This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

DFP Ad Manager


For simple management of DoubleClick for Publishers ad positions.

This plugin is designed to simplify the process of working with DoubleClick for Publishers. Rather than inundate the user with too many options and settings, instead everything is managed within DoubleClick, utilizing WordPress to display the positions.

Page, category, and tag targeting is built-in, with the option to extend on the DoubleClick Javascript library and add even more targeting and send data from the WordPress backend to DoubleClick.

Follow development of the plugin on


  • Full Ad Positions Page
  • Individual Ad Positions Page
  • Position Settings Page
  • Position Import Page


Install plugin

  1. Download Zip File
  2. Navigate to your website’s admin page:
  3. Go to Plugins, “Add New”
  4. At the top of the page, choose “Upload Plugin”
  5. Upload zip file and install now
  6. Activate plugin

Set Up Ad Network

  1. Visit and get your Account ID
    1. To find your Account ID, go to Settings. On the left sidebar, choose “Network Settings” and “All Network Settings”.
    2. Copy your “Network Code”. It should be an 8-digit integer for identifying your ad network.
  2. Visit the Ad Positions “Settings” in the WordPress Admin page.
  3. Add the DFP Network Code for Identifying the ad network for ad positions.


Submit your questions at


September 3, 2016
This plugin is Excellent…! meets what you want in DFP… congratulations developer
September 3, 2016
Thank you and well done! The plugin is exactly what DFP users needed! I have not completed the setup ref targeting so not tested in full but the plugin itself requires and deserves 100 stars!
September 3, 2016
This makes my life sooo much easier! I have now tested the plugin on two new sites for a few months, and it works well on pages, posts, and sidebars (I could not make it work in the header, though). I will now implement the plugin on a high-volume site (150,000 visitors/month). As I sell ads directly, DFP is business-critical for me. I do hope you will continue to develop this extremely useful plugin. Cheers, Walther
Read all 4 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“DFP Ad Manager” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • Adds DFP_CONCAT_SCRIPTS constant. Set as false to force the plugin to use un-minified scripts
  • Fixes array issue in javascript that would cause ads to not appear.
  • Improves build scripts
  • Adds Composer.lock file to force support for PHP 5.3 on all composer install
  • Various code quality improvements.


  • Bugfix – Widget not displays ad position correctly.
  • Enhancement – Various code quality improvements.


  • New – Adds option to turn off asynchronous loading.
  • Enhancement – Adds class dfp_ad_pos to ad tags.
  • Bugfix – Fixes shortcode issue where content would always appear at the top of the content area.


  • Bugfix- Ad CPT was overriding page meta. Fix implemented resets post data after use of WP_Query.


  • Fixes build


  • Bug fix


  • Fixed issue where settings were not being called.


  • Bug Fix: Added extra check to make sure plugin didn’t attempt to add other CPTs as ad positions.
  • Enhancement: Added linting and uglifying to JS. Now serving minified JS.
  • Enhancement: Updated directory structure
  • Enhancement: Updated Readme to include screenshots and more information.


  • Added functionality for importing DFP Ads
  • Added Travis CI Integration.
  • Added Composer
  • Begin Unit Testing
  • Added Code Coverage Reporting
  • Updated JS to make extensions easier
  • Added Asynchronous ad loading
  • Made plugin compatible with PHP 5.3


  • Initial Pre-Release