This plugin hasn’t been tested with the latest 3 major releases of WordPress. It may no longer be maintained or supported and may have compatibility issues when used with more recent versions of WordPress.

Astratic Blocks


Do more with fewer tools. Boost your WordPress Editor experience.

Do more with fewer tools. Use Page Sections Mockups to create mockups right within the WordPress Block Editor. Design and implement websites within the standard WordPress editor: starting from mockups to designs, to implementation, to a successful launch.

Astratic Blocks plugin provides a library of patterns crafted with default Gutenberg blocks, with the addition of smart custom blocks to take make your website responsive, and a few other custom blocks so you don’t need to write a single line of code.

Expertly crafted

We were building WordPress websites for clients from all around the world since 2009. That is why we know the pain of using the wrong tools, tools that are overcomplicated, tools that are excellent and shiny on the surface, but not bringing the actual value in your daily work.


In current version of the plugin you will find 21 well thought Page Sections mockups in categories like:
– Hero Section
– Features Section
– Call To Action
– Pricing
– Header Sections
– Testimonials
– Rich Content
– Blog / News
– Team Sections
– Gallery
– Clients Showcase


  • Responsive Spacer lets you customize spacer height for mobile, tablet and desktop devices
  • Copyright Footer Info displays copyright information in your website’s footer
  • Notice


  • New set of Page Sections mockups
  • Full Page Templates and Layouts
  • More smart custom blocks to make your work easier and more efficient


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Source files

You can find plugin’s source files on our GitHub repo page.


This plugin provides 3 blocks.

  • Astratic: Copyright
  • Astratic: Responsive Spacer
  • Astratic: Notice


November 8, 2022
This plugin has very useful patterns, I was creating a landing page for my next product, and it took me less than an hour to create the whole thing. I highly recommend it 💪
November 7, 2022
Simple set of patterns with all you need to build a typical landing page fast, it’s very useful and not overloaded with too many functions.
Read all 2 reviews

Contributors & Developers

“Astratic Blocks” is open source software. The following people have contributed to this plugin.


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Interested in development?

Browse the code, check out the SVN repository, or subscribe to the development log by RSS.



  • Split frontend and admin area scripts into separate files


  • Changed the block “Astratic: Notice” behavior with 0 days option selected.


  • Change the minimum WordPress version


This release implements a new version of patterns. Following patterns have been added:
* Blog Section: Three Columns mockup
* Clients Section: Simple mockup
* Clients Section: Two Columns mockup
* Content Section: With Photo On Left mockup
* Content Section: With Photo On Right mockup
* Content Section: Two Columns mockup
* CTA Section: Centered mockup
* CTA Section: Simple Centered mockup
* CTA Section: Simple mockup
* FAQ Section: Simple mockup
* FAQ Section: Two Columns mockup
* Features Section: Three Columns mockup
* Gallery Section: Two Columns Grid mockup
* Header Section: Centered mockup
* Header Section: Simple mockup
* Hero Section: Simple Centered mockup
* Hero Section: With Right Image mockup
* Pricing Section: Three Columns With Background mockup
* Pricing Section: Three Columns Cards mockup
* Pricing Section: Three Columns mockup
* Team Section: Three Columns mockup
* Testimonials Section: Centered mockup
* Testimonials Section: Three Columns mockup
New blocks are introduced:
* Notice Block
* Copyright Block


  • Fix problem with Astratic: Hero Pattern
  • Fix problem with Astratic: Image & Content (left)
  • Fix problem with Astratic: Image & Content (right)
  • Fix problem with Astratic: Astratic: Image & CTA (left)
  • Fix problem with Astratic: Image & CTA (right)
  • Fix problem with Astratic: Media & Text
  • Fix problem with Astratic: Video Presentation


  • Add custom Block Patterns


  • Add custom Block Patterns
  • Fix problem with CSS on frontend


  • Updated readme files


  • Removed redundant basic block implementation


  • Implemented the Pattern Parser


  • Changed the code structure, implemented small fixes and modifications


  • Working version of Astratic Blocks plugin