Category Buttons


Transform your online store with our simple plugin! The Category Buttons plugin makes it effortless to enhance your shop pages by adding custom category buttons. The user-friendly settings allow you to easily design and layout your buttons to match the style of your brand. With translations available in Slovak, Czech, and Hungarian, you can easily customize the shopping experience for your international customers!


  • adds product categories to your store
  • streamlines user experience by simplifying access to product categories
  • easy implementation with ‘[woocb]’ shortcode
  • highly customizable:
    • separate layout editing for desktop, tablet and mobile
    • custom titles and descriptions
    • custom colors and font sizes
  • integrates into WooCommerce
  • compatible with Elementor
  • supports all modern browsers

New Features in 2.0.0

  • New admin interface
  • Ability to create custom buttons for every category instead of creating product categories
  • New shortcode generator tab
  • New styling tab with more settings like hover effects
  • New Elementor widget
  • Contact us directly from the admin interface under the support tab
  • Fixed reported bugs

Get in touch!

We offer development and customization services tailored to your needs to take your online store to the next level. Get in touch with us at and let us help you create the perfect online shopping experience for your customers.
Upgrade your online store today with the Category Buttons plugin!



July 3, 2024
Perfektný plugin na jednoduché a účinné zobrazenie podkategórii. Dlho som hľadal niečo takéto. Tento plugin si ma získal svojou jednoduchosťou. Používam na svojich, ale aj klientskych weboch. Technická podpora je skvelá. Rýchlo a pohotovo reaguje na podnety, čo je super. Držím palce pri ďalšom vývoji a udržiavaní tohto skvelého pluginu.
October 24, 2023
Jednoducho zapnúť, prípadne doupravovať css. Plugin použiteľný. Po zapnutí sa tlačidlá zobrazia presne nad kategóriou, presne tak ako potrebujem hore nad produktami. Takže za mňa vyskúšané na troch témach a ok…
December 16, 2022
Přesně toto WooCommerce potřebuje. Váš obchod bude hned hezčí. 🙂
December 16, 2022
Skvělý plugin, který přesně plní co má. S nasazením jsem měl menší problém, ale podpora reagovala rychle a v podstatě hned vydala update, který chybu vyřešil. Tohle se jen tak nevidí. Moc díky
October 21, 2022
I use it almost 3 months without any issues. It has everything I need from great plugin – straightforward settings … I recommend.
Read all 5 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Category Buttons” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


“Category Buttons” has been translated into 2 locales. Thank you to the translators for their contributions.

Translate “Category Buttons” into your language.

Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.


– Added display images settings into shortcode generator

– New admin interface
– Ability to create custom buttons for every category
– New shortcode generator tab
– New styling tab with more settings like hover effects
– New Elementor widget
– Contact us directly from the admin interface under the support tab
– Fixed reported bugs

– Added Shortcode attribute (category attribute)
– Added new option to settings: Exclude categories by ID

– Bug fix – display shortcode when store display is turned off

– Bug fix – shortcode was displayed at the top of the page

– Fix PHP 8 Warning

– Fix PHP 8 Warning