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BlockStrap Page Builder – Bootstrap Blocks

BlockStrap Page Builder – Bootstrap Blocks


BlockStrap Page Builder — Bootstrap Blocks gives you a selection of Bootstrap blocks that let you craft a whole site, including a header, footer, and even menus.

This plugin, combined with the BlockStrap theme, effortlessly turbocharges your website’s loading speed.

BlockStrap: The Ultimate BootStrap Page Builder for WordPress

Transform your WordPress website with BlockStrap, the ultimate page builder plugin that brings the power of the Bootstrap CSS framework to your fingertips.

Why Choose BlockStrap?

BlockStrap is not just a plugin; it’s a complete page builder that gives you the freedom to create any type of theme. It integrates seamlessly with the WordPress block editor, providing a wide range of fully customizable blocks that are easy to use.

Build Anything with BlockStrap

Whether you’re building a blog, a Directory, an e-commerce store, a portfolio, or a business website, BlockStrap has got you covered. With over 30+ unique blocks, you can create anything from stylish navigation bars and responsive image galleries to dynamic accordions and interactive maps.

BlockStrap Free Child Themes

  • Directory Theme – Built for our plugin GeoDirectory, this is the [best free WordPress directory theme] ( you will find on
  • Real Estate Theme – Designed specifically for our GeoDirectory plugin, this is the top free WordPress Real Estate theme available. When used alongside the free Real Estate Directory add-on , for GeoDirectory, it puts premium real estate themes to shame.
  • Job Board Theme Seamlessly integrated with GeoDirectory, this theme offers a robust platform for managing and showcasing job opportunities. Whether running a local job board or a large-scale employment site, the Job Board Theme ensures a professional look and smooth user experience.
  • School Child Theme Build a professional-looking educational website with the free School Child Theme for Blockstrap. Tailored for academic institutions, this theme provides a clean, user-friendly design that enhances the online presence of schools and educational programs. Fully compatible with the Blockstrap framework, the School Child Theme offers seamless functionality and a professional aesthetic to engage students, parents, and educators alike.

Many more BlockStrap Child themes are in the pipeline. We aim to release at least 1 per month.

Blockstrap Blocks

BS > Archive Actions

This block, perfect for blogs and news sites, allows you to add category selectors and sort options to archive pages.

BS > Archive Title

Display your archive titles stylishly and professionally.

BS > Breadcrumb

Improve your site navigation with this breadcrumb block.

BS > Button

Create stylish and responsive buttons that are highly customizable.

BS > Container

This block allows you to create responsive containers for your content. It also doubles as row, column and card blocks.

BS > Counter

Display numbers dynamically and engagingly with this counter block.

BS > Gallery

Showcase your images in a beautiful and responsive gallery.

BS > Heading

Create headings that stand out and match your theme.

BS > Icon Box

Add icons to your site with this easy-to-use block.

BS > Image

Display your images in a stylish and responsive manner.

BS > Map

Add interactive maps to your site with this block.

BS > Nav

Create a responsive navigation menu for your site.

BS > Nav Dropdown

Add dropdown menus to your navigation with this block.

BS > Nav Item

Add individual items to your navigation menu.

BS > Navbar

Create a stylish and responsive navigation bar.

BS > Navbar Brand

Display your brand/logo in your navigation bar with this block.

BS > Pagination

Improve your site navigation with this pagination block.

BS > Post Excerpt

Display post excerpts stylishly and engagingly.

BS > Post Info

Showcase your post info with this block, including author, dates, comments, reading time, etc.

BS > Post Title

Display your post titles stylishly and professionally.

BS > Search

Add a search function to your site with this block.

BS > Shape Divider

Add stylish dividers to your site with this block.

BS > Share

Make it easy for your visitors to share your content with this social share block.

BS > Skip Links

Improve your site accessibility with this skip links block.

BS > Tab

Create tabs for your content with this block.

BS > Tabs

Organize your content in a stylish and responsive tabs layout.

BS > Accordion

Display your content in a dynamic accordion layout.

BS > Accordion Item

Add individual items to your accordion with this block.

BS > Contact Form

Add a simple and easy contact form to your site with this block.

BS > Rating

Add star rating icons to your posts. (can also be used to output GeoDirectory post ratings)

BS > Scroll Top

Add a button to the page so users can scroll back to the top of the page easily.

BS > Modal

Add a modal (popup) to the page containing any content.

BS > Offcanvas

Add an Offcanvas element to the page containing any content.

Get BlockStrap Today!

Take your WordPress site to the next level with the BlockStrap plugin. Experience the power of Bootstrap in your WordPress block editor today!


  • Archive Actions.
  • Archive title.
  • Breadcrumbs.
  • Buttons.
  • Contact form.
  • Container multi-use block.
  • Image Gallery.


This plugin provides 32 blocks.

  • BS > Archive Actions
  • BS > Archive Title
  • BS > BS > Breadcrumb
  • BS > Button
  • BS > Container
  • BS > Counter
  • BS > Gallery
  • BS > Heading
  • BS > Icon Box
  • BS > Image
  • BS > Map
  • BS > Nav
  • BS > Nav Dropdown
  • BS > Nav Item
  • BS > Navbar
  • BS > Navbar Brand
  • BS > Pagination
  • BS > Post Excerpt
  • BS > Post Info
  • BS > Post Title
  • BS > Search
  • BS > Shape Divider
  • BS > Share
  • BS > Skip Links
  • BS > Tab
  • BS > Tabs
  • BS > Accordion
  • BS > Accordion Item
  • BS > Contact Form
  • BS > Rating
  • BS > Scroll Top
  • BS > Offcanvas


Minimum Requirements

  • WordPress 6.0 or greater
  • PHP version 5.6 or greater
  • MySQL version 5.0 or greater


The easiest option is automatic installation. To automatically install BlockStrap Page Builder Blocks, log in to your WordPress dashboard, navigate to the Plugins menu, and click Add New.

In the search field, type BlockStrap and click Search Plugins. Once you’ve found our plugin, install it by clicking Install Now.


The manual installation method involves downloading our Directory plugin and uploading it to your webserver via your favorite FTP application. The WordPress codex will tell you more here.


Automatic updates should work seamlessly. To avoid unforeseen problems, we always suggest backing up your website before any automated update.


February 9, 2024
So many blocks are available. Also, the various blocks are highly customizable, and blend well with WordPress editor.The support is real
Read all 1 review

Contributors & Developers

“BlockStrap Page Builder – Bootstrap Blocks” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.



0.1.22 – 2024-07-17

  • Templates updated to new block output standards for less broken blocks – CHANGED

0.1.21 – 2024-07-16

  • BS Container has undefined class if style ID not set – FIXED
  • JS error in rating block breaks modal functionality – FIXED
  • Changes to show GD post fallback images on GD post page – CHANGED


  • BS > Offcanvas block added for creating Offcanvas items – ADDED
  • Accordion block not setting parent ID which could break some advanced features – FIXED
  • Gallery block not setting uploaded images alt tag – FIXED
  • Modal and Offcanvas in footer not rendering shortcodes – FIXED


  • BS > Modal block added for creating popups – ADDED
  • Most blocks now show better previews – ADDED
  • Parent and allowedBlocks params added to some blocks to remove them from main list when they can only be nested – CHANGED
  • Some blocks such as Navbar will now auto add child element dummy data on insert for faster building – ADDED
  • Some blocks such as tabs were not working in editor with certain AyeCode UI setting – FIXED


  • Nav item can show class in name for UWP login in/out – FIXED
  • Accordion block now has option to enable FAQ Schema – ADDED
  • New BS > Scroll Top block for scrolling the page back to the top – NEW/ADDED
  • BS > Post Title will now dynamically change h tag if inside GD Loop – ADDED
  • BD > Post Title link color not showing correct color when set – FIXED
  • BS > Share block current URl function improved – CHANGED
  • BS > Share block will use new twitter X logo if current Font Awesome version supports it – CHANGED
  • BS > Container block background as featured image will now USE GD location, category and CPT images when available – ADDED
  • BS > Container block background in editor will now use inline SVG image instead of URL for better template compatibility – CHANGED


  • Better block auto-recovery to auto recover blocks – UPDATED


  • Better block auto-recovery to auto recover blocks – UPDATED


  • Gallery images dummy data CDN url updated – CHANGED
  • Block Rename now supported – ADDED
  • SD + AUI Packages updated to latest – UPDATED


  • BS > Nav inline script move to wp_add_inline_script() call – CHANGED
  • BS > Button added link attributes options – ADDED


  • BS > Rating block added to output rating stars, general use or for GeoDirectory – ADDED


  • WP 6.3 breaks AUI query loop columns selection – FIXED
  • Visibility conditions is not working for tab action link – FIXED
  • Contact form block modal moved to footer to avoid z-index issues – CHANGED
  • Missing composer files could cause fatal error – FIXED


  • BS > Gallery working when image don’t have different sizes – FIXED
  • Button gets display options – ADDED
  • 1-2-2 Gallery layout missing closing div if only 2 or 3 images – FIXED


  • Button block can now use GD meta as value – ADDED
  • SD and AUI updated to latest – UPDATED


  • Title and Heading blocks now have more border controls – ADDED
  • Super Duper lib updated – UPDATED


  • Gallery block in 1-2-5 layout could skip closing divs – FIXED


  • post info block Deprecated: Optional parameter notice – FIXED
  • Several minor block improvements – ADDED
  • Gallery block in 1-2-5 layout could skip last image – FIXED
  • BS > Contact form, block added for simple contact forms – ADDED
  • New option added in BS > Button and BS > Nav item to be able to open BS > Contact form lightboxes – ADDED
  • Footer and menu items updated for new block argument – UPDATED


  • Map block Google address input not showing as default value wrong – FIXED
  • Pre and Code blocks can break if PHP opening tag used – FIXED
  • WP 6.2.2 causes closing shortcodes to show – FIXED


  • New Accordion block added – ADDED
  • WP 6.2 apply globally feature disabled until they add a way for devs to remove per block – CHANGED
  • Image block, new alt setting – ADDED
  • Image block, new lazy load setting – ADDED
  • Image block, new setting to remove icon on link hover – ADDED
  • Block visibility feature added for some blocks – ADDED


  • Button block hover styling not working – FIXED
  • Breadcrumb block – ADDED
  • Share block – ADDED
  • Post excerpt block – ADDED
  • Post info block (for meta details) – ADDED
  • Several changes and improvements to other blocks for BS5 option – CHANGED
  • Added option to remove archive title prefix in BS > Archive title block – ADDED
  • Added spacer and log in/out options to BS > Nav item block – ADDED
  • Default to Bootstrap v5 – ADDED


  • First release – RELEASE


  • Added index.php files to main directories for better security – ADDED
  • Updated Bootstrap to latest v4 (4.6.2) – UPDATED


  • First public release – RELEASE

Resources used to build this plugin

  • Image for image block placeholder ( block-image-placeholder.jpg ), Copyright PxHere
    License: CC0 Public Domain

  • Logo used for nav logo placeholder ( Blockstrap.png & Blockstrap-white.png ), Copyright AyeCode Ltd
    License: CC0 Public Domain
    Source: Created and licensed by AyeCode Ltd (plugin creator)

  • Illustration used in home block pattern ( placeholder-home.png ), Copyright AyeCode Ltd
    License: CC0 Public Domain
    Source: Created and licensed by AyeCode Ltd (plugin creator)

  • Social icons used in Illustration in home block pattern, Copyright Font Awesome (Fonticons, Inc.)
    License: CC BY 4.0 License

  • Shape divider block shape options ( /assets/shapes/* ), Copyright Elementor
    License: GPL v3

  • Image block mask options ( /assets/masks/ circle, flower, sketch, triangle ), Copyright Elementor
    License: GPL v3

  • Image block mask options ( /assets/masks/ blob1, blob2, blob3, rounded, hexagon ), Copyright Kadence blocks
    License: GPL v2