This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Beacon Lead Magnets and Lead Capture


Beacon helps you to create professional lead magnets, publish those lead magnets on your website and convert more traffic into leads.

With the Beacon WordPress plugin you can automatically convert blog posts into your lead magnet format of choice.

Lead magnets can help to:

  • Increase conversion rate
  • Reduce cost per lead
  • Improve lead nurturing

Note: requires a free account available from
Note: we do not currently support WordPress Multisite or the Thrive Content Builder

Plugin Features

  • Convert WordPress posts
  • Convert WordPress pages
  • Search for specific articles
  • Filter by tag
  • Filter by category

Beacon Lead Magnet Features

  • Dozens of customisable lead magnet templates
  • Create your own reusable templates
  • Choose from multiple lead magnet formats (eBook, Checklist, Workbook etc)
  • Automatically generated table of contents
  • PDF Download
  • Smart PDF version
  • 3d cover image generation

Need help?

Checkout out our knowledge base:


  • Creating an eBook is a simple matter of selecting which posts you wish to include.
  • Choose from a variety of formats.
  • Import additional content.
  • Browse our impressive range of themes.
  • Edit and customize using our intuitive drag and drop editor.
  • Publish to the web, PDF or employ a number of lead capture variations.


This section describes how to install the plugin and get it working.

  1. Select the ‘Plugins’ option from the sidebar in your WordPress Dashboard
  2. Click the ‘Add New’ Button at the top of the plugins page
  3. Type ‘Beacon eBooks’ into the search field
  4. Click ‘Install’ in the ‘Beacon Plugin’ box


June 28, 2024 1 reply
I create eBooks as lead magnets for my creates stylish outputs that I don’t have to futz with to get a great output.Customer service is also outstanding.
July 4, 2024 1 reply
I’ve been looking for a document library for a WordPress website that I manage, that has document sub sections / headings as well as being able to searched across all sub sections. I came across Beacon document library (and more) which provides all the facilities that I was looking for. I can upload all the document I want and then identify which sub section / group I want them to be in. It’s easy to use and the support is fantastic. Once you have loaded all your documents and highlighted which group they are in, you get a html code to add to your WordPress page and that’s it – job done. Keep up the good work and the 1st class support. I got stuck a few times setting up the document database and asked for help from the support team (Anton Dique). They have been very supportive and even created some videos for me to show me how to resolve the problems I experienced (due to lack of knowledge on my part). They have been absolutely first class with their support. My document database is now fully up and running and is better than expected. Thanks again for you support during my learning process. Siggi One 2 One PC Support
April 26, 2024 1 reply
I’ve been using to create lead magnets, resource libraries, and video lookbooks, and I’m thoroughly impressed with both the platform and their customer support. Recently, I encountered an issue while trying to connect my Google Drive to Beacon for a resource library. Anton from the Beacon support team was instrumental in helping me troubleshoot and resolve the problem efficiently. His expertise and prompt response not only fixed my issue but also reinforced my confidence in their service. Beacon isn’t just a powerful tool for lead generation; their customer support is truly outstanding. If you’re looking for a reliable and user-friendly platform to enhance your digital marketing efforts, is definitely worth considering!
March 31, 2024 1 reply
Now I’m leaving this review for what I know: and I know Beacon, not so much for its wp plugin, but for its power at creating fast, easy-to-consume, printable, and trackable “Smart PDFs.” I’ve used it for at least 5 years to build lead magnets of various sorts (e.g. workbooks, resource guides, checklists). After using it for a few projects, it gets under your fingers and you can fly with it. Probably my top two favorite features are 1) the ability to pixel traffic (and send a custom event to GA4 “lead_magnet”) and 2) It’s SO NICE to NOT have to go through a dozen steps when you want to fix a typo or even make a bigger change to your PDF. Instead of saving a new version, exporting, uploading to the server, potentially needing to regenerate new URLs, breaking all existing URLs to your guide… instead of all that, open Beacon, edit, click save. Done. That alone has saved me days or weeks in accumulated time.
March 28, 2024 1 reply
Beacon has been a time-saver for me for several years now and I love that my lead magnates are all housed in one place.
Read all 18 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Beacon Lead Magnets and Lead Capture” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.




  • First release!


  • Search function for create ebook now copes better with very large sets of posts
  • Adds icons and header images for plugin directory


  • Embed iframe clears surrounding content to prevent possible overlaps
  • Updates embed to allow for scrolling within iframe
  • Fixes conflict with some php installations when SELF is used rather than self


  • Updates for compatibility with WordPress 4.5
  • Manual connect / disconnect feature
  • Add filter by tag and export Featured Image


  • Button links based on admin_url and typo fix
  • Includes note about not supporting multisite
  • Updates Youtube video on plugin homepage


  • Include pages as well as posts
  • Low memory mode depending on number of posts and available RAM


  • Small bug fix that prevented a minority of users from Creating an eBook


  • Adjust position of create button to prevent getting hidden in safari when there are a lot of plugin notices


  • Bug fix: Filter by category not always working


  • Safari specific bug fix: Removes fixed positioning on Create button


  • Allows max posts to be set by $_REQUEST[‘show’]


  • Compatibility check with WordPress v4.6
  • Updates copy; replaces references to eBook/ content upgrade with lead magnet


  • Loads posts incrementally so plugin works on sites with limited memory or a large number of posts


  • Retries post load on error after short delay. Displays error message after 3 failed attemtps


  • Compatibility check with WordPress version 4.7


  • Compatibility check with WordPress version 4.7.5
  • Display error on too many posts to process


  • Compatibility check with WordPress version 4.9.8


  • Includes post title with post_content by default


  • Small PHP7.2 compatibility fix


  • Updated explanatory text


  • Updated explanatory text and graphics


  • Remove unused feature where Lead Magnets in account are listed


  • Update icons and graphics


  • Updates for connecting to blogs via SSL


  • Compatibility update for WordPress version 5.5


  • Compatibility update for WordPress version 5.7
  • Orders posts most recent first


  • Compatibility update for WordPress version 5.9


  • Compatibility update for WordPress version 5.9.3
  • Only loads css and js on relevant plugin page


  • Compatibility fix for php8+
  • Compatibility update for WordPress version 6.0.2


  • Compatibility update for WordPress version 6.3