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Wbcom Designs – Birthday Widget for BuddyPress

Wbcom Designs – Birthday Widget for BuddyPress


Know the upcoming birthdays of the site’s members. Wish them and make their day special. A little effort to greet the members of the site on their special day to keep up the saying “community that celebrates together stays together”. The plugin will also provide an essential ability to the admin whether he wants to show the member’s age or not.


May 13, 2024
Since it is not obvious, first you must add a custom date field to user profiles, and only then go to set up the widget…
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Contributors & Developers

“Wbcom Designs – Birthday Widget for BuddyPress” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • Fix: (#56) Compatibility with BuddyPress v12
  • Managed: Extra space in birthday widget
  • Fix: Fixed monthly date range did not display upcoming bdays
  • Managed: Widget code improvement
  • Fix: Fixed WordPress Coding Standards
  • Update: Date function update in monthly limit
  • Fix: Compatibility with BuddyPress v12
  • Update: Monthly limit code update in widget
  • Fix: Fixed birthday display issue from the january, not from the current month


  • Fix: (#45) Fixed missing string


  • Fix: (#45) Fixed send my wishes add tooltip for message icon


  • Fix: (#39)Fixed birthday is not showing on its day
  • Fix: (#39)Fixed birthday is not shown with weekly and monthly filter


  • Fix: (#39) Fixed age/anniversary display issue


  • Fix: (#34) Fixed mail box icon issue for logout user
  • Fix: (#38) Added message if not any single user has update their birthday
  • Fix: (#35) Added wp timezone to display members birthday


  • Fix: Fixed php fatal error
  • Fix: Added widget option show brithdays of followings or friends


  • Fix: (#21)Fixed show birthdays to only connections
  • Fix: Fixed text domain error
  • Fix: Fixed escaping function error


  • Fix: #18 – birthday date translation
  • Fix: (#16) Update php code structure and css file


  • New Feature: (#13) Option added for display username,nicename and first name
  • Fix: (#14) Fixced PHPCS issue


  • Fix: PHPCS fixes
  • Fix: (#12) Added buddypress xprofile custom field types support
  • Fix: (#11) Fixed php notices with one community theme
  • Fix: (#1) Fixed not compatible with varuna theme
  • Fix: (#4) Fixed PHP notices and warnings on widget form
  • Fix: (#8) Display widget if birthday available


  • Fix: Fixed language issue.


  • Fix: Default option and widget Title fixed


  • Initial Release