrote to support and received no reply so I’m left with nothing else to do but restore a backup of my site. I’m more than disappointed.
Read all 13 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“DigitalOcean Spaces Sync” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Changed “upload done” hook to improve performance (


  • Fix Test Connection ignore post data (
  • Fix dupe files in delete attachment (


  • Fix empty upload path cause create server real path in DO Space (
  • Fix PHP Deprecated warning (


  • Fixed issue with constant initialization
  • Updated packages


  • Fixed file_path for multisite setup
  • Fix preg_match() Warning if Filemask/Regex in DOS setting is empty


  • Fixed attachment save on image edit
  • It may now work with image optimization plugins, if not, report

  • Hotfix, thanks WP SVN, start using Git finally.


  • Rewrote the plugin.
  • Removed useless code.
  • Fixed unique filename problem.
  • Added constants that may be defined.


  • Removed attachment url rewrite, it was not consistent.

  • Had to push version up in order svn to catchup with updates.


  • Fixed filemasks, now using regex.
  • Added ability to rewrite attachment url for filtered files returning original url, this thing may be buggy, so waiting for reports.


  • Renamed the plugin.
  • Removed useless options.
  • Fixed file removal issue.
  • No need for region in S3Client.

  • A hotfix for logger.


  • Updated methods to fix non-images uploads.


  • Removed useless log messages.


  • Fixed upload path param.


  • Nothing really special, added icons and tested with WP 4.9.


  • Initial releasse.