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Booking Ultra Pro Appointments Booking Calendar Plugin

Booking Ultra Pro Appointments Booking Calendar Plugin


Booking Ultra Pro offers a great suite of features that will help you manage your online appointments 24/7 whether you are a large educational institution scheduling thousands of students or a massage therapists with a part-time practice.

Booking Ultra Pro is a WordPress appointment scheduling plugin that allows your customers to book appointments for your services directly from your website giving your customers a seamless booking experience. The unique 4 steps booking process will help you to attract new customers and generate repeat business from existing ones. All customer details are stored so you can run promotions and market directly to them.

Check out the Standard Appointments Form for more information!

Check out the Staff List Page.
Check out the Minimal Booking Form Layout.
Check out the Shopping Cart.

This Appointments Plugin for WordPress is an inspired scheduling plugin that puts the power of booking into your clients’ hands while giving yourself and your team individual accounts to manage your own services, calendars, rates, and much more. Whether your business is already booming or you’re trying to grow, this WordPress plugin can help you. With a variety of packages offered to fit your business’s needs, Booking Ultra Pro eliminates the hassle of personally scheduling clients and increases customer satisfaction by offering 24/7 online appointment booking right at their fingertips.

This plugin helps you to manage appointments by giving your staff members their own profile and access without giving them access to your WordPress Dashboard. This simplifies the appointment process and presents a good first impression to your clients. From the Staff Backend and Profile feature, your staff is able to manage breaks, holidays, schedules, their services, appointments, rates, public profile, and even the ability to connect to Google calendar. The best part? Booking Ultra Pro is easy to use and CUSTOMIZABLE, giving your employees supervised freedom. Customize your text and color, booking form layouts, hide or add staff, manage multiple locations, and your shopping cart!

In addition to the Staffing Backend and Profile, a variety of add-ons such as group booking functions, mobile payment options for clients, appointment notes, and much more are available to fit your needs. Plus, a clean, minimal theme will greet your customer’s and provide them with a functional, maintained environment to complete their bookings. They will also have the ability to use the shopping cart feature to purchase multiple services at once, making it just that much easier to increase business.

So, what makes Booking Ultra Pro the superior WordPress plugin?

Aside from a time and money saving service, Booking Ultra Pro offers you full support for any of your technical inquiries via our email service. This makes it easy for you to contact our team at any time. Plus, regular updates are offered. With customizable features and colors that are adaptable to any WordPress theme and optional add-ons for all your needs, we offer a product that can’t be beat. We strive to maintain a high level of customer satisfaction.

Plus, the Booking Ultra Pro plugin can be used for any and every type of services. Are you in big business? Maybe a lawyer or stock broker, Booking Ultra Pro is for you! Oh, you’re a doctor? That’s wonderful, and Booking Ultra Pro is for you! You own a Beauty Salon and want to make booking easier for your clients? BOOKING ULTRA PRO IS FOR YOU! Our packages give everyone just what they need.

Check out the demo site for more information!


Read the getting started documentation after you install the plugin to get started.

Self Service Bookings

Allow customers to view availability and book directly from your own website.

Instant Payment Processing

Easily accept online bookings and credit card payments for your bookings. You can use either PayPal or Stripe to process your payments.

Automate Billing & Invoices

Instantly send customers customizable receipts and booking invoices.

Key Features

  • PayPal Integration
  • Client Online Appointment
  • Admin Online Appointment
  • Appointment Payments
  • Reschedule Appointments
  • Custom Fields
  • Customizable Emails
  • Company Working Hours & Days
  • Staff Working Hours & Days
  • Time Slots
  • Padding Time (after and/or before)
  • Unlimited Services
  • Admin Calendar
  • You may also check and compare all the features

Reasons to upgrade?

  • Staff & Client Account With Front-End Profile
  • Google Calendar Integration
  • Powerful Booking Form Customizer
  • Shopping Cart
  • Stripe Integration
  • Advanced Admin Booking Panel
  • Unlimited Providers / Staff Members
  • Appointment Notes
  • Flexible Pricing – Example: First person $100, second person $85, third person $60
  • Appointment Payments
  • Multiple Appointment Forms
  • Terms & Conditions
  • MailChimp
  • AWeber
  • SMTP Email Sending
  • Mandrill Email
  • Multiple Locations. Yes, you can manage appointments for example from Salon 1, Salon 2 etc etc.
  • Group Bookings. Allow clients to book services for several persons at once.


🌐Our Plugins

If you like this plugin, consider exploring our other plugins:

⏱️ Quiz and Survey Master – Best WordPress Quiz Plugin to create engaging quizzes, surveys, & exams using WordPress and convert your website into a lead generating machine.

Responsive Menu – Best WordPress Menu Builder Plugin to create awesome and interactive mobile & desktop menus for WordPress websites.

📙 Projectopia – Project Management & Invoicing plugin for WordPress. Generate invoices, send quotes, generate leads, manage clients, provide support – all inside your WordPress website.

InstaWP – Launch a quick WordPress site with this sandbox service. Create New WordPress instance within a second.

🔒 Hide My WP – Hide your WordPress from bots, attackers & spammers. Hides all the known URLs, paths, plugins, themes which can reveal that you are using WP, also comes with an in-built firewall & trust network.

Ownership of this plugin has changed from UsersUltra to deetronix on 01 Jun 2023




  1. Upload booking-ultra-pro to the /wp-content/plugins/ directory
  2. Activate the plugin through the ‘Plugins’ menu in WordPress


Is there an online documentation?


Is the Staff Member allowed to manage their own appointments?

Yes, check this link Staff & Client Account with Front-End Profile

Do you offer free support?


Why I’m not Getting Emails from Your WordPress Site?

Please check this link

How To Allow Clients to Purchase Multiple Services on the Same Session?

This feature is available only on premium versions. It allows your clients to purchase multiple services from either the same or different providers on one session. They can pay for all the services in bulk. The Booking Ultra Pro Shopping Cart is great for gyms and spa, for example the client can purchase a yoga session for the next four weeks in different time and different providers.

Please check this link

Do you offer a PRO version?



August 22, 2022 1 reply
Once configured, it works pretty slick! We bought it but also got a refund after the register codes didn’t take and had to track down the owners to get money back. This really could have been a great plugin. we are still using it, but manually copy and pasting to google calendar.. until we find something as easy to use and has all the options.
January 6, 2022
From their email to us: Note: In the new management, Ultimate license is valid for 1 year (before it was life time). This is done to make sure the business continue to exist and we provide continous improvements. With that kind of support, how long do they really expect to exist?
January 4, 2022
As a free plug-in, this is great. As a paid plug-in, not sure. I decided that I wanted the advanced functionality and bought a lifetime license. Right off the bat, I had a question and submitted a support ticket. It has been two weeks and they have not even marked the ticket as read. I tried finding another way to contact the support person/team, but the only way is a ticket (and the ticket is not answered). As a free plug-in, this is fine, as a premium plug-in, just be sure you won’t have any questions. I don’t even see a way to refund this plug-in within the refundable window without being able to talk to someone. Perhaps my problem/question is really easy to answer, but I don’t know because of no response. Pro tip to all, don’t buy any plug-in without ample contact methods available. — Update Jan 2022. So, I never got any response from my support questions 6 months into having paid for the plug-in, but I did get an email from support because they were changing things. Apparently, I bought a LIFETIME license and they will only honor the LIFETIME license for 1 year. I paid excess money for a LIFETIME license, yet I am only getting a year. It would have more financial sense to have me only pay the 1 year fee. They totally just pocketed the extra money. I do not trust these people; I do no recommend you do either. It is not a safe idea to build your appointment based website off of a company that will not stick to it’s word.
June 30, 2021
I just purchased the unlimited license for this plugin to use on my clients’ websites and I have found it to be a great plugin. When I’ve contacted support, I got a response right away even before purchasing. The documentation is thorough – I was experiencing a display issue, but I found the solution in their documentation and it was super easy to fix. The plugin has a lot of features, and it has a nice front-end appearance that makes it easy for people to book appointments. After looking at a lot of the other options for booking appointments, this I felt was the best value in terms of cost and features. I seriously don’t get why it has so many bad reviews, it has worked fine in my initial tests with the free version, and the paid version I’ve found to be working so far without any issues.
June 1, 2021 1 reply
We were using Booking Ultra for many years (free version), after upgrading our site the support did not even reply how to transfer all old appointments. We bought also the pro version for 200 € and tried to set it up. In the Booking Ultra Pro version you have to add your domain to your account – also this was not possible. Support even didnt reply till now. In my Eyes this plugin should be removed from the Wordpress Plugins!!! 30 days money back guarantee ? also no reply… NO MONEY BACK! Do not buy this plugin! Also i will report this plugin now to the site!
Read all 230 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Booking Ultra Pro Appointments Booking Calendar Plugin” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.



1.1.13 (10-03-2023)

  • Fix – Security vulnerabilities Patched.
  • Fix – Send Email Notifications to Admin not working, fixed.
  • Fix – Custom Success Page Redirect/Redirect Cancellation link options not working for php 8 and above, fixed.
  • Fix – WordPress “site health” performance error w.r.t. session_start fixed.
  • Tested up to: 6.4.3

1.1.12 (05-12-2023)

  • Fix – Notifications settings was not updating, fixed.
  • Tested up to: 6.4.1

1.1.11 (21-10-2023)

  • Fix – security vulnerabilities Patched.

1.1.10 (18-09-2023)

  • Fix – security vulnerabilities Patched.
  • Bug- Setting not shaving properly, fixed.
  • Bug- Display of -1 post Booking completion fixed.

1.1.9 (31-07-2023)

  • Fix – CSRF, Broken Access Control and XSS vulnerabilities Patched.

1.1.8 (14-07-2023)
* Fix – rolled back the changes made in previous version , vulnerabilities patch impaired appointment booking from front end

1.1.7 (11-07-2023)
* Fix – CSRF vulnerabilities Patched.
* Improvement – client email ID and Phone number dispalyed in event calendar.

1.1.6 (06-07-2023)

  • Improvement – Code modified to handle and display larger appointment and payment records
  • Tested up to: 6.2.2

1.1.5 (29-06-2023)

  • Fix – new appointment manually created from the backend, the plugin does not block the timeslot in the frontend, for other customers not to book.issue fixed
  • Fix – All appointment not displayed in appointment submenu, fixed.

1.1.4 (08-09-2022)

  • Improvement – Sendinblue Integration
  • Improvement – Improve Documentation
  • Fix – Resove Error [bup_staff_list]

1.0.93 (09-20-2021)

  • Improvement – We have implemented some tweaks on teh coding.
  • Fix – Compatibility issues with thirparty themes.

1.0.92 (08-09-2021)

  • Improvement – Updates for WP 5.8

1.0.91 (06-22-2021)

  • Fix – Google Calendar Update.
  • Improvement – Licencing Issue.

1.0.90 (04-22-2021)

  • Fix – Deleting Staff Members Issue.

1.0.89 (04-20-2021)

  • Fix – Deleting Category Issue.
  • Fix – Deleting Subcategory.
  • Fix – Editing User.
  • Fix – Deleting User.
  • Improvement – Improvements for WP Version 5.7.

1.0.88 (02-07-2021)

  • Improvement – Month View Improvement.
  • Improvement – Filter by Location.
  • Improvement – Coding Improvement.

1.0.87 (01-29-2021)

  • Improvement – Main Calendar on Admin Improved. Month View Issue.
  • Improvement – Filters issue.

1.0.86 (01-08-2021)

  • Improvement – Improvement on coding.
  • Improvement – Implement of new Calendar on Main Page at Admin Dashboard
  • Improvement – New Filters on Admin Dashboard

1.0.85 (12-11-2020)

  • Improvement – Localization, the plugin was not prepared for localization. Now, with the major update you will be able to translate the plugin online, right here We had to change the textdomain, now it’s booking-ultra-pro. The translation files are in the languages folder, the prefix of the files MO and PO had changed to “booking-ultra-pro-“. This is a major change that might cause some issues with your current translations, however.. this can be resolved quikcly. Just make sure that your translation file has the mentioned prefix.
  • Improvement – class-phpmailer.php is deprecated since version 5.5.0! We have updated the coding.

1.0.84 (10-07-2020)

  • Improvement – PayPal IPN Update, please update ASAP

1.0.83 (09-29-2020)

  • Improvement – Important Updates PayPal payments issue. Update ASAP

1.0.82 (09-28-2020)

  • Improvement – Important Updates for new Version 5.5. Update ASAP
  • Improvement – Tweak on Staff Settings on the Admin section.

1.0.81 (09-24-2020)

  • Improvement – Important Updates for new Version 5.0. Update ASAP

1.0.80 (06-24-2020)

  • Improvement – Compatibily issues with new version of WP
  • Improvement – Code Improvement
  • Improvement – Improvement with new WP Editor

1.0.79 (11-10-2019)

  • Improvement – Compatibily issues with WP 5.3

1.0.78 (04-23-2019)

  • Improvement – Issue with Start time dropbox fixed.
  • New Feature – Private Services available only for admin.

1.0.77 (01-19-2019)

  • Improvement – WordPress 5.0 tweaks.

1.0.76 (11-20-2018)

  • Improvement – Important update on Google Calendar Feature. Full phone number with country prefix is displayed now.

1.0.75 (11-06-2018)

  • Improvement – New Module to clean up the database with inconsistent appointment details has been implemented.
  • Improvement – AWeber API integration update. Now. APP ID is not required anymore.
  • New Feature – Personal, Professional & Ultimate versions only. Option to change the background color of the user’s profile has been implemented on the staff tab.

1.0.74 (09-22-2018)

  • Improvement – CSS improvements.
  • Improvement – Issue with pending orders.

1.0.73 (09-14-2018)

  • Improvement – CSS improvements.
  • Improvement – Issue with pending orders.

1.0.72 (09-09-2018)

  • Improvement – SMS Feature improved. Now, the option to auto-detect the visitor’s location is optional. You can activate or deactivate the phone number prefix feature on BUP Settings.
  • Improvement – CSS styles improvement.
  • Improvement – Minor fixes issue.
  • Improvement – Authorize API update.

1.0.71 (06-26-2018)

  • Improvement – CSS styles conflict with third-party plugins. We’ve improved the checkout process.
  • Improvement – International cel number issue. Now, it’s displayed in the Google Calendar.

1.0.70 (04-10-2018)

  • New Feature – Personal, Professional & Ultimate versions only. Option to change more labels on the customizer.
  • New Feature – Personal, Professional & Ultimate versions only. SMS Reminders.
  • New Feature – Personal, Professional & Ultimate versions only. Change the Background color of the staff list. Check the tutorial
  • Improvement – CSS styles
  • Improvement – Date Picker JS conflict on custom fields
  • Improvement – Setting to remove the “Last name” from the booking form at the step 3.
  • Bug Fix – Issue with “1 time slot” translation.

1.0.69 (10-24-2017)

  • Improvement – IMPORTANT. Update the pluign ASAP, there was an issue with the cancellation link sending many emails. You have to update the plugin ASAP. We’re sorry about the two consecutive versions, we just try to offer a fast service when an issue is confirmed. Thank you for your understanding.